Policy 2:20 - Academic Administrative Appointments and Related Salaries
Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs
The purpose of this policy and its procedures is to set forth the various academic administrative appointments as well as the processes and salary guidelines for such appointments in compliance with applicable law and SDBOR policies, including but not limited to SDBOR Policy 4.3.1. This policy focuses on appointments that support the Dean and Department Head.
- Definitions
- Dean: The role of Dean is to administer a specific college. This individual serves as the chief academic and fiscal administrator for the college.
- Associate Dean: The title “associate” designates the “second in command” for the college; thus, this is the person with whom one deals in the absence of the Dean. This is a management position. While this person may have areas of specific responsibility and expertise, the implication is that this person has been identified to understand and speak for the entire unit. This person’s responsibilities are delegated by the Dean and typically are broad, addressing many aspects of the unit.
- In some unique cases the Associate Dean may also carry another title such as “Director.” In such cases where the Associate Dean carries another title, the position follows the guidelines for Associate Dean. This position is eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- In some unique cases the Associate Dean may also carry another title such as “Director.” In such cases where the Associate Dean carries another title, the position follows the guidelines for Associate Dean. This position is eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- Assistant Dean: This title implies responsibility for a segment of the college (e.g. undergraduate curriculum and student petitions) but does not include responsibilities spanning the full mission of the college. The Assistant Dean may or may not be named acting Dean in the absence of the Dean. This is a management position, and this individual may have responsibility for evaluating personnel. This position is eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- Director: This title, which is similar to a Department Head, is appointed to lead and administer an academic unit such as a school or division. A school or division differs from a department in that it is multi-disciplinary where several disciplines come together that share a common foundation and where interdisciplinary teaching and research are not only possible but desired. A school or division often has sub-units within it to maintain the integrity of the specific program curriculum, accreditation, and the like. This title is a management position, and this individual may have responsibility for evaluating personnel. This position is eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- Department Head: The role of Department Head is to lead and administer a specific academic department. This position is management and is eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- Assistant Department Head: The role of Assistant Department Head is typically allowed for large complex departments with demanding on-campus research, outreach programs, or both. The Assistant is the next ranking administrator in the unit and as such might be in charge in the absence of the Department Head. Within the responsibilities assigned to the Assistant Department Head, the individual typically has authority to determine or implement policy-level decisions. This position is management, may evaluate personnel, and typically eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- Assistant To: This position is typically considered a staff position and carries specific responsibilities. It is possible that this role could meet some departmental needs such as overseeing the paperwork and processing for graduation; recruitment, retention, and advising; grants and contracts; or curriculum forms, processing, and scheduling. The individual’s contract does not change significantly. Because this role is narrower and focused, the time and complexity is less than that of an Assistant Department Head. This position may be eligible for supplemental pay and for research incentive funds.
- Coordinator: This position exists at either the college or department level. Coordinator duties can be added to a 9 month, 10 month, or 12 month faculty contract. Such an individual is typically a faculty member with a coordinating assignment. Extra compensation, consideration to workload assignment, or both are expected with the Coordinator assignment. Significantly, the individual’s contract does not change. Coordinator roles do not carry supervisory or evaluative responsibilities unless it is student labor.
- Special Assignment: If a temporary single or minimal assignment is made from the administrator’s office, no title would be used to acknowledge the role. The individual’s contract does not change significantly. A memo of understanding and a change in the PAR would be used to clarify that the person has a special assignment assisting the administrator’s office overseeing a one-time task, such as accreditation self-study and site visit, curriculum revision for a major, or any number of other defined responsibilities, and what special salary arrangements have been made.
- Dean: The role of Dean is to administer a specific college. This individual serves as the chief academic and fiscal administrator for the college.
- Policy
- Deans, Directors, or Department Heads may need assistance in the conduct of managing their unit. The complexity of the college, department, or division will justify additional administrative appointments. The person providing the assistance will be assigned a title congruent with the types and scope of assistance. Titles should not be created simply as a means of rewarding individual or as a means to achieve a unique salary differential. The titles must be distinctly supported by job descriptions that reflect the complexity of the role of the individual. Therefore, a position description is required for each administrative appointment.
- For the Associate Dean, Assistant Dean, Assistant Department Head, and Assistant To positions, the contract will be adjusted to 10 or 12 month, and the position will become leave accruing. All 10 month appointments will begin on August 22 and end on June 21 of any given year. All 12 month appointments will begin on June 22 and end on June 21 of a fiscal year.
- Stipends may apply for each of these titles and are added to the baseline salary for the additional administrative assignment, rather than offering a set composite salary. Human Resources will assist the hiring authority with a stipend recommendation using the Academic Administrative Stipend Guidelines. Stipends will be approved by the Provost. The proposed stipend is discussed with the individual and agreed upon during the offer phase.
- The Director of Human Resources, or designee, is responsible for maintaining and updating the Academic Administrative Stipend Guidelines, ensuring their compliance with applicable law and SDBOR policies, including but not limited to SDBOR Policy 4.3.1, and will consult with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee, regarding any revisions to the guidelines.
- For Special Assignment positions, the impact of the total professional activity or workload is reviewed and either release time, a stipend, or both may be used to compensate an individual for a Special Assignment.
- Stipends and extended contracts (e.g. changing from 9 to 10 or 12 month contract) will be removed if the person is no longer functioning in the administrative role. In other words, the 10 or 12 month contract and stipend come with the administrative role and do not follow the faculty member when they relinquish the administrative role.
- Deans, Directors, or Department Heads may need assistance in the conduct of managing their unit. The complexity of the college, department, or division will justify additional administrative appointments. The person providing the assistance will be assigned a title congruent with the types and scope of assistance. Titles should not be created simply as a means of rewarding individual or as a means to achieve a unique salary differential. The titles must be distinctly supported by job descriptions that reflect the complexity of the role of the individual. Therefore, a position description is required for each administrative appointment.
- Procedures
- A well-developed position description is required to begin the process and allow the position to be opened for recruitment or appointment.
- Any administrative appointment begins with a letter of offer where it is made clear that the administrative appointment and extended contract is the prerogative of management.
- The same letter of offer will identify the stipend amount in the event that the stipend be removed in the future. Stipends will receive the same salary policy as base salary but stipend increases are handled separately for tracking purposes.
- The letter of offer will stipulate that all facets of the offer are subject to the approval of the University President and SDBOR.
- A well-developed position description is required to begin the process and allow the position to be opened for recruitment or appointment.
Responsible Administrator
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of modifications to this policy and its procedures.
Approved by President on 08/21/2015. Revised 08/01/2020 (clerical). Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical). Revised 12/02/2024 (clerical).
Sources: SDBOR Policy 4.3.1
Related Documents: Academic Administrative Stipend Guidelines