Policy 2:28 - Reading Placement

Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures are in place to ensure understanding and standardized procedures for college reading course placement.

  2. Policy
    1. Placement in READ 145 Reading Strategies helps ensure that students have the necessary reading skills to be successful in college-level courses. This college reading course provides students with multiple strategies to promote comprehension skills, develop vocabulary and enhance metacognition to become strategic readers.
    2. All entering students seeking an associate or baccalaureate degree must either provide valid ACT/SAT/Smarter Balanced scores (i.e., within the last five (5) years) or take the reading ACCUPLACER examination.
      1. Students who score 17 or less on the ACT in reading are required to successfully complete the READ 145 Reading Strategies course with a grade of D or higher within their first 30 credit hours.
      2. Transfer students with fewer than 30 credits completed and without valid ACT/SAT/ Smarter Balanced scores are required to complete the reading ACCUPLACER examination.
      3. Transfer students with 30 or more completed and accepted credits and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above at the time of transfer are exempt from completing the reading course, regardless of ACT/SAT scores.
    3. Students who are placed in READ 145 may challenge their placement by taking the reading ACCUPLACER examination. Students are allowed two (2) attempts, and if the student’s score is 261 or greater, the student will not be required to complete READ 145.
    4. For all students with valid SAT scores, the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (formerly “Writing plus Critical Reading”) will be equated to ACT reading scores. Students with an SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of 490 or higher will not be required to complete READ 145.
    5. Students with a valid 11th Grade Smarter Balanced English Language Arts/Literacy score that meets or exceeds the SDBOR threshold for English placement are exempt from taking READ 145. 11th Grade Smarter Balanced scores may only be used if on the high school transcript.
    6. The requirement to complete READ 145 will be waived if a student has successfully completed a comparable three (3)-credit college reading course with a grade of least D or satisfactory.
    7. The University shall provide accommodation regarding the provision of ACCUPLACER examinations pursuant to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  3. Procedures
    1. Students participating in New Student Orientation (NSO) will be notified of their placement status at such time. All other students will receive notification from their academic adviser about their reading placement status.
    2. To challenge their reading placement, students contact the SDSU Testing Center to pay the challenge fee and complete the ACCUPLACER Reading Test. The score is then entered into the student information system.
      1. The SDSU Testing Center can set up a remote ACCUPLACER test for students who are unable to complete the test on campus. In this situation, the Testing Center will issue the student a voucher that can be used to test at a certified ACCUPLACER testing site with a SDBOR ACCUPLACER branching test package. There may be an additional cost to test at a testing site not affiliated with the SDBOR.
      2. If a student is unable to test at any of the listed ACCUPLACER test sites, they may test remotely with a virtual proctor. There is an additional cost for this service and a computer with internet access and a webcam is required.
    3. Entering students who meet any exemption identified above must complete the Reading Placement Exemption Form and submit it to the SDSU Testing Center.
  4. Responsible Administrator

    The Provost, or designee, is responsible for ad hoc review of this policy and procedures. The Provost will consult the Academic Affairs Committee and Faculty Senate for any substantial changes to the policy.

Approved by President on 02/05/2018. Revised/Approved by President on 11/6/2018. Interim Revisions Approved by President 06/11/2020. Revised/Approved by President on 10/02/2020. Revised/ Approved by President on 09/14/2021. Revised 6/14/2022 (clerical). Revised/Approved by President on 02/08/2024.

Sources: SDBOR Policy 2.2.1 (System Undergraduate Admissions)

Associated Forms: Reading Placement Exemption Form