Policy 6:3 - Naming of University Facilities, Programmatic Units or Funded Academic Honors

Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures implement SDBOR Policies 1.7.2 and 6.7 to uphold the mission and reputation of the University when naming its facilities, programmatic units, or funded academic honors.

  2. Definitions
    1. Facilities: any building, part of a building, structure, street, drive, landscaped area, outdoor art, open space, farm, physical improvement or other property under the administrative control of the University.
    2. Programmatic Unit: any academic or non-academic program, school, college, division, institute, center, or department, but does not include Funded Academic Honors.
    3. Funded Academic Honors: any chair, endowed professorship, post-doc, scholarship, fellowship, or award.
  3. Policy
    1. The SDBOR and the University have a long-standing tradition of naming its institutional facilities, programmatic units, and funded academic honors in recognition of persons or entities who have made important contributions to enable or to advance the mission of the University. All naming in recognition of an honoree must be consistent with the SDBOR’s role as a public trust. Accordingly, all such proposals shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with SDBOR Policy 1.7.2 and this policy.
    2. The SDBOR shall approve the names of all new or existing campus facilities, such as roadways or buildings and additions (if they are to carry a different name from the original building), costing more than $250,000, if the name is in recognition of a person, family, or organization. The SDBOR shall also approve the naming of programmatic units such as colleges, institutes, centers, or departments made in recognition of a person, family, or organization.
    3. The University President may name facilities and programmatic units that are not in recognition of a person, family, or organization and which bear a generic descriptive name that is logically related to the use, offering(s), and/or location, and all wings, halls, rooms, or other areas within buildings, and chairs, lecture series, or other Funded Academic Honors. Any such naming of new facilities by the University President shall be included in the applicable facility plan approval pursuant to SDBOR policy requirements.
    4. Where federal requirements including State or Congressional Law control, center names may be designated in Congressional authorizations, by federal agencies, or by state programs; the designated name will be used; and the Naming Committee will be informed of the name and the source of authorization language where the name is designated. The name will be forwarded for recommendation and approval pursuant to this policy.
    5. The University has established the following naming categories:
      1. Facilities and Physical Properties
        1. Building or building complex.
        2. Major building components, such as wings, floors, or technology systems.
        3. Interior Spaces, including, but not limited to: classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, locker rooms, arenas, courts, conference rooms, lobbies, and offices.
        4. Outdoor spaces and structures, including, but not limited to: athletic fields, courts, plazas, gardens, gates, walking paths, outdoor art, and landscaping.
        5. A name proposed for a new facility or a facility to be renovated may be considered when the gift represents a substantial component of the project’s total cost or a substantial amount of the project’s private fundraising goal.
        6. A name proposed for an existing but presently untitled facility so as to recognized a gift to the institution may be considered when the gift represents a significant proportion of the value of the facility.
      2. Programmatic Units
        1. Academic Programs
          1. Academic schools, colleges, and departments
          2. Centers or institutes
          3. Research funds; academic program funds; lectureships; funds for excellence, student enrichment, retention, etc.
          4. Library special collections or other functional areas
          5. Student professional development
        2. Non-Academic Programs
          1. Athletic programs
          2. Co-curricular programs
          3. Student support services
          4. Residential Life
      3. Endowed Positions
        1. Dean, Director, Department Head
        2. Chair, Distinguished Professor, Professor, or Faculty Scholar
        3. Post Doc, Graduate Fellowship, or Graduate Assistantship
    6. The President and Provost will maintain and periodically review suggested funding levels and criteria for naming opportunities, and the minimum gift levels may be amended from time to time in consultation with the SDSU Foundation.
    7. When naming a facility or programmatic unit for a person, family, or organization where there is no gift, the proposed honoree shall have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways:
      1. Serving the University in an academic or administrative capacity with high distinction; or
      2. Contributing in other exceptional ways to the welfare and reputation of the University, to education, or the community in general.
    8. When naming a facility or programmatic unit for a person, family, or organization where there is a gift to the University, the naming shall be for a defined period of time, commensurate to the level of the gift. The duration of the naming may not exceed the expected useful life of the facility or the designated use of the area. Consideration shall be given to the following factors:
      1. The significance of the gift to the likely realization or success of a facility project or programmatic unit, based on the following guidelines:
        1. A name proposed for a new facility or a facility to be renovated so as to recognize a gift to the University may be considered when the gift represents a substantial component of the project’s total cost.
        2. A name proposed for an existing but presently untitled facility so as to recognize a gift to the University may be considered when the gift represents a significant proportion of the value of the facility.
        3. A name may be proposed for a programmatic unit to recognize an endowed gift to the University if the gift is similar to donations received for comparable naming at peer institutions, provided that any associated endowment will be sufficient to sustain the program or a substantial part of it, since the naming shall be in effect for the life of the program. The amount of the gift shall also provide significant program improvements that transform the unit, elevate the quality and status, and make the unit more competitive.
        4. If a fundraising drive or a contractual agreement may involve naming that is subject to SDBOR approval, the SDBOR must be apprised of such initiatives in advance.
        5. Before recommending a name in honor of an individual, corporate, or commercial entity, the University must avoid any appearance of commercial influence or conflict of interest by taking additional due diligence. The naming for an individual associated with a corporation should be handled as any naming for an individual.
          1. Corporate names may be used to designate individual rooms or suites of rooms, as well as endowed chairs and professorships. Plaques in public spaces within buildings may recognize the contributions of corporations. The size, design, and wording of plaques and other signs that acknowledge corporate generosity and express the University’s appreciation should be modest in size and appropriate to the University setting.
      2. The urgency or need for the project or program, or continuing support for the program;
      3. The standing of the individual, family, or entity in the community or profession; and
      4. The nature and duration of the relationship of the proposed honoree to the University.
    9. Prior to recommending to the SDBOR the naming of a facility or programmatic unit for a person, family, or organization, the University President shall have a reasonable assurance that:
      1. The proposed name will bring additional honor and distinction to the University;
      2. The recognition implied by the naming is appropriate for the behavior exhibited by the individual, family, or organization; and
      3. Any philanthropic commitments connected with the naming can be realized.
    10. A name will generally not extend beyond the useful life of the facility or the designated use of the area and will be set forth in the naming recommendation, approval, and contract documents. If a facility must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of an area re-designated, it may be named for a new person, family, or organization, subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action.
    11. Under ordinary circumstances, serving SDBOR elected officials and University employees are not eligible for a naming.
    12. The SDBOR may make exceptions to the standards and practices ordinarily required under this policy where, in its discretion, circumstances justify such departures to serve what it deems to be the best interests of the University or the SDBOR.
    13. A naming conferred in recognition of a pledge is contingent on fulfillment of that pledge and will be approved on that condition.
    14. If the University proposes to change the function of a named facility or area, it must document the review of related gift agreements to determine if the proposed use is consistent with the restrictions that may have been previously stipulated. If the proposal for change in use is inconsistent, the University shall consult with the SDBOR General Counsel and may do so via the University Counsel.
    15. Notwithstanding any contractual provision to the contrary, if at any time following the approval of a naming circumstances change substantially so that the continued use of the name may compromise the public trust, the SDBOR may authorize the University to discontinue use of the name. This will be done judiciously, with great care and deliberation, and shall involve the President, General Counsel, and the SDBOR.
    16. University Review and Approval:
      1. The Naming Committee is responsible for reviewing all naming or related requests in accordance with this policy prior to submitting a request to the University President or SDBOR for final approval.
        1. The Naming Committee shall include the University Provost, University V.P. for Finance and Budget, University A.V.P. for Facilities and Services, the SDSU Foundation President/CEO, and SDSU Foundation V.P. of Development, or their successors, as well as other University Vice Presidents, Deans, or Directors when applicable.
        2. Prior to recommending to the SDBOR or University President the naming of a facility or programmatic unit for a person, family, or organization, the Naming Committee shall ensure the proposed name meets the requirements of this policy and substantiation of the required criteria will be included in the recommendation or request for approval.
    17. Building plaques shall be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth in SDBOR Policy 6.7. All other signage shall be in compliance with campus design guidelines and will be approved by the A.V.P. for Facilities and Services, or successor. Purchase and installation of all plaques and signage must be coordinated with the SDSU Foundation, and University Facilities and Services.
    18. There may be extraordinary cases whereby exceptions will be granted to this policy. Exceptions will be reviewed by the University President and, when warranted, approved by the SDBOR.
  4. Procedures
    1. Prior to solicitation, all proposed naming opportunities and all proposed names must be approved by the Naming Committee, who will use due diligence to ensure the naming is in the best interest of the University. This includes checking conflicts of interest and avoiding the appearance of commercial influence.
    2. Upon review and approval by the Naming Committee, a recommendation is sent to the University President for consideration.
    3. The University President shall review the recommendation of the Naming Committee and holds final institutional approval for the naming.
    4. For projects where SDBOR approval is required, the University President shall forward their recommendation to the SDBOR for official naming approval.
    5. Upon approval by all parties, the SDSU Foundation shall complete donor communication and documentation.
      1. Appendix A shall be completed, with copies filed at the SDSU Foundation, in the Office of the Provost, the Office of Finance and Budget, and with Facilities and Services, or their successor units.
      2. Appendix B shall be completed for all donor-funded naming opportunities for new construction or renovated spaces.
    6. The Office of the Provost, or successor unit, will maintain a suggested list of naming opportunities under this policy along with suggested funded levels and criteria. The Provost and University President, or successors, shall periodically review the minimum gift levels detailed in this document in consultation with the SDSU Foundation.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee, is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 05/09/2016. Revised; Approved by President on 02/16/2021. Revised; Approved by President on 09/21/2022. Revised 01/30/2024 (clerical).

Sources: SDBOR Policies 1.7.2 and 6.7

Associated Forms: Appendix A (Naming Request Form); Appendix B (Naming Opportunities for Buildings); Appendix C (Naming Opportunities and Suggested Minimum Levels)