Policy 2:31 - External University Advisory Boards

Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures set forth the requirements for establishing and maintaining external advisory boards to further the University’s mission of teaching, research, and service.

  2. Policy
    1. The University and its units benefit substantially from the advice, perspectives, and support provided by external University Advisory Boards. To ensure these external boards are established and operated properly, compliance with this policy is necessary.
    2. External University Advisory Boards provide advice, perspectives, and support of outside alumni, community members, constituencies, experts, and others. Fundraising development and lobbying entities, as well as internal advisory groups comprised of faculty, staff, and students are not covered by this policy, but may be subject to other legal or policy requirements.
    3. University Advisory Boards have no legal authority to commit the University to any course of action. Accordingly, University Advisory Boards are advisory in nature and may provide input, but have no direct or indirect authority to: (1) set policies, processes, guidelines, protocols, values, or the like for the University and its academic and nonacademic units; (2) direct, limit, or constrain academic inquiry, work, or programs; or (3) interfere with the mission of the University or the academic freedom set forth in SDBOR Policy 1.6.1.
    4. The University President, or designee, has sole authority to approve the establishment or reestablishment of a University Advisory Board.
    5. The University Vice President over the area(s) to which the University Advisory Board reports must retain documents establishing the board, describing its role and mission, and any other documents relevant to the advisory board, in accordance with the SDBOR Records Retention Manual.
    6. Members of external University Advisory Boards may be volunteers as set forth in the provisions of University Policy 4:8.
    7. All members of external University Advisory Boards with conflicts of interest, or perceived conflicts of interest, must disclose the conflict to the administrator. This duty is ongoing.
  3. Procedures
    1. Programs or units seeking to establish an external University Advisory Board must obtain approval from the Vice President responsible for the program or unit, who will seek approval from the University President, or designee. Preliminary planning should consist of identifying and explaining the need, composition, obligations, and qualifications for service of members of the board and designating a responsible administrator.
    2. After obtaining approval from the University President, or designee, the following documents must be developed for the University Advisory Board:
      1. Mission or governing statement of the advisory board;
      2. Membership requirements, terms, and number of members;
      3. Expectations of members; and
      4. Anticipated frequency of meetings.
    3. University Advisory Boards established or reestablished under this policy must explicitly state in their establishing documents that the board is only advisory in nature and that it has no legal authority to act on behalf of the University.
    4. Once a board is established the administrator is responsible for setting meeting dates, agenda topics, and recording discussion.
    5. The administrator is also responsible for working with the program or unit to establish a website containing the board’s mission or governing statement and listing board members. Additional information shared on the website is up to the administrator.
    6. Discontinuance of External University Advisory Boards
      1. If a board does not meet at least once during a 12-month period it will be considered administratively terminated and must be reestablished pursuant to this policy. Upon termination the administrator must notify the board members.
      2. When an administrator believes the board is no longer necessary, notice must be sent to the Vice President over the affected unit and the Office of the President. Upon approval of the board’s discontinuance, the administrator will notify the board members of the date the board is officially terminated.
  4. Responsible Administrator

    The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee, is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for final approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 10/12/2022. Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical).

Sources: SDBOR Records Retention Manual; SDBOR Policy 1.6.1; University Policy 4:8