Student receiving advising
What do advisors do?
  • Advisors work with students who are exploring major options or deciding between programs.
  • Advisors help students identify opportunities for academic enhancement and seek admission to competitive degree programs.
  • Advisors can help you understand your degree and general education requirements.

Drop-in Advising

Do you have questions for an advisor? Stop by Wagner Hall 121 during our drop-in advising hours:

  • Monday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Tuesday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Wednesday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Thursday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Friday 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Fifteen to Finish

We want to help you make good academic progress and complete your degree in a timely manner. We encourage all students to register for at least 15 credits each semester because research indicates that this can have a significant impact on your success.

Deciding Students

Whether you are deciding between two majors, or a first-year student trying to figure out what major is right for you, our academic advisors are here to help.

We will encourage you to select courses and connect with experiences that will help you explore majors and careers of interest to you. Support is available for returning students who are working through a change of major or who just haven’t found the right fit. Explore your career options in ACS 102 – Exploratory Studies or visit with a career consultant in the Office of Career Development.


Occupational Outlook Handbook

  • The Occupational Outlook Handbook provides you with important information about hundreds of occupations. Information includes training and education required, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job and working conditions.

SD Labor Market Information Center

  • The Labor Market Information Center collects, analyzes and provides to the public information on the labor market of the State of South Dakota. This includes information such as wage and earnings data, employment projections, business staffing patterns and career planning information.

Conducting Information Interviews

  • Information interviews are an important part of the information-gathering process when deciding on a major or career. View this information to identify questions you could ask in an information interview.

Job Shadowing

  • Shadowing a professional in a career that is of interest to you is a great way to determine whether or not that career is a good fit for you. View this document for tips on setting up a job shadowing experience and a list of questions to ask your professional guide.

How to Schedule an Appointment

ConnectState Login

  • Sign in to MyState
  • Click the “Dashboard” tab then scroll down to the ConnectState section (or type “ConnectState” in the search box). Click the blue ConnectState hyperlink.
ConnectState Module in MyState

 ConnectState platform

  • Click the blue “Schedule an Appointment” button in the upper right.
  • Select “Advisor” from first dropdown and the Service (reason for your meeting) from the second dropdown.
  • Pick a date, and click on “Find Available Time.”
  • Under the calendar, select your academic advisor/staff and how you would like to meet to filter availability and show more dates and times.
  • Click on your selected appointment time.
  • On the Review Appointment Details and Confirm screen, review information and enter comments in the text box to provide details about your reason for meeting.
  • Click the blue “Schedule” button at the bottom.
  • You will see a confirmation that your appointment has been scheduled, with links to view your appointments or schedule another appointment.
Connect State Scheduling Screen