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Spring 2017 Graduation List

BROOKINGS, S.D. – The following students graduated after the spring 2017 session at South Dakota State University. The students listed below completed all requirements for a degree and/or certificate program and those requirements have been verified by the appropriate college.

The names of honor graduates marked WH, designate graduation with honor; WHH, with highest honor; CL, Cum Laude; MCL, Magna Cum Laude; and SCL, Summa Cum Laude.

Overall, students from 36 states and 25 nations graduated following the spring 2017 semester.

If a student is listed multiple times, that individual received two-or-more degrees from a college.

NOTE: This list is sorted under each individual college by state, hometown, college and then student’s name.

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List of graduates
NameHonors Sort descending Home CityStateDegree, College
Maty Marie Skinner Hartford S.D. Bachelor of Science, SEHS
Abigail Brianne Fox Sioux Falls S.D. Associate of Science, SEHS
Munia Sunjid Dhaka, Bangladesh Master of Science, SGS
Morgan Julia Goche Burt Iowa Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Alexander Bradley Spinler Morristown Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Kassandra Tara Friese Sioux Falls S.D. Bachelor of Science, SPAHP
Sidrat Abdullah Gazlpur, Bangladesh Doctor of Philosophy, SGS
Jessica N. Reiners Cedar Rapids Iowa Master of Science, SGS
Natalie Ann Karschnik Mountain Lake Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Kelli Joan Larson Hayti S.D. Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Rawnaq Nazneen Chowdhury Gazipur, Bangladesh Doctor of Philosophy, SGS
Aaron Michael Reese Clear Lake Iowa Bachelor of Science, SEHS
David John Lohrenz Mountain Lake Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SA&S
Trey Daniel Etrheim Brandon S.D. Bachelor of Science, SENGR
David Gebrewahid Gidey Sioux Falls S.D. Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Shuvo Chakraborty Netrakona, Bangladesh Master of Science, SGS
Alec Michael Hauck Brandon S.D. Bachelor of Science, SENGR
Emily Anna Dirkes Hermosa S.D. Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Nicholas Daniel Goeman Sioux Falls S.D. Bachelor of Science, SA&S
Hannah Ellyse Bailey Des Moines Iowa Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Kelly Lynn Holt Murdock Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Maggie Ann Kramer Brandon S.D. Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
John Richard Schave Hermosa S.D. Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Nichole Ann Gruber Sioux Falls S.D. Master of Science, SGS
Christian Thatpa Tchamda Yaounde, Cameroon Master of Science, SGS