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Cohort 2: Samuel

Samuel, PreK

Year 2, Cohort 2, Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest 2019-2020

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

DOB: August, 2015

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Anchorage, AK

Family Members: Mother, Father, Brother (Infant)

Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 7

Parent’s feeling about place lived: 7

(1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)

Family Outdoor Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Go on walks (in city/town/village)

  • Motorboat or jet ski (for recreation)

  • Picnic or outdoor barbecue

  • Hike in natural setting

  • Camping (tent or RV)

  • Cabin away from home

  • Motorbike or 4-wheel


Family Subsistence Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Pick berries

  • Fish from a boat

  • Go hunting

Child’s Outdoor Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Look for bugs

  • Collect/Find things: Shells

  • Build forts

  • Pick berries

  • Go fishing

  • Go camping

Favorite Family Recreational Activity(Written response): "Walking on beach/tundra"

Favorite Family Subsistence Activity(Written response): "Berry picking"

Child’s Favorite Summer Activity (Written response): "Fishing or finding bugs"

Child’s Favorite Winter Activity(Written response): "Sled"

Description of outdoor experience when child was afraid/scared (Written response):

"Earlier this summer he was scared climbing a tree too high"

Description of outdoor experience when child was excited/happy (Written response):

"Anytime he gets to jump in puddles or throw sticks in the ocean!"

Child's Drawings

Child's drawing: moose, bear, acorns, leaves, trees, porcupine

Favorite “Summer”

Fall 2019

Title: Finding Animals

Child quotes:

Favorite thing to do is “find animals”

Where do you go when you find animals? “Find it in the woods”

“squirrels, but I need some leaves and acorns”

“eggs for birds”

What kind of animals do you look for?

“Bears (or birds?) and bunnies… and foxes because my mom sees those every time”

“Bears and foxes be on the tundra. Mom looks for them”

“My parents do that too”

“Sometimes my dad shoots foxes and birds and moose”

Did you go when your dad shot a moose? “When I am bigger I can do it but not yet”

“we saw the baby moose and a mama and baby moose at Bible camp yesterday” “yeah and they were on the tundra”

“On the road”

Family Feedback:

Samuel looks for animals “out on the road or the river” with his “dad, and sometimes Mom and brother,” “mostly [in the] summertime.”

Favorite “Winter” Nature Activity

Spring 2020

In Progress


Child's drawing: black scribbles (running everywhere)
Fall 2019

Spring 2020: In Progress

Child's drawing: Colors of tundra, rain
Fall 2019

Spring 2020: In Progress

Class Nature Tour Video Highlights
Fall 2019

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest: In Progress

Family Nature Tour Video Highlights
Fall 2019

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children