Welcome to the wide world of Natural Resources!
If you love the outdoors and want to learn how best to conserve and manage our natural resources, then please check us out! Our areas of scientific expertise enable us to train a diverse array of disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate level utilizing interdisciplinary approaches while preparing them for a multitude of career options. South Dakota's natural resources are a key factor in maintaining a high-quality workforce throughout our state. Moreover, the quality of life for many people is intimately tied to their enjoyment of natural areas.
More about the NRM
- Natural Resources High School Program: Register by May 31, 2024!
- Job opportunities are posted on NRM Job Facebook.
- Departmental newsletters are available on Open PRAIRIE.
- Pathway to Premier: 2023-2030 President's Report.
- Oak Lake Field Station.
- C.A. Taylor Herbarium (SDC).
- Native Plant Initiative.
NRM Vision Statement
We advance conservation, management and restoration through interdisciplinary research, education and outreach to empower people with the knowledge to address environmental and natural resource challenges.
Mission Statements
Academic programs - We train students to be professionals of distinction who work to support natural resources and the environment.
Research and scholarly activity - We address critical environmental and natural resource challenges through rigorous investigation and scientific dissemination.
Outreach - We foster stewardship of the environment and natural resources by providing evidence-based information and assisting with implementation to benefit society.
Fast Facts (as of 2022-2023 Academic Year)
Number of Students
Graduate and Postdoc
Number of Faculty
Number of Undergraduate Fields of Study
Number of Department Scholarship Recipients
2023 NRM UG Award and Scholarship Reception
(Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023 at McCrory Gardens)
Congratulations to all NRM undergraduate students who received the awards and scholarships!