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Improve Your Sleep Routine

Improve Your Sleep Routine

  • Identify the cause of your bad sleeping habits.
    • Examples include:
      1. Irregular bedtime, frequent naps
      2. Emotional Stress
      3. Physical Illness
      4. Diet and Exercise Habits
  • Try to sleep at the same time each night.
    • Try to wake up at the same time each day (Yes, even on the weekends! (You can go back to bed 10 mins afterwards.))
      • Helps form the habit of waking up at the same time.
    • Don’t vary your sleep time by more than two (2) hours.
  • Create a healthy routine.
    • Create some downtime before you go to bed (no homework)
  • Create a healthy sleeping environment for yourself.
    • Avoid eating large meals before bed.
    • Try using white noise (fans, white noise app, rain sounds etc.)
    • Separate your homework/study and sleeping spaces.
      • Avoid doing homework in bed
    • If you’re not tired, don’t force yourself to lay in bed.
      • Try doing something relaxing until you’re feeling tired (read a book, journal, meditate, etc.).
  • Avoid looking at your phone, TV, computer, and other electronics before you go to bed.
    • Makes it difficult for your body to recognize when it’s supposed to rest.
    • Try drinking some warm milk; this has been proven to help you fall asleep.
  • If you can’t sleep:
    • Don’t force yourself to fall asleep. Instead, try writing out your thoughts about what is keeping you up.
  • Recognize the quality of sleep you’re getting and make adjustments as needed.
    • Feeling good and well rested? Keep doing what you’re doing!
    • If you continue having a hard time establishing a solid sleep routine, try something new. For example, try winding down for the night even earlier than you normally do. What works for one person may not work for another, so find what works best for you!
    • If your sleeping habits begin interfering with aspects of your life, consider talking a doctor about your concerns.
