Policy 7:10 - User Account Creation and Management
Policy Contact: Division of Technology and Security
This policy provides protocols regarding the creation and management of user accounts for use on Information Technology Systems, as defined in SDBOR Policy 7.1, operated within the University.
- Policy
- User Account Creation
- Individuals will be provided a user account upon determination by the Division of Technology and Security that the individual is a qualified account user pursuant to SDBOR and University policies and procedures.
- Faculty and staff accounts will be made available upon completion of the necessary Human Resources documents or following submission of an Early Network Account Request Form to the Division of Technology and Security.
- Unique logins will be generated by the Division of Technology and Security staff in accordance with University determined protocols.
- The Division of Technology and Security will provide individual users with information regarding appropriate password designation and use.
- Role accounts may be approved by the Division of Technology and Security in accordance with the protocols established by that office. If the Division of Technology and Security finds there is no better solution given the circumstances, generic accounts may be approved by that office and be created as email only accounts.
- Requests for generic accounts are made by submitting the Generic Email Account Request Form, with approval from the Vice President for Technology & Security, successor, or designee.
- Requests for generic accounts are made by submitting the Generic Email Account Request Form, with approval from the Vice President for Technology & Security, successor, or designee.
- Security of Login Credentials and Passwords
- Releasing login credentials and passwords compromises an individual’s account and SDBOR and University Information Technology Systems.
- Under no circumstances shall an account holder share or disclose their login credentials and password to anyone else, including but not limited to third parties, other departmental staff, faculty, or students.
- No individual, including Division of Technology and Security staff, will ask another individual to share or disclose their login credentials and password.
- Account Information Security
- Account holders with access to student information or protected health information will make themselves aware of, and comply with, all state and federal laws regarding student information (e.g., FERPA and HIPAA).
- No user has any expectation of privacy in any message, file, image, or data created, sent, retrieved, or received by use of the SDBOR or University’s equipment and/or access. The SDBOR and University have the right to monitor any and all aspects of SDBOR and University owned computer systems and to do so at any time, without notice, and without the user's permission. This policy applies to all employees, faculty, students, affiliates and visitors at the University.
- Investigations of Electronic Communications
- Use of SDBOR and University Information Technology and Computer Resources are subject to SDBOR and University policies, including but not limited to Acceptable Use policies. "Electronic communications" includes telephone communications, Internet usage, phone messages, e-mail, and computer files traversing the SDBOR and University’s networks or stored on SDBOR and University equipment. Examples of when monitoring and/or review may occur include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances:
- Communications or files targeted by orders of a court of law or requested in accord with the Federal Freedom of Information Act.
- Electronic communications or files that have been inadvertently exposed to technical staff that are operating in good faith to resolve technical problems.
- When technical staff inadvertently see or hear potentially illegal content in communications or files, they are required to report what they have seen or heard to appropriate authorities. If no potentially illegal content is present, the University expects technical staff to treat inadvertently encountered electronic communications and files of University employees as confidential and not subject to disclosure to anyone.
- Routine administrative functions, such as security tests of computing systems, including password testing by system administrators to identify guessable passwords and investigations of attempted access into systems by unauthorized persons (system administrators and other technical staff will not access employees' electronic communications or files while performing these functions).
- Situations, such as the following two examples, will be specifically reviewed by and approved by the Vice President for Technology & Security and the A.V.P., their successors, or designees:
- An investigation into allegations of violations of law or policy affecting employment.
- An urgent need for access to college business documents when an employee is unavailable.
- More specialized services offered by the Division of Technology and Security, such as the administrative database and the Library catalog, may have their own more specific policies regarding issuance, use, privacy and expiration of accounts which should take precedence over these more general policies.
- Use of SDBOR and University Information Technology and Computer Resources are subject to SDBOR and University policies, including but not limited to Acceptable Use policies. "Electronic communications" includes telephone communications, Internet usage, phone messages, e-mail, and computer files traversing the SDBOR and University’s networks or stored on SDBOR and University equipment. Examples of when monitoring and/or review may occur include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances:
- User Account Creation
- Procedures
- If an individual receives a request for release of their login credentials and password they should not release this information and should contact the University Support Desk to report the incident.
- If an individual receives an email message claiming to be from the Division of Technology and Security asking for their login credentials and password or any other confidential information, the individual should not respond to the message. The individual should notify the University Support Desk.
- Any account that has been compromised by release of login credentials and password to a third party must be immediately locked without warning. The Division of Technology and Security designated staff will lock the account. To re-enable the account, the user must contact the University Support Desk for assistance.
- If an individual receives a request for release of their login credentials and password they should not release this information and should contact the University Support Desk to report the incident.
Responsible Administrator
The Vice President for Technology & Security, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy. The University President is responsible for formal policy approval.
Approved by President 09/28/2017. Revised 01/31/2024 (clerical).
Sources: SDBOR Policy 7.1 and 7.4
Associated Forms: Early Network Account Request Form, Generic Email Account Request Form