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News @SDState

Hanson named June’s Civil Service Employee of the Month

Wayne Hanson, supervisor of electrical services for Facilities and Services, has been named South Dakota State University’s Civil Service Employee of the Month for June.

Cover crops contribute to soil health, study shows

Worldwide, farmers are being challenged with a variety of issues, including growing populations, a changing climate and soil degradation, among many others. To combat these challenges, researchers are looking for solutions and have begun to focus their work on the viability of sustainable agriculture practices, like cover crops. ...

An alternative to plastic

An alternative to plastic. Srinivas Janaswamy, an associate professor in South Dakota State University's Department of Dairy and Food Science, is exploring possible biodegradable packaging alternatives to plastic...

South Dakota State Wrestler and Animal Science Student Tanner Sloan Takes Home NCAA Division I & U23 World Silver Medals

South Dakota State University wrestler and animal science graduate, Tanner Sloan, was unsure if he was ever going to wrestle beyond high school, let alone take home two major silver medals within a year’s time.

Is AI helping small-scale farming operations?

Artificial intelligence tools can be found in nearly every sector of society and are quickly becoming this century's great technological advancement. In the agriculture sector, large-scale farming operations are utilizing AI to increase profitability, reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainable practices.

Free summer camp: National Summer Transportation Institute comes to SDSU in July

High school students interested in learning more about engineering and transportation are invited to attend the National Summer Transportation Institute on the South Dakota State University campus next month.

Stiegelmeiers to lead Hobo Day parade as ‘All Rails Lead Home’

Planning is well underway for the 111th Hobo Day, set for Oct. 14 at South Dakota State University. The Hobo Day Committee has named John and Laurie Stiegelmeier as parade grand marshals, and “All Rails Lead Home” is the tagline for this year’s “Biggest One-Day Event in the Dakotas.”...

SDSU honors seven professional staff members

Seven members of the professional staff at South Dakota State University have been honored for their quality work. The recipients were honored at the SDSU Professional Staff Advisory Council annual meeting in mid-May.

Spencer Jacobson Selected as 2023 Friend of the Department of Animal Science

Animal science alum Spencer Jacobson has supported the South Dakota State University Department of Animal Science ever since he graduated from SDSU in 1995. Recently, he was recognized for his ongoing support by being selected as the 2023 Friend of the Department of Animal Science. Currently, Jacobson resides in Brandon with his wife and three daughters and works at Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls as the hog procurement business manager.

The Community Practice Innovation Center’s history and future characterized by growth and meeting the needs of South Dakotans

The Community Practice Innovation Center (CPIC) is a resource and collaboration center that has seen remarkable growth over the last five years. The center, which is housed in the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions at South Dakota State University, brings together faculty, staff, students, researchers, practitioners and collaborators from across the state to “lead change within community practice.”...