Policy 5:17 - Institutional Representation Funds

Policy Contact: Accounts Payable Office

  1. Purpose

    This policy sets forth the protocols and criteria for the use of Institutional Representation Funds at the University.

  2. Policy
    1. The University is authorized by the SDBOR to utilize an Institutional Representation Funds account. The budget for the account shall be limited to $20.00 per student based on the prior year fall headcount enrollment, with a minimum of $10,000.00 authorized for University use.
    2. Institutional Representation Funds may be used for items that enhance the appearance or benefit the operations and image of the University as a whole. Events for which Institutional Representation Funds may be used include, but are not limited to, foodstuffs, banquets, flowers, decorations, trophies, and awards.
    3. Institutional Representation Funds may not be used for the cost of alcoholic beverages associated with an event.
    4. Institutional Representation Funds may not be used for items of a personal nature, gifts for relatives, retiree or staff gifts, or other activities that do not benefit the University as a whole. Funds may be used to support staff member recognition for approved institutional employee recognition programs.
    5. Institutional Representation Funds may be used for meals and refreshments to host interview candidates or special guests of the University or for planning and special department or committee meetings, but may not be used for regular staff or department meetings.
    6. Institutional Representation Funds may be used to support staff and faculty travel for lodging beyond the state hotel reimbursement when state rates are unavailable.
    7. The Vice President for Finance and Budget, or designee, is responsible for making the proper determination as to whether an item qualifies for proper use of Institutional Representation Funds.
  3. Procedures
    1. Institutional Representation funds will be allocated to eligible departments at the beginning of the fiscal year by the University Budget Office. Departments that are required to self-fund their Institutional Representation will be required to transfer sufficient funds for their Institutional Representation budget at the beginning of the fiscal year. The budget will be available for the fiscal year subject to normal administrative year-end deadlines.
    2. The University will prepare an itemized accounting of the Institutional Representation accounts.
    3. Journal Vouchers and invoices for payment must clearly indicate the purpose of the expenditure, who was involved, and date of activity. An itemized receipt or invoice, including items or meals, must be attached to the Journal Voucher or invoice.
  4. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Finance and Budget, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 04/28/2015. Revised in accordance with changes to SDBOR Policy 5:1 on 05/03/2016. Revised 01/30/2024 (clerical).

Sources: SDBOR Policy 5.1