Policy 5:25 - Allowable Expenses for Student Programs

Policy Contact: Accounts Payable Office

  1. Purpose

    This policy outlines the nature and processing requirements of allowable expenses for student programs at the University.

  2. Policy
    1. All applicable State, SDBOR, and University purchasing policies must be followed for payment of expenses for student programs at the University.
    2. Student Association/General Activity Fee funds (3374xx) or Residence Hall Fee/ Program Fee/Room & Board Fee funds (3398xx) may be used to purchase items that will be used for the purpose of benefiting all students, campus wide, or for all students in a particular residence hall and the expense will be an allowable expense for student programs.
      1. If a Student Association index is used, the expense must be an approved item in the Student Association budget.
    3. Allowable expenses for student programs may include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1. T-shirts or other items for all students in a particular residence hall;
      2. Prizes to be given during a program that is open to all students;
      3. Food for a program or event that is open to all students; or
      4. Craft items used during a workshop that is open to all students.
    4. For processing allowable expenses for student programs for payment, the purpose of the expense and whom it will benefit must be noted either directly on the invoice before it is scanned and attached, or in Document Text on the Direct Pay Invoice. Proper account codes for the specific item must be used, and all applicable purchasing policies must be followed.
    5. Questions regarding whether an item qualifies as an allowable expense for student programs should be directed to the Accounts Payable Office before the purchase is made.
  3. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Finance and Budget, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 04/15/2016.

Sources: SDCL Title 4 Public Fiscal Administration