Policy 2:32 - Visiting Scholars

Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs 

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures set forth the University standards and protocols for registering and approving visitors at the University, ensuring regulatory compliance, and making sure necessary preparations are made.

  2. Definitions
    1. Brief Visit: a visit where the duration is less than 14 calendar days and there are no Laboratory or Clinical Space activities (e.g., presenter, debate participant, panelist, or guest speaker for purpose of SDBOR Policy 1.6.3).
    2. Clinical Space: an area used to provide diagnosis, consultation, treatment, or other services to patients of a University unit or program. These areas include, but are not limited to, examination rooms, testing rooms, consultation rooms, and holding areas. Relevant clinical space also can be located outside the University, when this space is used for University directed research and other activities.
    3. High-risk Activities: involve an agent, condition, or activity (e.g., toxic substances; infectious agents; flammable, explosive, or radioactive materials; moving machinery; extreme temperatures; lasers; strong magnetic fields; high voltage; or animals) that, if left uncontrolled, can result in an injury, illness, loss of property, or damage to the environment.
    4. International Visitor: a Visiting Scholar, as defined herein, who is not a U.S. Citizen or Permanent U.S. Resident.
    5. Laboratory: University-owned or controlled wet or dry laboratories and other locations that allow for controlled experimentation or other High-risk Activities involving certain hazards (for example, mechanical or electrical hazards, use of chemicals, or biological agents) or any similar University-directed activities in University-controlled areas. This definition does not include computing facilities for solely computing purposes or environments that are available for general use by a visitor.
    6. Sponsor: a University employee with whom the Visiting Scholar will be working or collaborating.
    7. Sponsoring Unit: The University Unit within which the Sponsor is employed.
    8. Visiting Scholar: An individual from another university, government entity, institution, business, or community invited by a Sponsor for the purpose of research collaboration, observation of research, sharing information, temporary exchange, temporary teaching assignment, or for any other purpose to facilitate the mission of the University and who does not receive financial support from the University for their efforts beyond travel and/or expense reimbursement and/or an honorarium, where appropriate and applicable. This definition does not include individuals who have an existing relationship with the University such as students, employees, or individuals attending cultural activities or sporting events.
  3. Policy
    1. This policy applies to University units and employees who seek to host a Visiting Scholar to come to the University to advance a collaborative research activity, observe research in University facilities, or for any other purpose to facilitate the mission of the University. This policy does not apply to visits solely for individuals being considered for employment or students being recruited at the University.
    2. Visiting Scholars do not carry any official status of employment with the University and must have formal Sponsors. The Sponsors are responsible for ensuring adherence to all relevant University and SDBOR policies and procedures and informing Visiting Scholars of their required compliance therewith.
    3. The University is the host for all Visiting Scholars, with the Sponsor responsible for the day-to-day administrative oversight of the visitor. The Sponsoring Unit is responsible for retaining all documentation under this policy.
    4. Preparations for a Visiting Scholar must begin and conclude before the visitor arrives on the University campus. If the Visiting Scholar is an International Visitor, the Sponsor must ensure compliance with University Policy 8:1.
    5. Brief Visits may include escorted Laboratory or Clinical Space tours, provided no research or operation of equipment is performed.
    6. The Sponsor is responsible for:
      1. Obtaining all necessary approvals and commitment of necessary resources outlined in the visiting arrangements and agreement.
      2. Arranging or providing office space, as well as workshop, library, and computer access as appropriate for the activities of the Visiting Scholar, in conformity with SDBOR and University policies and procedures.
      3. Assisting the Visiting Scholar with information about local housing and transportation options, as appropriate.
      4. Day-to-day tasks for facilitation of the visit and ensuring that the visit concludes satisfactorily.
    7. The Office of International Affairs, or successor office, is responsible for reviewing the appropriate documentation of International Visitors, as well as assisting with the following activities:
      1. Obtaining a J-1 Visa, as necessary.
      2. Providing necessary immigration support during the duration of the visit.
      3. Verifying insurance and assisting in acquiring appropriate coverage.
      4. Processing DS-2019 extensions, as necessary.
      5. Reviewing and approving financial documents.
      6. Making a reasonable effort to determine that the English proficiency of a proposed Visiting Scholar is sufficient to allow meaningful interaction between the individual, University faculty and staff, and the greater community.
      7. Providing cross-cultural opportunities for the Visiting Scholar.
      8. Assisting the Visiting Scholar with a cultural transition to the University and the surrounding area.
    8. Shared International Employment Services, or its successor office, is responsible for determining University tax implications and providing relevant assistance for International Visitors.
    9. The Division of Research and Economic Development, or successor office, is responsible for reviewing the appropriate documentation, as well as assisting with the following activities:
      1. Identifying and reviewing all intellectual property concerns or aspects related to the visit in conformity with SDBOR Policy 4.9.1 and University policies.
      2. Reviewing Visiting Scholar activities for Export Control implications and compliance.
      3. Conducting screenings (including, at a minimum of the Visiting Scholar and their home institution) against the denied party lists maintained by various federal agencies.
      4. Assisting in applying for export licenses and other approvals, as needed.
      5. Reviewing any materials, information, or services to be provided to International Visitors for licensing requirements.
    10. The Office of Grants and Contracts Administration, or successor office, is responsible for establishing necessary grant funds in the financial system if associated with sponsored projects.
    11. The Office of Human Resources, or successor office, is responsible for reviewing the appropriate documentation on the payment of honorariums or travel expenses, if applicable, and determining whether the Visiting Scholar is considered a University employee and for arranging any benefits and background checks in accordance with University and SDBOR policies.
    12. The Office of Provost and Academic Affairs, or successor office, is responsible for final approval of a Visiting Scholar and invitation letter. The Provost, or designee, is responsible for reviewing and executing any relevant agreements for the visit, including terms and conditions assigning duties and risks appropriately.
    13. The Visiting Scholar is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of relevant visiting agreements, all SDBOR and University policies, and applicable state, federal and local laws, rules and regulations in fulfillment of the visitor engagement with the University.
    14. Visiting arrangements or agreements with Visiting Scholars may be terminated at any point with or without cause. University Sponsors who wish to modify or extend the original arrangements or agreements must reinitiate the approval process, as set forth in this policy.
  4. Procedures
    1. Prior to arrival of any Visiting Scholar, the Sponsor must first determine duration and purpose of the visit, then obtain preliminary approval from the Sponsor’s Department Head or Dean.
    2. For a Brief Visit, the Sponsor must fill out the SDSU Background Check Duties Questionnaire and the Visiting Scholar must fill out the Unpaid Adjunct or Volunteer Work Agreement. Then the Sponsor must submit both forms to Human Resources for approval.
    3. If the duration of the visit is more than 14 calendar days or involves Clinical Space, Laboratory, or High-risk Activities, the Sponsor must fill out the Request for Visitor Form.
    4. The completed Request for Visitor Form must be circulated to the following offices for review and approval, in the following order.
      1. Office of International Affairs
      2. Shared International Employment Services
      3. Division of Research and Economic Development
      4. Office of Grants and Contracts Administration
      5. Office of Human Resources
      6. Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs
    5. The Sponsoring Unit must verify all approvals are obtained prior to visit. Once all approvals are received, then the Sponsor will send out the approved invitation letter with any required documents to the Visiting Scholar.
    6. During the visit, the Sponsoring Unit and Sponsor will ensure all policies, procedures, and protocols are followed by the Visiting Scholar.
    7. Near the departure of the Visiting Scholar, the Sponsor must ensure the following tasks are completed:
      1. Deactivate Email and computer access.
      2. Ensure University property is returned.
      3. End facility access privileges.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee, is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 11/29/2022. Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical). Revised 03/22/2024 (clerical). Revised 08/14/2024 (clerical).

Sources: SDBOR Policies 1.6.3, 4.4.6, 4.9.1 and 4.9.6; University Policy 4:8

Associated Form: SDSU Volunteer Paperwork DocuSign PowerForm; Request for Visitor Form