
Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory

Providing high quality veterinary diagnostic services as a means to promptly and accurately establish causes of animal health problems.

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Cat Death Losses Due to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in South Dakota

Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory building

Veterinarians and laboratory diagnosticians are fielding reports of death losses in cat populations linked to avian influenza infections.

Beginning in 2022, an H5N1 subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza (abbreviated as HPAI) virus caused death losses in domestic turkeys and chickens in South Dakota and elsewhere in the United States, an outbreak that continues. The HPAI virus causes respiratory and multiple organ failure in affected birds, typically appearing as increased numbers of dead birds in large commercial operations, as well as smaller backyard flocks. Deaths in wild birds, typically migrating waterfowl but also other bird species, have been observed at the same time, as well as spillover of the virus into mammals, such as raccoons, foxes, skunks and other species.

In Spring 2024, the HPAI virus began infecting dairy cows, causing drops in milk production and other signs of illness. Unlike infections in other species, widespread death losses have not been associated with HPAI infections in dairy cows.

About the same time as its emergence in dairy cows, the HPAI virus was implicated in deaths of domestic cats in the vicinity of affected farms. Most affected cats showed neurologic signs, such as tremors or seizures, for a short period of time before dying.

Since that time, three cases of substantial death losses in groups of outdoor domestic cats in South Dakota have been described. In each of these cases, there has been no apparent link to dairy cows, other livestock or domestic poultry.

Other stories
BVDV Persistent Infection, Novel Bosavirus Characterized in Bison through SDSU Work

As part of an investigation of reproductive losses in an American bison herd, faculty and staff at SDSU's ADRDL characterized for the first time persistent infection with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), as well as a novel bosavirus in bison.

Following reproductive problems in a bison herd during the 2018-19 calving season, investigators collected samples from the breeding herd as well as 4 animals with failure to thrive. Serology, virus isolation, metagenomic sequencing and pathology was performed.

All 26 animals examined serologically had titers to BVDV Type 1 (range 1:512 to 1:8192, with 17 with titers greater than 1:1000) and BVDV Type 2 (range 1:64 to 1:8192, with 7 greater than 1:1000), despite the lack of recent BVDV vaccination. Metagenomic sequencing on pooled nasal swabs and serum identified co-infection of BVDV and bovine bosavirus. The BVDV genome was most similar to the BVDV type 1a vaccine strain Oregon C24V with 92.7% identity in the coding region. Bosavirus was also identified but its clinical significance is unknown.

Pathology examination did not reveal any gross lesions. On histopathology, two BVDV positive animals had lymphoid depletion in the ileocecal valve lymphoid region. A female PI bison had a decrease in primary follicles in the ovary, and a male PI bison showed evidence of decreased spermatogenesis in the testes.

Serum from these same animals collected two months later remained positive for BVDV and bosavirus, with one animal co-infected with both BVDV and bosavirus. These results suggest that both viruses can persistently infect bison. While the etiological significance of bosavirus infection is unknown, the ability of BVDV to persistently infect bison has implications for BVDV control and eradication programs.

Investigators from SDSU on the project included Drs. Angela Pillatzki, Ben Hause and Chris Chase. They can be contacted at 605-688-5171 for more information.

Changes to Rabies Testing at SD ADRDL

Rabies testing – changes to billing procedures.
Please note the following changes to the billing for animal rabies testing specimens sent to the South Dakota Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (ADRDL). 

Human Exposure to Wildlife
Effective Sept. 1, 2023, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks will only pay testing fees for wildlife animal species that have posed a risk of human exposure to rabies. This includes live wildlife species that have bitten, scratched, or otherwise exposed a person or persons. In the past, Game, Fish and Parks had paid testing fees for all wildlife species, regardless of human exposure risk. 

Human Exposure to Domestic Animals
The South Dakota Department of Health will continue to pay testing fees for domestic animal species that have posed a risk of human exposure to rabies. 

Animal-only or No Exposure
Specimens for rabies testing animals that have exposed other animals, or have not exposed either people or animals, will be billed to the submitting clinic, regardless of whether the specimen comes from a wildlife or domestic animal species. 

Prior to testing, veterinarians and submitters need to fill out the ADRDL rabies submission form completely and with appropriate detail about human exposures. Information from this form is used to contact people with possible exposures and ensure they get prompt, appropriate treatment should the specimen test positive for rabies. Supplying sufficient detail on the submission form also ensures that testing fees are appropriately charged. 

Please call the ADRDL at 605-688-5171 with questions. 

South Dakota Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory 
South Dakota Game Fish and Parks 
South Dakota Department of Health 
South Dakota Animal Industry Board

NOTE: Starting April 1, as per the AAVLD Accreditation requirements, full diagnostic laboratory reports will be sent labeled as "preliminary", indicating some results are still pending or "final", where no test results are pending. Previously, for some cases, only the newest results were sent via e-mail or fax.

Thank you for understanding this requirement. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the laboratory.

Mailing Address:

Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory
Box 2175, 1155 North Campus Drive
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD 57007-1396

Note: Specimen Receiving is located on the Western Side of the building, for all sample drop offs please use the entrance off of Medary Ave.

Telephone: 605-688-5171
  Fax: 605-688-6003

Regular Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory Events
Where to Find Us
Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory
Physical Address
1155 North Campus Dr.
Brookings, SD 57007-1396
Mailing Address
SAR 105, Box 2175
Brookings, SD 57007-1396
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Fax: 605-688-6003