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Quilt Pattern book


Quilting is a popular pastime for many people today. There are luscious fabrics and battings to use and many innovative new patterns. This 27-page booklet published by the Ladies Art Company of St. Louis, Missouri not only offered patterns for sale but also provided information on making patterns, making blocks, setting the blocks together, how to finish the quilt, quilting and materials needed. A quilter could buy either pieced block patterns or appliqued patterns. Patterns could be purchased with color cards for 15 cents, two for 25 cents, five for 50 cents or 12 for a $1. Without color card they were 5 cents, seven for 25 cents, 15 for 50 cents or 35 for $1. 

The Ladies Art Company was the earliest quilt pattern company to publish large quantities of patterns and a large variety of designs. The company was established in 1889 and continued to sell quilting supplies through 1974.