Policy 8:9 - Research Infrastructure Improvement Fund

Policy Contact: Office of the Vice President for Research

  1. Purpose

    The Research Infrastructure Improvement Fund (the “Fund”) and the related Sponsored Programs Risk Management Fund were established in 2014 as part of the University’s budget restructuring that was referred to as the Decentralized Budget Model. The new model entails retention of 10% of recovered Facilities and Administration (“F&A”) costs derived from grants and contracts as a source of funding for both of the funds. The amount of funding available for investment through the Fund is the balance of recovered F&A costs remaining after the needs of the risk management fund are met. This policy and its procedures enable the University to appropriately manage the Fund, which was created to support on-going improvement of the University’s research capabilities and competitiveness to implement strategic initiatives and position the University to better prepare for anticipated major sponsored research opportunities.

  2. Policy
    1. The Fund shall be used for making investments that have lasting impact on the University’s research infrastructure. As such, the Fund will not be used to support materials and supplies, travel, graduate student stipends, support staff, or other such direct costs for specific research projects.
    2. Priorities for use of the Fund will be for investments that benefit multiple users, support interdisciplinary research collaborations, support priorities in University strategic plans, provide alignment with the South Dakota Science and Innovation Strategy, successor, or similar programs, or attract additional external investments in research. Examples of anticipated investments include, but are not limited to: laboratory remodeling, modernization, or expansion; acquisition of shared research equipment and associated installation requirements; establishing multi-user research facilities; high performance computing hardware, software and installation; statistical services and consulting; and service contracts for major shared equipment.
    3. Commitments allocated to the Fund will be based on merit through written response to an annual campus-wide solicitation. Investments approved from the Fund must be leveraged, such as through a cash match from the proposing college(s) or unit(s), or through cost-sharing as part of a successfully awarded research grant.
    4. Awards may entail expenditures for multiple years, but not to exceed three years. Awards made based on cost-share to a grant will revert to the Fund if the grant application is not successfully funded.
    5. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor, will monitor the status of the Fund with assistance from the Office of Finance and Budget. The University President is responsible for final refinement of recommendations and approval of implementation.
  3. Procedures
    1. A University Dean, the Chief Librarian, or a Vice President may submit applications for investment from the Fund to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor. Applications will include information concerning cash match, explanation of use, explanation of qualifying priorities, identification of what strategic goal investment will support, and other items for consideration.
    2. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor, shall forward applications for review by a committee comprised of five (5) tenured faculty with one each from the Academic Affairs Committee, the Faculty Development and Leadership Committee, the Research and Scholarship Committee, and two at-large faculty as determined by the President of the Faculty Senate for consideration by the Provost and VPAA, or successor. Terms of service will be staggered among the committee members and each member will serve no longer than a three (3) year term.
    3. The review committee will review the applications and make recommendations to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor, and the University Budget Oversight Committee co-chairs, or successor committee leadership, will finalize the recommendations and present the recommendation to the University President. The University President will confer with the Faculty Budget Planning Committee, or successor committee, to consider the investment recommendations and proceed with necessary actions. The University President may delegate authority to implement certain types of investments.
    4. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor, will provide a report to the University President on or about August 1 of each year on the projects and activities receiving support from the Fund in the immediate previous fiscal year.
  4. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, or successor, is responsible for the bi-annual and ad hoc review of this policy and procedures. The University President is responsible for the approval of any modifications to this policy and procedures.

Approved by President 10/23/2014.

Sources: Decentralized Budget Model Development Task Force: White Paper No. 4