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Cohort 2: Philip

Philip, PreK

Year 2, Cohort 2, Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest 2019-2020

Demographic Information

Ethnicity: N/A


Gender: N/A

Birthplace: N/A

Family Members: N/A

Years Parent Lived in Alaska: N/A

Parent’s feeling about place lived: N/A

(1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)


Child's Drawings

Child's drawing: baby

Favorite “Summer”

Fall 2019

Title: Baby

Child quotes:

Asks if he goes to the beach, goes berry-picking, goes hunting, goes fishing.

He says “yeah” to each one.

Family Feedback:

“I have no clue why he chose ‘baby.’ I’m confused!!!”

Favorite “Winter” Nature Activity

Spring 2020

In Progress

Child's drawing: Me flying, gun
Fall 2019

Spring 2020: In Progress

Child's drawing: the ocean, big waves

Spring 2020: In Progress

Class Nature Tour Video Highlights
Fall 2019


This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children