Policy 5:15 - Employee Travel
Policy Contact: Accounts Payable Office
This policy sets forth the guidelines for employee travel at the University and implements SDBOR Policy 5.12 and ARSD Article 5:01.
- Policy
- Travel by University staff and faculty members to professional, scientific and educational meetings for the purpose of instructional improvement, professional advancement or official business is subject to applicable University and SDBOR policies and shall conform to the Board of Finance Administrative Rules set forth in ARSD Article 5:01.
- It is preferred that in-state travel be made utilizing Fleet and Travel/Motor Pool vehicles when available or via University Airplane, if allowed and approved.
- It is preferred that out-of-state travel be made utilizing the most cost efficient mode of travel: commercial air or Fleet and Travel/Motor Pool vehicle. If commercial air travel is utilized, coach travel is recommended. First Class air travel shall not be allowed except when no other class is available.
- If the employee uses a private vehicle instead of a Fleet and Travel/Motor Pool vehicle, private vehicle mileage for official business outside of city limits of the employee’s designated duty post will be reimbursed at the designated mileage rate. Documentation of non-availability of a Fleet and Travel/Motor Pool vehicle must be presented in order for the employee to be reimbursed at the designated higher rate. If Fleet and Travel/Motor Pool vehicles were available, yet the employee chose to use a private vehicle for applicable state business, the reimbursement will be made at the designated lower rate.
- When reserving a University Motor Pool vehicle, individuals and departments must contact the University Motor Pool to reserve vehicles for employment related travel. Reservations can be made on a walk-in basis if a vehicle is available at the desired time. As long as the reservation is active, the University Motor Pool shall not release the vehicle to another user.
- If an individual or department reserves a vehicle and does not take the trip and fails to cancel the vehicle not being used with the Motor Pool at least two (2) hours prior to departure time, that individual or department shall be charged a $25.00 administrative service fee for each vehicle that was reserved and not used.
- For early departures (6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.), the individual or department must cancel the vehicle on or before 3:00 p.m. the day before departure. If the individual or department fails to cancel the vehicle by this time, a $25.00 administrative service fee shall be charged for each vehicle that was reserved and not used.
- In cases of adverse weather conditions, this section shall be waived.
- The $25.00 administrative service fee shall also apply to vehicles that are not returned to their point of origin by the agreed upon date and time. To avoid this fee, individuals must contact the Motor Pool before the date and time of return to make alternate arrangements or to request an extension. Requests shall be granted on a case-by-case basis depending on vehicle availability.
- If an individual or department reserves a vehicle and does not take the trip and fails to cancel the vehicle not being used with the Motor Pool at least two (2) hours prior to departure time, that individual or department shall be charged a $25.00 administrative service fee for each vehicle that was reserved and not used.
- Out-of-state travel requests must be made using the online Out of State Travel Request Form and should include a description of the travel, location of travel, dates of travel, estimated costs, and a disclaimer stating that the employee is responsible for reimbursing the University for any and all expenses that are non-refundable if the employee is not able to attend the scheduled meeting.
- Out-of-state travel requests for University personnel are required to be acknowledged and submitted by the employee making the request and approved by the department head, director, dean, University President, or other authorized University official designated by the University President.
- Per diem meal rates and allowable motel rates are established by the State Board of Finance, or successor unit. These rates are listed for in-state and out-of-state travel in ARSD Article 5:01.
- Employees must submit a Travel Voucher and receipts for reimbursements within sixty (60) days of the end of travel for that trip.
- If Travel Vouchers and receipts for reimbursement are submitted after sixty (60) days, employees are required to complete a Delayed Travel Reimbursement Request Form, obtain the University President’s signature on the form, and submit it to the Accounts Payable Office with their travel documents.
- If Travel Vouchers and receipts for reimbursement are submitted after sixty (60) days, employees are required to complete a Delayed Travel Reimbursement Request Form, obtain the University President’s signature on the form, and submit it to the Accounts Payable Office with their travel documents.
- Employee travel reimbursement requests, such as hotel, taxi, parking, baggage, etc., must include itemized receipts for all reimbursable expenses.
- Employees are responsible for paying their own travel expenses and claiming individual reimbursement, no matter if they are traveling with a group. The only exception is if lodging and meals are direct billed and one (1) payment is made for the entire group.
- Individuals desiring a travel advance must submit a Travel Advance Request Form to the Accounts Payable Office. A travel advance may not be less than $200 and may not exceed estimated expenses or the maximum of $2,000. Advances must be repaid within thirty (30) calendar days after the termination of travel. The Accounts Payable Office is authorized to deduct any advances from the employee’s paycheck if not repaid within thirty (30) days. Further, the Accounts Payable Office is authorized to deduct any outstanding advances from an employee’s paycheck upon termination of employment.
- The Accounts Payable Office is responsible for the maintenance and dissemination of a Travel Manual implementing this policy and associated provisions, and processing of travel reimbursements.
- Employees at the University are required to follow the appropriate procedures as set forth in the University Travel Manual.
- Travel by University staff and faculty members to professional, scientific and educational meetings for the purpose of instructional improvement, professional advancement or official business is subject to applicable University and SDBOR policies and shall conform to the Board of Finance Administrative Rules set forth in ARSD Article 5:01.
Responsible Administrator
The Vice President for Finance and Budget, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.
Approved by President on 03/26/2015. Revised with links to updated forms on 07/10/2015. Revised 01/30/2024 (clerical).
Sources: SDCL Ch. 3-9; ARSD Article 5:01; SDBOR Policy 5.12
Associated Forms: Travel Voucher; Out of State Travel Request Form; Delayed Travel Reimbursement Request Form; Travel Advance Request Form; University Travel Manual