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2021-2022 Teacher Work Sample Data

Teacher Work Sample Data (Secondary Education)

During student teaching the candidates prepare a ‘teacher work sample’ (TWS). The Teacher Work Sample project is a key assessment for our secondary teacher education programs at South Dakota State University. The TWS contains seven teaching processes identified by research and best practice as fundamental to improving student learning.

  • Learning context
  • Learning outcomes and objectives
  • Assessment plans
  • Designing instruction
  • Instructional decision-making
  • Analysis of student learning
  • Reflection and self-evaluation

Clinical mentors score teacher candidates either Target, Acceptable, or Unacceptable, represented as 3, 2, or 1 for purposes of analysis. No teacher candidate can be recommended for certification with Unacceptable in any category. Over 85% of teacher candidates are successful in achieving Target or Acceptable on their first attempt. 97% of teacher candidates are successful on their second attempt.

Teacher Work Sample Data 2021-2022 (Score out of 3, rated by clinical mentor on seven tasks).

Learning Context2.78Agriculture: 2.7
Bio/Chem/Phys: 2.85
English: 2.7
Family/Consumer Sciences: 3
History: 2.5
Math: 2.8
Foreign Language: 3
Learning Goals & Objectives2.82Agriculture: 2.8
Bio/Chem/Phys: 2.85
English: 3
Family/Consumer Sciences: 3
History: 2.5
Math: 3
Foreign Language: 3
Assessment Plan2.61Agriculture: 2.4
Bio/Chem/Phys: 2.7
English: 2.6
Family/Consumer Sciences: 2
History: 2.5
Math: 2.7
Foreign Language: 2.5
Design for Instruction2.71Agriculture: 2.65
Bio/Chem/Phys: 2.6
English: 2.75
Family/Consumer Sciences: 2.5
History: 2.55
Math: 2.8
Foreign Language: 3
Instructional Decision-Making2.75Agriculture: 2.6
Bio/Chem/Phys: 3
English: 3
Family/Consumer Sciences: 3
History: 2.6
Math: 2.75
Foreign Language: 2.6
Analysis of Student Learning2.82Agriculture: 2.6
Bio/Chem/Phys: 2.8
English: 3
Family/Consumer Sciences: 3
History: 2.75
Math: 2.8
Foreign Language: 2.8
Reflection and Self-Evaluation2.94Agriculture: 2.8
Bio/Chem/Phys: 3
English: 3
Family/Consumer Sciences: 3
History: 2.8
Math: 3.
Foreign Language: 3


Median: 2.78


Agriculture: 2.65
Bio/Chem/Phys: 2.81
English: 2.87
Family/Consumer Sciences: 2.9
History: 2.61
Math: 2.88
Foreign Language: 2.9