Policy 4:15 - Assigning Off-Campus Work Stations

Policy Contact: Office of Human Resources

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures define the approval process for the work station of positions that are assigned to normally work off campus.

  2. Definitions
    1. Off-Campus: any location not listed on the Official Campus Map.
    2. Normal Work Station: the physical location of a University employee’s regular work station, established for the position the employee occupies.
  3. Policy
    1. The SDBOR has delegated to the University President, subject to limited exceptions under SDBOR Policy 1.1.5 and other correlated SDBOR policies, the authority to appoint, terminate, manage, supervise, control, and determine compensation for University employees.
    2. Resulting from this delegated authority, all employees of the University are required to be assigned a Normal Work Station established for their position.
    3. The assignment of a Normal Work Station shall require consulting the position description and the University’s and department/unit/program’s strategic plan to arrive at the best Normal Work Station to achieve the mission and goals of the University. No Normal Work Station determinations or modifications may be based on employee preference.
    4. Any modifications in Normal Work Station shall be communicated to the affected employee at least 90 days prior to their start date.
    5. The Normal Work Station is a position-based designation. Any request to relocate a work station despite the employee’s position constitutes a Telecommuting request, which is addressed under University Policy 4:16.
  4. Procedures
    1. Department or unit heads will work with their direct reporting supervisors to determine a Normal Work Station for each new position that directly reports to the supervisor, or to modify the existing Normal Work Station of a current position that directly reports to the supervisor. Similarly, department or unit heads will memorialize all current positions’ Normal Work Stations, whether on- or off-campus, and maintain the document internally.
    2. Prior to submitting the request for final authorization and approval of any new or modified Off-Campus Normal Work Station, the unit will communicate the prospective authorization to Payroll Services, Risk Management, and the Office of Information Technology to obtain their feedback, and then obtain the approval of Human Resources, to ensure that all proper arrangements are made and compliance issues considered before the Off-Campus Normal Work Station is authorized for the position. Communication will be made with any incumbent employee regarding the Normal Work Station designation during this process.
    3. Once initially approved by the supervisor, department or unit head, and then reviewed and initially approved by Human resources pursuant to Section 4.b. of this Policy, all determinations of a Normal Work Station must receive final authorization from the appropriate Vice President, or the University President for the President’s direct reports.
    4. Upon final authorization by the Vice President or President, as applicable, Human Resources will be notified, who will in turn provide notice to the supervisor, Department or unit head, Payroll Services, Risk Management, the Office of Information Technology, and the employee will be notified of the designated Normal Work Station through standard processes. Records shall be maintained in accordance with SDBOR and University employment records protocols.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The V.P. for Human Resources, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approving this policy.

Approved by President on 12/03/2019. Revised 01/29/2024 (clerical).

Sources: SDBOR Policy 1.1.5; University Campus Map