Policy 7:12 - Technology Purchases

Policy Contact: Division of Technology and Security

  1. Purpose

    This policy implements SDBOR Policy 7.6 in order to ensure compliance with information technology standards adopted by the SDBOR and to take advantage of the opportunity for cost savings and operational efficiencies.

  2. Policy
    1. The University is required to adhere to the standards adopted by the SDBOR when purchasing technology systems, equipment, or software.
    2. Purchases of technology equipment, software, and services at the University must be performed by authorized persons appointed by the University President, or designee, in accordance with this policy, as well as SDBOR Policies 7.6 and 5.4 and University Policy 5:1. All technology orders exceeding $500.00 in total cost shall be reviewed by the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee.
    3. All technology equipment, software, and services contracts or associated agreements, including click-through agreements, must also be reviewed and approved by the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee, prior to the purchase.
    4. Networking and Security
      1. Purchases related to networking and security systems that have been adopted by the SDBOR as standards may be made in accordance with applicable purchasing policies.
      2. Where a SDBOR standard has not been established for networking equipment or related software, purchases may be made in conformity with this policy as long as the cost is less than $50,000 per item.
    5. Administrative Software
      1. All administrative software, and administrative software systems costing more than $50,000 per year, must be reviewed by appropriate SDBOR councils and technology councils prior to purchase.
    6. Instructional Software and Equipment
      1. All software purchases that supplement or enhance the standardized systems must be reviewed by appropriate SDBOR councils and technology councils prior to purchase.
      2. Software for individual departments or faculty must be reviewed and approved by the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee.
      3. Classroom instructional equipment purchased must be compatible with the established network standards and equipment and must be approved by the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee.
    7. Research Technology and Software
      1. Research technology and software bought through grants or through sponsored research must follow the University purchasing approval process and shall be reviewed by the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee to ensure the items are compatible with the technology infrastructure. 
      2. When grant proposals require new technologies or equipment that is not compatible with the current technology infrastructure, the Vice President for Technology and Security and the researcher will agree on how the research and technology will be supported and, if necessary, how the costs will be covered by the grant.
      3. Final approval of all research technology equipment and software included in grant proposals is delegated to the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee.
    8. Individuals at the University who make unapproved technology purchases will not be reimbursed by the University.
    9. A purchase requisition is required for any computer and/or software purchase at the University. The requisition shall be processed through SDezbuy with at least one written quote.
    10. Any exceptions to this policy must be made by the Vice President for Technology and Security, successor, or designee, in consultation with the SDBOR Chief Information Officer or the System Vice President of Finance and Administration, or their successors.
  3. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Technology and Security, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy and annual review of its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 09/28/2017. Revised, Approved by President on 01/30/2019. Revised 01/31/2024 (clerical). Revised 08/05/2024 (clerical).

Sources: SDBOR Policies 7.6 and 5.4