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Fall 2017 Graduation List

BROOKINGS, S.D. - The following students graduated after the fall 2017 session at South Dakota State University. The students listed below completed all requirements for a degree and/or certificate program and those requirements have been verified by the appropriate college.

The names of honor graduates marked WH, designate graduation with honor; WHH, with highest honor; CL, Cum Laude; MCL, Magna Cum Laude; and SCL, Summa Cum Laude. Overall, students from 24 states and 18 nations graduated following the fall 2017 semester. If a student is listed multiple times, that individual received two-or-more degrees or certificates from a college.

Note: This list is sorted in the following order state, hometown and student name.

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List of graduates
Name Sort descending HonorsHome CityStateDegree, College
Aaron Jeffery Bunger CL Harrisburg S.D. Bachelor of Science, SENGR
Aaron Michael Propst Pierre S.D. Master of Science, SGS
Abbagayle Marie Warmbold Coon Rapids Minnesota Bachelor of Arts, SA&S; Bachelor of Science, SENGR
Abby Mae Dufloth Spearfish S.D. Bachelor of Arts, SA&S
Abdoul Aziz Kouanda Tallahassee Florida Master of Science, SGS
Abdulaziz Basamir Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Bachelor of Science, SENGR
Adam J. Kauth Bloomfield Nebraska Master of Science, SGS
Adam Lee Mead Fargo N.D. Master of Science, SGS
Adam Steven Eral Spirit Lake Iowa Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Addyson Louise Milbrath Oacoma S.D. Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Adeline Susan Sanchez Sioux Falls S.D. Bachelor of General Studies, SA&S
Ajit Kumar Kamajala Tirupati, India Master of Science, SGS
Akram Fallatah Salt Lake City Utah Bachelor of Science, SENGR
Alannah Elvera Vellacott Freeport, Bahamas Bachelor of Science SAGBS
Alec Martin Weber SCL Brookings S.D. Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Alex James Sindelar CL Cresco Iowa Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Alex Jay Rosburg Spearfish S.D. Master of Science, SGS
Alex Michael Mages Sleepy Eye Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SENGR
Alexa Ann Suarez Brookings S.D. Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Alexa Lynn Wallace Rapid City S.D. Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Alexa Rae Trakalo MCL Prior Lake Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SEHS
Alexander Brian Schultz Mountain Lake Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SAGBS
Alexander Josef Schreier Portage Indiana Bachelor of Science, SNURS
Alexander Leighton Hanson Sioux Falls S.D. Bachelor of Science, SA&S; Bachelor of Science, SA&S
Alexandra Marie Erie Redwood Falls Minnesota Bachelor of Science, SA&S