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School of Psychology, Sociology and Rural Studies High School Dual Credit Courses

High School Dual Credit courses offered by the School of Psychology, Sociology and Rural Studies include CJUS 201: Introduction to Criminal Justice, PSYC 101: General Psychology, SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology and SOC 150: Social Problems. You can find course descriptions of these four courses below and in the online catalog

High School Dual Credit Courses

Introduction to Sociology 100 provides a comprehensive study of society, with analysis of group life, and other forces shaping human behavior.

General Psychology 101 is an introduction survey of the field of psychology with consideration of the biological bases of behavior, sensory and perceptual processes, learning and memory, human growth and development, social behavior and normal and abnormal behavior.

Social Problems 150 reviews present day problems in contemporary societies, such as racism, sexism, ageism, alcoholism, drug addiction, physical and mental health, war and environmental issues – their significance and current policies and action.

Introduction to Criminal Justice 201 overviews the criminal justice institutions involved in the operations of criminal law including the police, the attorney, the bail system, the trial, the guilty plea, sentencing, corrections and an analysis of criminal law in terms of why certain kinds of conduct are criminal in our society.