Policy 5:4 - Household Moving Allowance
Policy Contact: Human Resources
This policy incorporates rules from the State of South Dakota governing household moving allowances and payment processes for the recruitment of professional employees and the transfer of state employees, and provides protocols for the application procedure and preparation of payment documents.
- Policy
- Household Moving Allowances are intended by the legislature for eligible recruited professional employees or transferred state employees and serve as a tool to secure highly qualified personnel who might not otherwise accept employment with the University.
- A Household Moving Allowance may be paid to any person recruited and hired to fill a position which has been defined as a professional position by the State Board of Finance, provided the conditions set forth in SD Administrative Rule, Article 5:01:07:07 are met.
- A Household Moving Allowance may be paid to state employees transferred to fill a position at the new post of duty, provided the conditions set forth in SDCL § 3-9-9 are met. This applies only to departmental/agency transfers, but not to actual changes in position where position vacancy was advertised and coincidentally filled by a departmental/agency employee.
- Employees who are eligible for a Household Moving Allowance may be paid up to an amount equal to three (3) months of the employee’s salary, but not to exceed $15,000 as set forth in SDCL §§ 3-9-9 to 3-9-12.
- The Office of Human Resources and the SDBOR Shared Payroll Center are responsible for processing Household Moving Allowance requests and for overseeing the payment of funds in compliance with applicable federal and state laws and University policies.
- When an employee leaves the employ of the state within six (6) months following a move, the employee shall repay to the state the full amount of the Household Moving Allowance paid by the state unless the employee was unable to continue due to illness or injury or was dismissed.
- Household Moving Allowances are intended by the legislature for eligible recruited professional employees or transferred state employees and serve as a tool to secure highly qualified personnel who might not otherwise accept employment with the University.
- Procedures
- Recruited Professional Employees or State Employee Transfers
- Human Resources will verify eligibility and complete the Household Moving Allowance Form by checking the appropriate box indicating a State Transfer (SDCL 3-9-9) or Recruited Professional (SDCL 3-9-12) employee. On the form, Human Resources will complete the name of the applicant or transferee, new position title, agency employed by, the salary, new post of duty if a transfer, appointment type, and employment date with the State. The address moving from and expected date of move will be completed by the employee.
- The Authorization section of the Household Moving Allowance Form will be completed and signed by Human Resources, certifying the employee is employed in a qualified, full-time position.
- Human Resources will route the completed Household Moving Allowance Form, offer letter, and voucher to the employee for review and signature. Human Resources will then route the signed forms and voucher to the State Auditor’s Office for final approval.
- Human Resources will process payment of the Household Moving Allowance on the first full month’s payroll.
- Recruited Professional Employees or State Employee Transfers
Responsible Administrator
The Vice President for Finance and Budget, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.
Approved by President on 08/11/2014. Revised; Approved by President on 10/25/2022. Revised; Approved by President on 09/22/2023.
Sources: SDCL §§ 3-9-9 to 3-9-12; SD Administrative Rules, Article 5:01:07
Associated Forms: Household Moving Allowance Form