The Grand Challenges Scholars Academy
The Justice Challenge
Innovative pedagogies from The Grand Challenges Scholars Academy
The Justice Challenge is an innovative approach to develop the future workforce in the fields of food, agriculture, natural, and human sciences (FANH) by leveraging the nimble and innovative framework of honors education.
High-impact, collaborative, transformational learning experiences are hallmarks of honors education. “Imagine every honors student has access to the top content experts and educators in the nation/world. Further imagine that they have regular access to one another, collectively cultivating a comprehensive worldview, unrestricted by geography or financial need.

Each year a new cohort of honors students will participate in the Justice Challenge which begins with a colloquium, introducing the students to the theme and to each other. Then, students will participate in their choice of a signature experience—field experience, design challenge or hackathon. Each one-year Institute concludes with a culminating conference to showcase the students’ work and to enhance networks between students and leading experts in the FANH sciences.
The overall objective of the project is to create a more diverse and well-prepared set of graduates in the FANH disciplines who are ready to tackle the complex challenges of today. Graduates of the program will be ready to enter the workforce with both an innovative skillset and mindset—essential in today’s world.
This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.