Wellness Center Policies and Guidelines
South Dakota State University Miller Wellness Center
Box 2818, 1440 North Campus Drive
Brookings, SD 57007
605-697-WELL (9355)
Miller Wellness Center Policies and Guidelines
Holidays and Academic Breaks
Closed: New Year’s Day, Easter Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Reduced hours during holiday’s and academic breaks. Please see our hours of operation.
General Policies, Rules and Regulations
All patrons are expected to be responsible, courteous and safety conscious at all times. Disorderly conduct, abuse or misuse of the facility or its equipment, and a disregard for policies will not be tolerated. Violators will be asked to leave the facility and may be subject to disciplinary action.
Violators of the policies may also be suspended from using the facilities.
Depending on the severity of the violation, case may be referred to UPD, Student Conduct Office and/or Title IX Office. General Policies are as follows:
- Bicycles, unicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, or hover boards are not allowed to be used inside the facility.
- The use of Elevation Training Masks is prohibited within the facility for safety concerns.
- Strollers are allowed throughout the Wellness Center with the exception of the free weight area.
- Only certified service animals are allowed in the facility. All other animals, including emotional support animals, are strictly prohibited.
- Use of lounge areas and informal recreation spaces such as studios or multipurpose courts are first come, first serve basis as well as number of participants in group.
- Wellness Center fitness programs, intramural games and scheduled or reserved spaces will take priority over informal recreation at certain times.
- Personal items should not be left unattended, placed on the floor or on equipment. Patrons are encouraged to use locker rooms or day lockers for belongings. Personal items are not the responsibility of the Wellness Center.
- Staff members cannot hold equipment or valuables for any participants.
- The Welcome Desk and Administration Office cannot make change for patrons or visitors.
- Use of cell phones or photographic equipment is not permitted in the facility or locker rooms.
- Monthly towel service is available for purchase to students and members. All towels are $1 for those without a locker or towel service. Towels can be received at the check-in desk.
- The Wellness Center is a substance free facility. Possession of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco (this includes smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes) are not allowed. Possession of such items will result in removal from the facility and further disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the advisory committee. The Wellness Center reserves the right to check liquid substances in personal beverage containers.
- The Wellness Center follows guidelines and prescriptions according to ACSM, ACE and NETA for proper exercise protocol and safety for all patrons. All cardio, fitness and weight equipment must be used for their intended purposes.
- Headphones must be used at all times while listening to personal music.
Facility Access – Members and Students
The Miller Wellness Center is a controlled access facility. Only authorized patrons and guests are allowed entry and must check in at the Welcome Desk. Patrons may be asked to sign a liability waiver.
- Members and students are permitted access to the Miller Wellness Center with one of the following:
- SDState Issued ID – Physical or Digital
- Photo ID – Driver’s License, Passport, Costco, etc.
- Wellness Center Issued Key Tag
- SDState Wellness Center Fusion GO App
- Use of another person’s identification is prohibited.
- Doing so will result in confiscation of the ID or key tag.
- Other disciplinary action can consist of a two-week suspension by both the card user and the card owner.
- Repeat offenders will be handled on an individual basis.
The Miller Wellness Center has a “Grace Period” starting the first day of class each semester and ending the day after tuition and bills are due. During this time, any student taking classes can access the facility with any of the approved forms of access, even if they are not activated in the Card Services system. Students will be notified if student ID does not work and given the steps to resolve issue before end of “Grace Period.” Again, no ID = no access, even during this period.
External Training
External entities may not provide the same service already offered by the Miller Wellness Center, i.e. personal training, sports performance training, etc. Training opportunities may be offered by non-MWC staff if that service is not currently offered by the MWC. Training is defined as the action of teaching a person a particular skill or behavior in exchange for funds or services.
Facility Space
- Renter/trainee will pay the facility rental rate associated with their current membership status
- Member/Non-Member facility rental rates apply
- SDSU students/trainers cannot reserve spaces on behalf of their clients
- Each participant will be required to set up a member profile and sign the waiver before their first training session
Current Services
- Sports Performance Training
- Personal Training
- Climbing Instruction (Top Rope Belay and Lead Climbing)
- Lifeguard Certification
- Water Safety Instructor Certification
- Adult, Child and Pediatric CPR/AED/First Aid
- Group Fitness Instructor Certification
- Dietetic Consultation/Nutrition Services
Permitted Activities
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Dance
- Pickleball
- Badminton
- Racquetball
- Soccer
- Baseball/Softball
- Golf
- MMA/Karate
- Lacrosse
- Rugby
American Disability Act (ADA) Statement
The Wellness Center encourages participation in activities by individuals with disabilities. If you are an individual with a disability who requires accommodation in order to participate in a program, please contact the Welcome Desk in advance at 605-697-9355 or email sdsu.wellnesscenter@sdstate.edu.
Assumption of Risk
The Wellness Center operates on an “exercise at your own risk” policy. The use of the facility and its programs is completely voluntary. Each individual utilizing the facility assumes the risk for any harm or injuries sustained. Neither South Dakota State University, nor the Wellness Center can assume any responsibilities for injuries incurred through participation in its programs and/or services in or outside the facility. However, all injuries should be reported to the Welcome Desk or Operations Manager of the activity area and an accident report completed. It is strongly advised that participants use caution and be aware of potential health risks associated with exercise and obtain a physical from a physician before beginning an exercise program. It is strongly recommended that every participant of the Wellness Center’s activities be covered by a health and accident insurance policy.
Memberships can be purchased in the Administrative Office in the Wellness Center during open hours. Individuals 14 and older may purchase a stand-alone membership. If they are under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver. Individuals between the ages of 5-13 years old can be added for $10/month. Individuals 14 and older can be added for $20/month. All secondaries must be living in the same household and verification of living in the same household is required.
Find current details on membership structure, payment and renewals at Membership Services.
Locker Rentals and Day Lockers
Large, medium and small lockers are available for rent on a first come, first serve basis for all members and students. Lockers in the locker rooms are for rent only. With purchase of a locker rental, each member will receive an assigned locker and corresponding expiration date. Towel service is available for members who have rented lockers in the facility. Towels can be received at the Welcome Desk.
Day lockers are available throughout the Wellness Center for no charge and non-rented lockers may be used on a daily basis at no charge. All lockers must be cleared out at the end of each rental period. All property left in an expired or unrented day locker will become property of the Wellness Center and will subsequently be sold if not claimed from the Welcome Desk within two weeks.
The Wellness Center is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
Multi Visit and Guest Passes
Guest passes and multi-visit passes are intended to accommodate individuals who would like to use the facility without purchasing a membership. Guest passes and multi visit passes do not need to be purchased in advance and are available at the Welcome Desk.
Receipt must be present for same day re-entrance. One punch will be used per individual accessing the Wellness Center. Guests must sign a liability waiver. The Wellness Center reserves the right to approve or deny any pass transaction.
Non-Participants and Spectators
Non-participants or spectators are allowed to access the facility for various activities, programs and events free of charge. All guests must check in at the Welcome Desk and sign the spectator sign in sheet. Upon signature, spectators acknowledge they have read the assumption of risk, waiver of liability, release agreement and agree to all statements on the spectator sign in sheet.
Spectators agree not to utilize any equipment or participate in any programming and must wear wristbands throughout facility. Those wishing to participate can purchase a day pass or pay programming fees at the Welcome Desk. The Wellness Center staff reserves the right to ask any non-participant to exit the building at any time. All children ages four and under are considered a non-participant.
Accessibility and Participation
- Anyone under the age of 17 must have a parent or guardian sign a Liability Waiver to access the facility.
- Non-participant is considered child ages four and under who is only spectating – free access and no waiver needed
“With supervision” is defined as an adult/guardian within speaking distance of child
Age Accessibility All ages Climbing wall, pool, track and multipurpose courts 4 years and younger All previous age group activities
*Can be considered non-participant5 – 8 years old All previous age group activities
Stationary weight exercises
Abs, core, stretching9 – 11 years old All previous age group activities
Pin selected machines (Technogym, Human Sport and Life Fitness)
All cardio pieces under supervision of guardian12 – 13 years old All previous age group activities
Light load or unloaded barbell14 years old and older May utilize the entire facility without a parent or guardian present.
Food and Drink
Food is not allowed at any time in the activity areas beyond the Welcome Desk unless otherwise authorized.
- Sodexo has all catering rights and must be used for any and all catering for events or reservations in the Wellness Center.
- For information on Sodexo please visit Jacks Dining.
Water and other drinks in securely closed containers may be used in the exercise or gym areas. Glass containers are prohibited at all times.
Attire and Footwear
The Miller Wellness Center’s attire policy is designed to create a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for all members.
Attire Policy
- A clean, appropriate athletic top must be worn and cover the breast.
- Bottoms must fully cover the buttocks and private areas.
- Attire that could cause damage to equipment or risk safety of members, and see-through garments (specifically private areas) are prohibited.
- Close-toed and non-marking athletic shoes that cover the entire foot must be worn.
- In some Group Fitness classes participants may be asked to remove footwear for the safety of the participant. (Yoga, PiYo, etc.)
Appropriate Swimwear
- One and two-piece bathing suits, board shorts, wet suits, burkinis, rash guards and competitive swimwear that cover the buttocks and private areas. Thongs and other swim attire such as undergarments that are overly revealing or transparent are prohibited.
- No cotton-based clothing is allowed in the pool. Cotton and similar materials can absorb the chemicals in the water, causing the water to become less effective at maintaining the proper chemical balance and may cloud the water.
- Clean mesh athletic shorts and/or a shirt may be worn over a manufactured swimsuit that meets the aforementioned guidelines.
- Swim-appropriate footwear is allowed.
Is it okay to wear just a sports bra?
If a sports bra is designed as an athletic piece of clothing designed to be worn by itself when working out, it is allowed. With the number of variations of athletic tops/sports bras, we don’t want our staff to have to make subjective judgement calls about whether something is appropriate (as long as it meets the requirements of being a piece of athletic clothing and covering the breast).
What constitutes a top that ‘covers the breast’?
For all genders, a top must cover the nipples. We require all private areas (which we consider to be the nipples of the chest for all genders) to be covered in the fitness spaces.
What if I only have jeans or khakis to wear as pants, can I still work out?
Our goal is to provide as inclusive as an environment as possible, so if someone wants to use the facility and doesn’t have workout shorts/pants, we don’t want to turn them away. If they are wearing some form of bottoms that have excessive pieces that could damage equipment, or the clothing poses an obvious safety concern, our staff will address as needed.
What if someone feels uncomfortable with what another member is wearing?
Our goal is to be as supportive to individual members as possible by allowing them to wear what makes them feel comfortable while in our facility (as long as it meets the attire policy posted above). We seek to remove as many barriers to utilizing our facility as possible in order to provide a welcoming, inclusive environment. If someone has specific questions, contact the Operations and Events Coordinator.
Lost and Found
- All found items are stored in a locked location. Valuables (iPods, wallets, jewelry, etc.) are stored in a safe.
- Report any lost or stolen items to the Welcome Desk or contact UPD.
- Items can be retrieved at the Welcome Desk within two weeks. All unclaimed items are subject to be sold or donated.
Equipment Checkout
Checking out Equipment
- Any student, member or guest can checkout equipment with their student ID, any photo ID, key tag or Wellness Center app barcode.
- It is the student, member or guest’s responsibility to keep track and return their specific piece of equipment.
- Equipment taken outside the building (Outdoor rentals) includes a rental fee and a rental agreement form.
Returning Equipment
- Any checked out equipment must be returned to the Welcome Desk after use.
- If an individual repeatedly leaves equipment they have checked out around the facility, they may be subject to losing their equipment checkout privileges.
- If equipment is not returned, a hold (suspension) will be placed on the membership account. The individual will not be allowed to access the facility until the equipment has been returned or the individual has paid for the equipment. Equipment pricing varies based on its type.
- If equipment is damaged when returned, the patron may be responsible for paying a fee as determined by Wellness Center Administration.
Digital Media
All photography, videotaping, voice-recording, etc. within the Miller Wellness Center must be pre-approved by administration, located in room 100.
- Once approved, individuals will receive a media pass that is to be worn at all times while taking photos, videos or voice-recordings in the facility. This will signify to facility staff that media access has been granted.
- The pass must be returned to Administration at the completion of the shoot.
- Media activity must be conducted without disruption or limitations to Miller Wellness Center operations, accessibility of equipment, entrances/exits, doorways and high traffic areas.
- Media activity is permitted for noncommercial use only. It may not be published, sold, reproduced, distributed, or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner.
- Taking photos, video or voice-recordings of individuals without their consent is prohibited and is cause for immediate removal from the Miller Wellness Center and may be reported to UPD, Student Conduct Office and/or Title IX Office.
- A suitable location and schedule for media activity must be agreed upon.
- Absolutely no photos are allowed in the lockers rooms. Capturing someone in your private image undressed or indecent can lead to criminal invasion or privacy - the act is illegal.
The Wellness Center will accept one SDSU sponsored event or recognized student organization poster to hang in the facility. Only one poster per event/organization is permitted and it may not obstruct other posted materials. All posters must be approved by Administration. The Wellness Center reserves the right to refuse posters if deemed necessary.
Reservations and Events
Facility Reservations are available to anyone. Different rates apply and are based upon one’s affiliation to SDSU. All reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance of the requested date. The Wellness Center reserves the right to deny any reservation request if this deadline is not met or at their discretion.
Spaces available for rent or special events include: A conference room, five multipurpose courts, three studios (including cycling studio), climbing wall, indoor track, outdoor field space and pool.
Interested parties can fill out the Reservation Request Form or contact the Operations and Events Coordinator. For more information, please see our Reservation and Events Policies, Rules and Guidelines.
Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment
All patrons and visitors of the Wellness Center must abide by the Harassment including Sexual Harassment Policy SDBOR Policy 1:17 and 1:18 Number 4:4. Policy and Procedure Manual
Prevention of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking
All patrons and visitors of the Wellness center must abide by the Prevention of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking Policy SDBOR Policy 1:17.1 and 1:18 Number 4:5. Policy and Procedure Manual
Sex Offender
Goal: Ensure members do not feel uneasy or unsafe using the Wellness Center. All reported and observed cases of suspected involvement will be investigated promptly. Consequences facing the registered sex offender member may include limited access or suspension of the facility. Sex Offender Tiers will determine access to the facility, if a formal complaint is made.
- Tier III requires registrants to register throughout their lifetime.
- Access to facility is not permitted due to children under age 18 using the facility
- Tier II requires registrants to register for a minimum of twenty-five years.
- Access to facility is not permitted due to children under age 18 using the facility.
- Tier I requires registrants to register for a minimum of ten years.
- Membership available but visits will be monitored.
Title IX and Opportunity
It is the policy of SDSU to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry gender, transgender status, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation age, disability, veteran’s status or any other protected class in the offering of all benefits, services and education and employment opportunities.
As part of this policy, SDSU has designated a Title IX coordinator to assist individuals with any concerns about sexual discrimination on education programs should be directed to SDSU’s Equal Opportunity Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources, Administration 318. The complaints including harassment or sexual discrimination in educational programs should be directed to SDSU’s Equal Opportunity Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources, Administration 318. The complaint process will follow the Board of Regents Human Rights Complaints Procedures. These procedures can be found at the Office of Title IX/Equal Opportunity.
Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action
All patrons and visitor of the Wellness Center must abide by the Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy SDBOR Policy 1:19 Number 4:3. Policy and Procedure Manual
Human Rights Complaints
All patrons and visitor of the Wellness Center must abide by the Human Rights Complaints Policy SDBOR Policy 1:18 Number 4:6. Policy and Procedure Manual
Student Code of Conduct
All policies outlined in the Student Code of Conduct will be expected and enforced. Student Code of Conduct
Miller Wellness Center Pool Rules
- No running on deck.
- No glass containers.
- Staff may stop any activity deemed to be unsafe.
- Children who are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper.
- All children under seven years of age must have an adult (18 years and older) within arms-reach
- 1 adult may supervise up to three children under age seven at a time.
- All children under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Return equipment after use.
- Small diving board use is allowed during night hours and weekends.
- Forward facing dives ONLY.
- High diving board is off limits
- Diving blocks can be used if lane lines are in place on both sides of the lane.
- No hanging on lane lines.
- Ladders are only for entering or exiting the pool.
- Multiple swimmers are encouraged to circle swim.
- Miller Wellness Center Water Safety Instructors are the only persons allowed to teach swim lessons. Parents may observe swimming lessons from the bleachers.
- For patron health and hygiene, appropriate swimwear must be always worn; clean, non-cotton athletic wear may be worn over swimsuits.
- Undergarments are not allowed.
Definitions of Affiliation
- Student Organization: The term ‘Student Organization’ means any number of persons who are University recognized as an organization. Organizations must be officially registered and comply with the requirements as described by SDSU. A complete list of recognized organizations can be found on Jack’s Club Hub. Fraternities, sororities, honor clubs and sport clubs are all considered student organizations.
- SDSU Affiliated: The term ‘SDSU Affiliated’ pertains to individuals or groups who are presently and directly related to South Dakota State University. SDSU affiliated individuals and groups include Wellness Center members, SDSU’s Athletics, Student Affairs and academic departments, any benefitted faculty/staff of SDSU and currently enrolled SDSU students.
- Non-SDSU Affiliated: The term ‘Non-SDSU Affiliated’ means any individual or group who does not meet any of the criteria outlined in terms I and II. Non-SDSU affiliates include SDSU alumni, outside organizations and the general public.
Reservation Priority
Reservation priority is based upon a group or individuals’ affiliation to South Dakota State University. The priority list is as follows:
- Wellness Center programming (intramurals, group fitness classes, etc).
- Sport clubs and any other Wellness Center sponsored events.
- Student Organizations and SDSU Affiliates.
- Non-SDSU affiliated groups.
- Informal recreation (first come, first serve).
At all times we strive to keep facility space available for informal recreation. Given limited space and extensive programming some evening hours may not be available for open recreation. The Wellness Center facility schedule can be viewed online or via our mobile app (available in the Apple and Google Play Stores).
Reservation Request Submittal
Reservation requests can be found and submitted online. Reservations are processed during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.
We ask this form is filled out completely. This can be done by signifying the type of event, any required equipment, or if you wish to reserve a facility for multiple dates in the 'Comments' section. All requests should be made in the advance of two weeks prior to the requested reserved date. Any request not made in the advance of two weeks, or a request that cannot be accommodated, may be subject to denial.
The requestor can expect an email from Wellness Center administration within a few days after submittal. Requestors will be sent a facility rental policy acknowledgement form to be signed and returned before a reservation is confirmed. Reservation requests without a confirmation will not be honored.
Reservation Payments
- No down payment required.
- Reservation pricing is based upon one’s affiliation to SDSU, please see the Definition of Affiliation, and is charged on an hourly basis. Reservations will be pro-rated to the nearest quarter hour.
- To best serve students wishing to reserve facility space, we allow registered Student Organizations to receive one hour of space free of charge per week.
- Accepted forms of payment include: university journal vouchers, checks and card.
- Direct labor/staff costs associated with an event will be included in the rental agreement. These costs include, but are not limited to, lifeguards, climbing wall attendants, event supervisors, custodians and any time needed for set up and tear down.
- Events that fall outside of normal building hours will incur an additional fee for staffing.
- Payment due at time of reservation for single reservations. For recurring reservations, payment is due at the time of final event occurrence.
- A 10% fee will be applied to any payments not received within 30 days. An additional 6% will thereafter be charged for every 15 days past due. Any customer with an unpaid balance will be denied facility access and any future reservation requests until balance is paid.
Cancellation Policies
To cancel a reservation, the group must notify the Miller Wellness Center during business hours Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. If outside of normal business hours, cancellations may be communicated to the Welcome Desk at 605-697-WELL.
- Events canceled more than 24 hours in advance will not incur a cancellation penalty.
- Events canceled less than 24 hours in advance will incur 50% of all rental charges.
- Groups that fail to appear for their reservation will be charged full price, plus 10%, and will forfeit the remainder of their reservation.
- Reservations are considered a ‘no show’ when participants fail to show up within fifteen minutes after the scheduled start of the reservation.
- Organizations that would have received the space at no charge will be held to the same standards and penalized similarly if they do not follow the cancellation guidelines.
- Outdoor space reservations canceled due to inclement weather within 24 hours of the event will not be charged. It is the patron’s responsibility to monitor the weather and notify the Miller Wellness Center of any changes or cancellations to their reservation.
Facility Access
To gain access to the facility all event participants, or those reserving the facility, must check in at the Welcome Desk. Students and Wellness Center members are asked to please use an approved form of access upon their arrival. Additionally, all who enter must have a valid waiver or sign the daily entrance log. Those who wish to spectate an event, but not participate, may sign our spectator sign in log.
Studio Policy
The SDSU Wellness Center has three studios available for reservation. These spaces include Studios A, B and C (Rooms 201, 203 and 211) located in the 2nd floor of the Wellness Center. Group Fitness classes and open recreation times receive priority for all studio space.
Equipment Rentals
Select equipment (basketballs, volleyballs, dodgeballs, etc.) for reservations and events can be provided at no extra charge. In the occurrence equipment is provided by the Wellness Center and is not returned, or has been damaged, the renter is responsible for replacing the item. Equipment such as scoreboards, the bounce house and gear rentals require a charge.
Customers may also bring their own equipment. The Wellness Center is not responsible any lost or stolen personal belongings. Please see the Wellness Center Policies and Guidelines for more information regarding lost and found, locker rentals and equipment checkouts.
Birthday Parties
The SDSU Wellness Center offers birthday party packages for all ages. These packages include two tiers and accommodations for up to 10 participants. Any party exceeding 10 participants must purchase a day pass for each attendee surpassing the limit. All participants must have a signed waiver and follow all Wellness Center policies.
Find more information regarding birthday parties and access the birthday party form.
Spectator Policy
Spectators are not allowed to use equipment or participate in any activities. Spectators also agree to abide by all Wellness Center Policies and Guidelines and must sign in upon entry.
Food and Drink Policy
Food is not allowed at any time in the activity areas beyond the Welcome Desk unless otherwise authorized. Sodexo has all catering rights and must be used for the catering of events or reservations in the Wellness Center. Visit Sodexo for more information.
Water and other drinks in securely closed containers may be used in the exercise or gym areas. Glass containers are prohibited.