Policy 2:14 - Adjunct Faculty Appointments
Source Contact: Office of Academic Affairs
This policy and its procedures provide details for awarding the title of adjunct to a faculty member within an academic department.
- Policy
- An adjunct faculty appointment is a courtesy title and appointment to a department or academic unit based on merit and is subject to SDBOR policies, as applicable. This appointment is reserved for someone who is outside of the University, but whose credentials are beneficial to an academic unit and often raise the expertise and prestige of the unit.
- Adjunct appointments are non-regular, temporary appointments without benefits. These appointments may be revoked by the University at any time at the University’s discretion.
- Adjunct faculty may accept instructional, research, or other duties, with or without compensation.
- Paid adjunct faculty are appointed on a semester or fiscal year basis to ensure that the compensation level is set appropriately.
- Unpaid adjunct faculty may remain in effect for three (3) years via the PAR process unless ended early by the appointing authority. PARs are not employment contracts, but an internal processing document.
- Human Resources will assist the Department with issues regarding when compensation is required, when appointments require restructuring, and other issues related to the appointment or termination thereof.
- The rank level of an adjunct faculty member must be assigned in accordance with SDBOR Policy 4.4.6.
- Faculty who hold adjunct faculty appointment are subject to and shall comply with the policies and procedures of the Department, University, SDBOR, and further to any local, state, and federal laws and regulations that are applicable to the activities at the University.
- Adjunct faculty members are subject to a background check in accordance with SDBOR Policy 4.1.9.
- All rights and privileges are dependent on the assignment and role with the University and must be approved by the appropriate Department Head and Dean.
- Paid adjunct faculty members may receive a number of the normal privileges of regular faculty which may include e-mail, library usage, office equipment, office space, and laboratory space. These privileges will be at the discretion of the appointing authority.
- Unpaid adjunct faculty members are eligible for technology and library service.
- An adjunct faculty appointment is a courtesy title and appointment to a department or academic unit based on merit and is subject to SDBOR policies, as applicable. This appointment is reserved for someone who is outside of the University, but whose credentials are beneficial to an academic unit and often raise the expertise and prestige of the unit.
- Procedures
- All adjunct faculty appointments must go through a departmental review process and, if approved by the Department, are forwarded to the appropriate Dean and Provost for sequential review and approval.
- Paid and unpaid adjunct faculty require that a Department Head submit a PAR with CV and justification for the recommended rank as well as a general explanation of the kinds of services they will provide to the University. The PAR is routed for approval to the appropriate Dean and the Provost. A Standard Unpaid or Paid Adjunct Offer Letter in the format approved by Human Resources will be issued to the adjunct.
- PARs for paid adjuncts must be completed each fiscal year to ensure the compensation level is appropriate.
- PARs for unpaid adjunct may be held in effect for three (3) years unless ended early by the appointment authority through a termination PAR.
- Paid adjunct faculty must complete the W-4 and I-9 with the University Payroll Office within three (3) business days of employment.
- Unpaid adjunct faculty must complete the Unpaid Adjunct AA/EEO Information form and submit it to Human Resources in order to create an employee record in the Banner system.
- All adjunct faculty will be listed in undergraduate and graduate catalogs and will be listed in the University and related directories.
- All adjunct faculty appointments must go through a departmental review process and, if approved by the Department, are forwarded to the appropriate Dean and Provost for sequential review and approval.
Responsible Administrator
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.
Approved by President on 10/09/2014. Revised; Approved by President on 10/06/2020. Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical).
Sources: SDBOR Policies 4.1.9 and 4.4.6
Associated Forms: PAR, Unpaid Adjunct AA/EEO Information, Standard Paid or Unpaid Adjunct Offer Letter