For First-Generation Students

You belong here at SDState!
What is a First-Gen student? A student whose parent(s) or guardian(s) do not have a bachelor's degree. If that's you, we're here to help!
Did you know? Fifty-six percent (56%) of undergraduate students in the United States identified as first-generation. Fifty-nine percent (59%) of first-generation students were also the first sibling in their family to go to college.
Information just for you!

You are not alone!
Meet Some First Generation Jackrabbits
Many others have taken the path you are on right now. See where they are now!
Questions? Want more information?
We would love to hear from you! Call, email or just stop by.
Wagner 121, 605-688-4155, First Year Advising Center
Wagner 251, 605-688-4153, Academic Success and Recovery Program
Larson Commons 104, 605-688-6653, TRIO Programs
You can learn more at Wintrode Student Success and Opportunity Center too.