Policy 7:15 - Authorized University Text Messages

Policy Contact: Office of Technology and Security

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures define the permitted scope, manner, and terms of authorized University text messages to those who elect to receive these text messages, including students.

  2. Definitions
    1. Authorized University Text Messages: written messages using short message service (SMS) or other similar and/or successor technology sent to a mobile device and authorized by a University official for the purpose of providing University services and emergency messages.
  3. Policy
    1. Authorized University Text Messages are subject to University Policy 9:6 and SDBOR Policy 1.7.6 Communications and Branding, as well as all other applicable University and SDBOR policies and procedures, guidelines, and applicable laws and regulations.
    2. Authorized University Text Messages shall include only those text messages sent for the following University purposes:
      1. Emergency notifications that alert the University community to a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the University campus, as described in University Policy 10:3;
      2. Notices from the University regarding important and time-sensitive information involving recruitment and student success including but not limited to admissions process, application status, campus visits, housing, financial aid, account status, academic advising, and registration;
      3. Notices to students regarding appointments or the need to otherwise contact a University office;
      4. Other critical messages as determined by the University President; and
      5. Recruitment correspondence from the Athletics Department, pursuant to applicable NCAA Bylaws.
    3. In order to send an Authorized University Text Message to a recipient, the recipient must have expressly and knowingly consented to receive the message for the purpose it was intended, as cited above. A record of this consent or permission must be maintained by the department or unit employing the authorized text messaging.
    4. Recipients may opt-out of all Authorized University Text Messages at any time by responding to the text message itself, by following instructions provided on the University internal website, or by contacting the Division of Technology and Security during normal business hours. Individuals who opt-out may re-subscribe at any time.
    5. Authorized University Text Messages will only be sent deliberately, as required by law, or as allowed by approved business purposes if consistent with this policy and its references.
    6. Recipients of an Authorized University Text Message are responsible for all costs associated with receiving the message.
    7. Any personally identifiable information provided to the University for the purpose of receiving Authorized University Text Messages will be kept confidential. Where the information constitutes “education records” under FERPA, the information shall be maintained in accordance with University Policy 3:2.
    8. When a department or unit desires to send Authorized University Text Messages for the purposes described in subparts 3.b.ii. and iii. above, the department head or director must develop a protocol that outlines the following in compliance with this policy:
      1. The permitted purposes for (types of) text messaging;
      2. The language to be included in every type of text message;
      3. The triggers for sending the type of text message;
      4. The timeframe for sending the type of text message;
      5. The means for obtaining the express and knowing consent of the student to receive the text message; and
      6. The means for individuals to withdraw from receiving text messages.
    9. Authorized University Text Messages for the purposes described in subpart 3.b.v. above must also comply with the protocol developed and maintained by the Director of Athletics that complies with this policy and applicable NCAA and conference regulations.
    10. Not withstanding University Policy 9:6, contact information included in Authorized University Text Messages may be limited to the name of the originating unit and a web link to the relevant official institutional website.
  4. Procedures
    1. The content, date, and time of critical messages for campus-wide disclosure must receive the written authorization of the Vice President of Technology and Security, or successor, and the University President before they may be transmitted. Emergency notifications will be handled in conformity with the Timely Warnings, Emergency Notifications, and Other Notifications University Policy 10:3.
    2. Protocols to send Authorized University Text Messages for the purposes described in subparts 3.b.ii. and iii. must be submitted to University Marketing and Communications and the University President and must contain all information required as set forth in subpart 3.h.
    3. Authorized University Text Messages for purposes described in subpart 3.b.iv. must be submitted to the University President, or designee. Submissions must contain:
      1. The proposed message;
      2. Date and time for sending the message;
      3. Target audience; and
      4. Critical justification for sending the message.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for the approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 12/04/2019. Revised, Approved by President on 08/14/2024.

Sources: SDBOR Policy 7:1; University Policies 3:2, 7:5, 9:6 and 10:3