Policy 3:8 - Student Email Accounts
Policy Contact: Division of Technology and Security
The SDBOR and the University recognize the need to provide University students with timely access to important information regarding University business, to reduce the costs associated with the use of surface mail for the dissemination of information regarding University business, and to reduce the amount of paper used in conducting University business. This policy implements SDBOR Policy 3.2.1 to ensure that all University students have reasonable access to electronic communications.
- Policy
- As set forth in SDBOR Policy 3.2.1, e-mail constitutes the official form of communication between University students and University units (e.g., colleges, academic units, and student services units). It is the student’s responsibility and obligation to access official University e-mail messages in a timely manner.
- University e-mail accounts will be assigned to all enrolled students. These accounts will provide both online identification and the official e-mail address for student communication.
- New student e-mail accounts will be created following the student’s enrollment at the University.
- E-mail addresses will typically follow the form: [Name]@jacks.sdstate.edu.
- Students will be responsible for maintaining and managing their University e-mail accounts to ensure timely response to notifications and that storage space allotment is not exceeded.
- In accordance with SDBOR Policy 3.2.1, students who have not graduated and do not reenroll for classes will be retained on the e-mail system for a minimum of one (1) semester. Those who were not enrolled in the previous semester will be retained in the email system until after census date. Those who are no longer eligible to enroll will be purged from the e-mail system. New e-mail accounts will be assigned to students upon re-enrollment to the University.
- Student e-mail distribution groups (by major, college, class, and advisor) are created and maintained by the University. Requests to add other distribution groups must be submitted to and approved by the Vice President for Technology and Security and the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, or their successors or designees.
- Requests to communicate with all University students via e-mail (i.e. “mass e-mails”) are prohibited unless approved in advance by the Vice President for Technology and Security and Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, or their successors or designees.
- Inappropriate use of the University student e-mail system will be considered a violation of SDBOR and University policy. Non-exclusive examples of inappropriate use include, without limitation:
- Impersonating a University office, faculty/staff member, or student;
- Harassing or intimidating any faculty/staff member or student;
- Spamming student e-mail accounts;
- Collecting student e-mail addresses with the intention of distributing them to a non-University affiliated third party; or
- Any use which violates applicable state or federal law.
- Students who inappropriately use the University student e-mail system will be disciplined in accordance with the Student Conduct Code (University Policy 3:1) and may also be subject to revocation or limitation of e-mail privileges, as well as referral to appropriate external authorities.
- As set forth in SDBOR Policy 3.2.1, e-mail constitutes the official form of communication between University students and University units (e.g., colleges, academic units, and student services units). It is the student’s responsibility and obligation to access official University e-mail messages in a timely manner.
Responsible Administrator
The Vice President for Technology & Security, or designee, is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy. The University President is responsible for formal policy approval.
Approved by President 09/28/2017. Revised 01/29/2024 (clerical).
Sources: SDBOR Policy 3.2.1; University Policy 3:1