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“Happy Sheep and Goat Month!” (02/21/24)

Shepherds Crook WNWShepherds Crook WNW 2
The first image shows the length of the crook and the second image shows the hooked end of the shepherds crook.

In February, the sheep and goat industry is honored. This week’s What’s New Wednesday celebrates these animals with a shepherd’s crook. shepherd’s crooks assist in physically managing sheep and lambs, by using the hook to manipulate the animals. This crook measures 72.5 inches in length. It comes from the Bruce area and has a stamp reading “Old Montana”.   

At the beginning of 2024, South Dakota ranked sixth nationally in sheep and wool production, according to South Dakota State University Extension, with Texas leading the nation. In January 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that South Dakota had 250,000 sheep, up over 15,000 from 2022. There is growth in South Dakota sheep and goat production, which is certainly something to celebrate in February!