Policy 2:6 - Small Section Limitation
Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs
The purpose of this policy and its procedures is to specify the required minimum enrollments in courses by level and outline the related course/section management process.
- Policy
- No Selected Instructional method section with fewer students than the following minimums may be offered or used to generate the small section report:
- Undergraduate course sections (100-400 level) with fewer than 10 students
- Dual-listed course sections (400/500) with fewer than 10 students
- Graduate course sections (500-600) with fewer than 7 students
- Graduate course sections (700-800) with fewer than 4 students
- Instructional methods types which are selected for monitoring include the following:
- D (Discussion/recitation)
- E (Seminar)
- H (Large Ensemble)
- K (Alternative Laboratory (unless on the small lab exemptions list))
- L (Laboratory (unless on small lab exemptions list))
- P (Physical Education Activity)
- R (Lecture)
- Instructional methods types which are NOT selected for monitoring include the following:
- A (Studio/Small Group Instruction/Small Ensemble)
- B (Competency-based/Self-Paced Study)
- C (Clinical Laboratory)
- G (Clinical Experience)
- I (Independent Study)
- J (Design/Research)
- M (Private Instruction)
- O (Restricted PE Activity)
- Q (Tracking)
- S (Internship/Practicum)
- T (Thesis)
- U (Thesis/Research Sustaining)
- W (Workshop)
- Small Lab Exemptions from Selected Instructional Methods minimums for the University:
- ABE 343 Engineering Properties of Biological Materials
- ABE 444/454 Unit Operations of Biomaterials Process
- ABE 463 Instrumentation
- ABE 464 Monitoring & Controlling Agriculture and Biological Systems
- ABE 763 Instrumentation
- ABS 705 Research Methodologies
- AST 202/202L Construction Techniques and Materials
- AST 443 Food Process and Engineering Fundamentals
- CEE 311 Structural Materials Lab
- CHEM 342L Physical Chemistry Lab I
- CHEM 344L Physical Chemistry Lab II
- CHEM 348L Biophysical Chemistry Lab
- EE 245L Digital Systems Laboratory
- EE 300L Basic Electrical Engineering I Lab
- EE 347L Microcontroller Systems Designs Lab
- EE 540L VLSI Design
- GE 225 Survey of Machine Tool Applications
- MNET 131 Machine Technology
- NFS 351 Principles of Food Processing
- NFS 360 Food Chemistry
- NFS 450/550 Food Analysis
- NFS 451/551 New Food Product Development & Lab
- NFS 634 Techniques in Food and Nutrition Research
- PHYS 316 Measurement Theory and Experiment Design
- PHYS 318 Advanced Laboratory I
- PHYS 418 Advanced Laboratory II
- PS 362 Environmental Soil Management
- PS 704 Viral and Bacterial Disease Plants
- PS 743 Physical Properties of Soil
- PS 785 Soil and Plant Analysis
- VET 223/223L Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals
- Courses will be canceled by the Registrar’s Office no later than census date unless an exception is recommended for approval by the Office of VPAA and approved by the President. Exceptions to this policy require justification by the President to the SDBOR.
- An absolute maximum of 3% exception rate will be approved for fall and spring terms. Summer term is exempt from the policy.
- Only state support courses are monitored for minimum enrollment per this policy. Self-support courses are monitored and offered when cost recovery has been met.
- No Selected Instructional method section with fewer students than the following minimums may be offered or used to generate the small section report:
- Procedures
- The list of small sections will be sent to all college deans (or designee) by the Registrar’s Office 5 working days prior to the first day of classes. The deadline for submitting requests for exceptions is one working day prior to the census date.
- Each college is expected to monitor the percent of exceptions requested to adhere to the 3% maximum.
- Those courses that have not been granted an exception by census date will be canceled.
- Students enrolled in the canceled courses must work with their academic advisor to identify an additional course to add (if needed).
- The list of small sections will be sent to all college deans (or designee) by the Registrar’s Office 5 working days prior to the first day of classes. The deadline for submitting requests for exceptions is one working day prior to the census date.
Responsible Administrator
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee is responsible for bi-annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of modifications to this policy and its procedures.
Approved by President on 09/04/2013. Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical).
Source: SDBOR Policy 5.17