Policy Contact: Card Services Office

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures set forth the protocols to ensure proper protection of identity of the cardholder, personal funds, card system equipment, and the integrity of the door access security system for the MyJacks Card.

  2. Definitions
    1. MyJacks Card: the official means of identification for the University. The MyJacks Card may be issued as a physical card or electronically as a digital card (mobile ID and/or watch).
  3. Policy
    1. All University employees and students are required to have a MyJacks Card. Each cardholder is responsible for ensuring the security and proper use of their MyJacks Card in accordance with this and other applicable policies.
    2. University students will be issued a digital MyJacks Card unless their mobile device is deemed ineligible, in which case they will be issued a physical MyJacks Card. University students may only have one active MyJacks Card at any given time.
    3. The Card Services office is responsible for issuing the MyJacks Card to University employees, students, visitors, or temporary MyJacks Cards in accordance with this policy. Upon first use of the MyJacks Card, individuals accept the terms and conditions of the MyJacks Card program and acknowledge this policy.
    4. The Controller, successor, or designee is responsible for processing reports of fraud activity, as set forth in SDBOR Policy 5.10, in connection with MyJacks Cards.
      1. The MyJacks Card may be used by University employees and students for several purposes in accordance with the cardholder’s relationship to the University. The main purposes include as a form of photo identification, as a payment account, or as a means of electronic door access for certain areas of the University. Other purposes may include, but are not limited to, access to certain MyJacks Cards campus activities and for printing or making photocopies.
      2. Photo Identification
        1. University employees and students may elect to carry a MyJacks Card as a form of campus photo identification. Valid cards will identify the individual as a current member of the University community.
      3. Payment Account
        1. University employees and students may use a prepaid stored value fund on their MyJacks Card.
      4. Electronic Door Access
        1. University doors on campus that are equipped with card access will require card use to keep the integrity of the door access security system.
        2. The designated cardholder is responsible for any unauthorized door access resulting from use of the card.
        3. Departments using MyJacks Cards for door access must designate authorized personnel to have authority to request door access for cardholders in their department.
        4. Departments needing to order access security system equipment will need to complete the proper documentation and will be charged for the equipment.
        5. Authorized personnel are responsible for contacting the Card Services office when departmental access places need to be modified or removed.
        6. All visitor or temporary cards are the responsibility of the designated authorized requester. This involves requesting, keeping a log, reporting lost cards, and access plan maintenance.
        7. Access plan audits may be performed at any time by the Card Services office and will be conducted for each department on a semester basis. Authorized requesters may request access plan audits for their department at any time.
    5. The MyJacks Card is property of the University, is not transferable, and shall not be lent to others. No alterations of the physical card are permitted. Examples of alterations include stickers applied to the front or back of the card, holes punched in the card, or any alteration of the design of the card. Improper use or alterations of the card may cause substantial damage to card system equipment resulting in possible equipment failure.
    6. Lost or stolen MyJacks Cards should be immediately deactivated online through the eAccounts portal. If the customer is unable to use the portal, the lost or stolen card should be reported to the Card Services office. If the Card Services office is not informed about a lost or stolen card, the University will not be responsible for any unauthorized charges made to an account associated with the card. The Card Services office may charge a replacement fee each time a replacement card is issued.
    7. University employees who end their employment with the University are responsible for contacting the Card Services office for proper closure of all services associated with the MyJacks Card. The card is considered void upon termination or interruption of enrollment and/or employment.
    8. Individuals who misuse their MyJacks Card and violate the provisions of this policy will be subject to discipline or corrective action. Students will be subject to the Student Code. Disciplinary and corrective action procedures for employees will vary according to the individual’s employment classification.
  4. Procedures
    1. University employees and students should contact the Card Services office with requests for a new MyJacks Card or for a replacement card when applicable. The Card Services office will also assist with the setup of payment accounts for Hobo Dough funds.
    2. All door access requests should be sent to the Card Services office and must come from an authorized departmental requester.
      1. Requesters should complete and submit the Door Access Request Form to the Card Services office when making a door access request.
      2. Departments will be charged a fee for any visitor or temporary cards that are printed.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Finance and Budget, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 07/21/2015. Revised; Approved by President on 05/13/2020. Revised; Approved by President on 11/29/2021. Revised; Approved by President on 02/17/2022. Revised 01/30/2024 (clerical).

Sources:  SDBOR Policy 5.10

Associated Forms: Door Access Request Form