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Inaugural Ceremony

Barry H. Dunn

The 20th President of South Dakota State University

Inaugural Ceremony

Sept. 29, 2016

3 p.m. - Coolidge Sylvan Theatre 


Dr. Michael G. Rush, Executive Director, South Dakota Board of Regents, presiding

Pre Ceremony Music

Dr. Mary Walker, instructor of piano

Pre Ceremony Concert

Fanfare, march, and celebration, Jim Coull

Americans we, Henry Fillmore

South Dakota State College March, Karl King

The South Dakota State University symphonic band directed by Dr. Jacob Wallace


Music for a Ceremony, John J. Morrissey

The South Dakota State University symphonic band

*The Star-Spangled Banner

South Dakota State University symphonic band and concert choir



Mr. Herb Wounded Head III


Greetings and welcome from the South Dakota Board of Regents

The Honorable Michael G. Rush, executive director


Greetings from the Governor

Dr. Nathan Sanderson, representing Governor Dennis Daugaard’s office


Greetings from the Nation

The Honorable Kristi Noem, United States House of Representatives

Mr. Mark Johnston, representing U.S. Senator M. Michael Rounds

Mr. Jon Lauck, representing U.S. Senator John Thune


Greetings from South Dakota Legislature

The Honorable Scott Munsterman, representing the South Dakota House of Representatives

The Honorable Larry Tidemann, representing the South Dakota Senate


Greetings from the City of Brookings

The Honorable Tim Reed


Greetings from the Higher Education Community

Land Grant and Public Research Universities: Mr. Peter McPherson, president, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities

South Dakota Private Colleges: Dr. Rob Olivier, president, Augustana University

The Tribal Colleges and Universities:  Dr. Lionel Bordeaux, president, Sinte Gleska University

South Dakota Regental Universities: Dr. José-Marie Griffiths, president, Dakota State University


Choral Selection

My Spirit Sang all day, Gerald Finzi

Concert Choir, Directed by Dr. Laura Diddle


Greetings from the University Community

Retired Faculty: Dr. Mylo Hellickson, professor emeritus

Administration: Dr. Mary Kay Helling, associate vice president for academic affairs

Faculty Senate President: Dr. Meredith Redlin, professor of sociology and rural studies

Civil Service Advisory Council Chair: Ms. Sally Krueger, Department of Physics senior secretary

Professional Staff Advisory Council Chair: Shawn Helmbolt, assistant director of Admissions

Students’ Association President: Allyson Helms

The South Dakota State University Alumni Association Vice Chair:  Mr. Ryan Brunner

The South Dakota State University Foundation President:  Ms. Kim Tyler



The Honorable Randy Schaefer, President, South Dakota Board of regents

Assisted by Peggy Gordon Miller, president emerita and Carol J. Peterson, provost and vice president emerita


Introduction of President Barry H. Dunn

Dr. Robert Thaler, professor of animal science


Inaugural Acceptance

Barry H. Dunn, president, South Dakota State University


*Alma Mater – The Yellow and Blue

The concert choir director by Dr. Laura diddle



Sine Nomine, Ralph Vaughan Williams

The South Dakota State University symphonic band


*The audience will please stand


An Inaugural celebration will be held after the ceremony at the Dana J. Dykhouse football stadium.


(speakers and event order still subject to change)