The internship track offers a myriad of opportunities for cadets who seek additional training in specialized areas such as scientific application, engineering, nursing, medicine, intelligence, cultural awareness and language proficiency. The internship types, locations and allocations change significantly from year to year. Cadet Command is significantly increasing overseas opportunities focused on cultural awareness and language proficiency.

These programs are meant primarily for MSII and MSIII Cadets. See below for more information on each program. In some cases an MSI Cadet can request an exception to this policy.

Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)

Cadets with an academic major of nursing are the only cadets eligible to apply for this program. Cadets are assigned to Army Medical Facilities both in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS) including Europe and Asia. NSTP provides nursing cadets with opportunities to develop and practice leadership in a clinical environment.

Cadets work side-by-side with an Army Nurse Corps Officer preceptor. To qualify, cadets must submit an application packet through their PMS and the Brigade Nurse counselor to the Cadet Command Chief Nurse. Cadets applying for this program must be certified in Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) and certification may not expire prior to the completion of NSTP training.

Apply now for an NSTP internship - deadline December 12 to Nurse Counselor

Historically, apprenticeships are available at these locations:

  • Brook Army Medical Center (BAMC) San Antonio, Texas
  • Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC)
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Darnall Army Community Hospital Ft. Hood, Texas
  • Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC)Washington, D.C.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center
  • Ft. Gordon, Georgia
  • William Beaumont Army Medical Center
  • (BAMC) El Paso, Texas
  • Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Landstuhl (LRMC), Germany
  • Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC)
  • Ft. Bragg, North Carolina
  • Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC)
  • Ft. Lewis, Washington
Public Affairs Office Internship Programs (PAOIP)

Cadets serve as an advanced trainee in public affairs receiving on-the-job training. Assignments are designed to provide experience and knowledge that will develop the incumbent for public affairs work at a higher level.

Cadets interview and confer with functional experts and project specialists to obtain background data and information for use in writing assigned articles and stories for the Hawaii Army Weekly and for release to local, regional and national news media.

Cadets organize, write and edit material to be used in news releases on routine events of non-controversial subjects for the news media. Cadets also suggest topics for stories and features for the Hawaii Army Weekly. Cadets have an opportunity to plan page layouts and select photographs and other illustrative material to attract readers. As competence in work increases, assignments advance in scope and complexity.

Location: Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

Army Science Board Internship Program (ASBIP)

The Army Science Board is a Federal Advisory Committee organized under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. It is the Department of the Army senior scientific advisory body chartered in 1977 to replace the Army Scientific Advisory Panel.

The ASB advises and makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Army, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) (ASA(ALT)), the Army Staff and major Army commanders on scientific and technological matters of concern to the Army. The Secretary of the Army delegates oversight authority to the ASA(ALT), who functions as the ASB Director.

The Army Science Board, working with the U.S. Army Cadet Command, has established an internship program to offer research, practical experimental work and leadership experience to ROTC cadets.

The ASBIP is a three-phase internship.

  1. Plenary Phase - Normally held each year in early spring in Northern Virginia (two to four days).
  2. Report Writing Phase - Held at the Beckman Center, Irvine, California (two weeks).
  3. Panel Reports Phase - Washington, D.C. (two weeks).
  • Enrollment in any science academic major.
  • Display an interest in research and development or science and technology.
  • Maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
  • Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
  • Routinely operate Microsoft Office and the internet.
  • Possess an approved security clearance in the level of secret or higher or interim secret clearance at the time of application submission.
Engineering Internship Program

Engineering internships are hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Directorates of Public Works at select Army installations. Cadets assigned to this internship will work exclusively in an engineering capacity and under the direct supervision of an engineer. The majority of the engineering internships are not co-located on a military installation.


Engineering internships are located across the U.S. and at overseas locations with the USACE.


  • Enrolled in Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Mechanical or Structural Engineering.
  • Have a desire to branch into the Engineers (EN) and pursue becoming a part of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
  • MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as exceptions to policy.
Health Facilities Planning Agency Internship Program (HFPAIP)

The HFPAIP provides the cadet with experience in intensive project management of the medical/research aspects of various medical and research projects throughout the world. This internship requires the cadet to analyze health-care facility requirements in relationship to the AMEDD Health Facility Life Cycle Management process to determine the most economical facility solution. 

The cadet coordinates with Medical/Dental Treatment, Veterinary or Research Facilities, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Army Directorate of Public Works, architect/engineering firms and other activities and contractors to ensure the facility will meet required standards and objectives. Cadets work under the supervision and direction of the chief, project integration branch.

Cadets selected for this internship must meet the general internship prerequisites and specific requirements for each internship position.

Historically, internships have been available at these locations: Ft. Wainwright, Alaska; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Washington, D.C.; Korea; Falls Church, Virginia.


  • Enrollment in any one of the following major areas of study: Any of the Engineering fields (Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, etc. or architecture).
  • Have an interest in any one of the following areas: Health Facilities Planning, Construction, Design, Planning and Programming, Project Integration.
  • Have a desire to be commissioned to the AMEDD.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
National Ground Intelligence Center Internship Program (NGICIP)

This internship is sponsored by the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Internships are in the field of computer science, computer engineering, information gathering or data mining and in selected languages.

Cadets assigned to this internship will work exclusively in a Military Intelligence (MI) environment and under the direct supervision of MI personnel. Cadets with existing Top Secret/SCI clearances are highly encouraged to apply for this internship.


  • Enrollment in: foreign language, information gathering or data mining (i.e. library science), computer science, computer or electrical engineering academic field of study. Cadets who possess linguistics competency as a result of the language being their primary language, the academic major requirement in that language is waived.
  • GPA 3.0 or better in academic major.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission. Packet is incomplete if this prerequisite is not met. Cadets with existing Top Secret/SCI clearances are highly encouraged to apply for this internship.
  • For linguists, a letter from language department professor attesting to cadet's conversational and translation skills in designated language 
Research Internship Program (RIP)

This internship is not sponsored by a specific agency. Rather, this program places cadets in internships with the Army's research and development labs across the country. All MSL III cadets in research or technical programs are encouraged to apply or an internship.


  • Enrollment in a science, computer or engineering program.
  • GPA 3.0 or better in academic major.
  • Meet current APFT and height/weight standards.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission. Packet is incomplete if this prerequisite is not met. Cadets with existing Top Secret/SCI clearances are highly encouraged to apply for this internship.
Specialized Internships

Specialized internships will be arranged on an individual basis. Cadets may request this internship only if their degree is not currently covered by one of the regular internship programs or there is a specific internship requirement for degree completion.

In some cases, special arrangements can be accommodated with in a regular internship to meet the cadet's academic need. Specialized internships must be requested via the cadet's chain of command only.


  • GPA 3.0 or better in academic major.
  • Meet APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and throughout the internship.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • Meet any special requirement generated by the type of internship (e.g. TS clearance, CPR certification, meets specific fitness standards other than the APFT, hold a specific rating on a language proficiency level evaluation, etc.).
Central Identification Laboratory Internship Program (CILIP)

The Central Identification Laboratory Internship Program (CILIP) is hosted by the US Army Central Identification Laboratory (USACIL) located on Hickham Air Force Base, Hawaii. The USACIL is a DOD agency responsible for conducting worldwide Prisoner of War (POW) and Missing In Action (MIA) search and recovery missions.

Personnel assigned to this organization travel throughout the year to various countries (ranging from North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Kwajalein atoll and Vietnam) in search of fallen Americans resulting from overseas conflicts overseas.

Cadets assigned to this internship will work exclusively and under the direct supervision of an active duty officer, who is branched qualified in Quarter Master. Cadets will travel with a specialized POW/MIA team to the Republic of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam or Papua New Guinea to conduct a scientific excavation (recovery) of selected sites which are believed to hold the remains of missing US personnel. Supervisor may be at senior O-3 (USA, USN, USMC or USAF) and an anthropologist.

Special Instructions

Cadets must bring the following items:

  • Military identification card
  • Military identification tags
  • Assignment orders (5 copies)
  • Dental records
  • Medical records
  • Immunization records

The daily work uniform for the cadet is rugged civilian clothing (i.e. Blue Jeans and light weight shirt). However, cadet must bring BDUs and Class B uniforms. Cadets will be issued TA-50 when reporting to CILIP. Upon completion of NALC cadet is to ship all TA-50 back to school of record.

Upon approval of internship application, the Cadet's PMS or training officer must contact the sponsor as soon as possible to ensure that the cadet has the appropriate shots, passport and visa to enter the country designated for excavation mission.


  • Enrolled in one of the following academic majors and academic major codes: Forensic Science (ECF), Archeology (EAA), Mortuary Science (ETX) or Anthropology (EAX).
  • GPA 3.0 or better in academic major.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission. Packet is incomplete if this prerequisite is not met.
Army Medical Department Internship Program (AMEDDIP)

The Office of the Army Surgeon General sponsors the program. Cadets are assigned to Medical Department Activities (MEDDAC) and Medical Centers (MEDCEN). The purpose is to offer a cadet insight into the Army Medical Facilities and exposure to leadership in the medical arena. Cadets are assigned to a preceptor and work under their direct supervision and direction of an AMEDD officer.


Cadets in the AMEDDIP may serve at locations within the continental United States (CONUS) or outside the continental United States (OCONUS). CONUS locations include, but are not limited to: Ft. Benning, Georgia; Ft. Bliss, Texas; Ft. Eustis, Virginia; Ft. Leavenworth; Ft. Lewis, Washington; Ft. Sam Houston, Texas and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Maryland. OCONUS Locations include, but are not limited to: Tripler Army Medical Center and Wurzburg, Germany.

Locations and positions available change annually.

Target Population

Cadets pursuing academic majors in: audiology, clinical lab, dietetics, environmental science, laboratory, nutrition care, occupational therapy, optometry, pathology, pharmacy, physical therapy, pre-dental, pre-optometry, preventive medicine, psychology, social work, toxicology and veterinary medicine may apply for this internship. Other specialty areas may be available.


  • Cadets with a nursing academic major are not authorized to apply for this internship.
  • Enrolled in an academic major that matches the specific type of internship.
  • Have a desire to be commissioned to the Army Medical Department (AMEDD).
  • MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • GPA of 2.5 or better in academic major.
Judge Advocate General Internship Program (JAGIP)
  • GPA 3.0 or better in academic major consistent with entry into the academic delay program (e.g. Pre- law, criminal justice, political science, etc).
  • Meet current APFT and height/weight standards.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • Enrolled in public affairs or marketing degree.
Cadet Internship Program (CIP)

The CIP program consists of internships with Headquarters, Department of the Army staff agencies located in the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia. Cadets applying for these internships must be pursuing an academic major in staff areas listed below.

  • Financial management
  • Human resource management
  • Conservation
  • Public affairs (community relations and outreach)
  • Computer science
  • Historical preservation
  • Business management
  • Logistics
  • Pre-law
  • Public affairs (media relations)
  • Public affairs (communications)


  • Enrolled in an academic major that is aligned with the type of internship. MS III cadets have priority. However, MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
  • GPA 2.5 or better in academic major.
  • Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission. Packet is incomplete if this prerequisite is not met.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Internship Program (LLNLIP)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory operated by the University of California. While LLNL was founded in September 1952 to promote innovation in the design of our nation's nuclear stockpile through creative science and engineering, LLNL has also become one of the world's premier scientific centers.

Cutting-edge science and engineering in the interest of national security is used to break new ground in other areas of national importance, including energy, biomedicine and environmental science. This opportunity is an individually supervised research and study program conducted at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).

It is designed to provide students a hands-on experience with advanced technologies and techniques and to increase ones awareness of LLNL's stockpile stewardship mission while supporting DoD and a multitude of military projects.

The LLNLIP is located in Livermore, California, approximately one hour east of San Francisco and a short drive to Oakland and Berkeley.

Military Academic Research Associate Internship (MARA) for Army ROTC Cadets is the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Internship Program. This experience is designed to enhance the ROTC cadet's experience and the opportunity to participate in on-going collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams pursuing scientific and technical solutions to some of our nation's most challenging problems, many of which address areas critical to national defense.


Summer – appointments usually range from four to twelve weeks (Mid-May to August).


In addition to the assignment, electronic portfolio, oral presentation to technical peer group, and briefings and tours on DOD/military research.


Engineering (Systems, Mechanical, Electrical, Astro, Aeronautical, Chemical), Physic, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental, Computations, Biology, Lasers, Material Science, Energy, Political Science and Economics.

Eligibility criteria

  • MS IV and V cadets (graduating Dec or enrolled in graduate program) and MS III cadets.
  • Minimum 3.0 and preferred 3.5+, U.S. citizenship.

Application process

Submit application no later than Jan. 15 for the widest consideration.

Note: Cadet Command approval is required before a final selection is made. However, you can begin the application process before having this approval. Receipt of your e-mail and approval/disapproval decision will be provided to you electronically.

Chaplainry Internship Program (CHIP)

The Chaplainry Internship Program (CHIP) is for MSL IIIs interested in pursuing an academic delay to become an Army Chaplain.


  • GPA 3.0 or better in academic major consistent with entry into the academic delay program.
  • Meet current APFT and height/weight standards.
  • MS III cadets have priority. However MS IV cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
Contact us
Military Science
Physical Address
1150 Campanile Ave.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
SDP 200, Box 2236
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.