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Final Examination Policy

Students enrolled in Physics courses will take the final examination for those courses at the time specified in the semester final examination schedule for the particular section in which they are enrolled. The only reasons for deviations that will be considered are:

  1. Sickness on the part of the student (medical health professional documentation required).
  2. Extreme emergencies involving the student or members of the student’s immediate family.
  3. A situation where a student has more than three examinations scheduled on a given day; in which case the office of Admissions and Records will make appropriate arrangements.
  4. An official change of final examination time for the class that was initiated by the Physics instructor and approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.

If a deviation from the Final Examination Schedule is to be considered involving 1 or 2, the request must be presented in writing utilizing the official department form, which may be obtained in the Physics office. The deviation is approved when the request is signed by the instructor involved and the head of the physics. All requests will be filed by the department.

Personal vacations, convenience of travel or start of employment are not considered as valid reasons for deviation from the final exam schedule. Therefore, plan your end-of-term travel accordingly. In cases where conflict exists, university final exam policy supersedes departmental policy.