Policy 2:10 - Textbook
Policy Contact: South Dakota State University Bookstore
This policy and related procedures set forth the requirements for selecting and ordering textbooks and course materials and for making all materials available to students in a timely manner.
- Policy
- Textbooks and other course materials provide information requisite for student learning. Faculty, thus, must submit orders to the University Bookstore on time to ensure that such materials are available to students before the semester begins.
- To comply with federal regulations (Higher Education Opportunity Act Public Law 110- 115, August 14, 2008, Section 133 (e) on access to textbooks and other course material), the University Bookstore must post to its own website and to the public website information pertaining to textbooks and other course materials no later than 30 days prior to the first day of the semester. This information must include the ISBN and retail price or, if there is no ISBN, must include the author, title, publisher, and copyright date. The University’s online course schedule must include the information noted above regarding textbooks and course materials as well as the number of students enrolled and the maximum course enrollment.
- Faculty must supply adoption information regarding textbooks and other course materials to the University Bookstore.
- Use of faculty-authored textbooks and course materials:
- Per the South Dakota Constitution, Article VIII, faculty may not receive any revenue from materials that they require students (or the institution) to purchase. Thus, any faculty member who is approved to assign a self-authored work that will result in revenue payable to the faculty member must first arrange to assign all revenues to the South Dakota State University Foundation, Inc. or another charitable entity.
- Faculty who wish to use self-authored textbooks or course materials (e.g., lab manuals or course notes) must obtain prior authorization from their department head/school director. Authorization will be granted upon demonstration (1) that, all author royalty interests have been assigned in writing to the SDSU Foundation as unrestricted revenue and (2) that the materials are consistent with the course description.
- Faculty who assign self-authored textbooks or course materials, and who require students to purchase them, must sell them through the University Bookstore.
- Faculty assigning course packets must clear permissions and abide by applicable copyright law. Markups charged to students should not exceed 50 percent of the cost of printing, excluding the 15 percent University Bookstore markup, unless units justify the additional markup.
- Textbooks and other course materials provide information requisite for student learning. Faculty, thus, must submit orders to the University Bookstore on time to ensure that such materials are available to students before the semester begins.
- Procedures
- Via email, the University Bookstore will provide the designated department/school representative (i.e., department/school secretary or department head/school director) with the ISBN, author, title, publisher, and retail price of textbooks and course materials selected the prior spring, summer or fall term. The department/school representative then will forward to faculty this information and the order form by early October for the spring term and by early March for the summer and fall terms. After the order deadline has passed, the University Bookstore will send to department/school representatives on a weekly basis a list of those sections for which faculty have yet to order textbooks or course materials.
- All textbook and other course material requisitions must be submitted online via the University Bookstore website.
- Prior to submitting textbook and other course material requisitions, faculty will ensure that faculty-authored textbooks and course materials comply with Section 2.d of this policy.
- Faculty will obtain prior authorization from their Department Head/School Director as required by this policy in writing.
- The Department Head/School Director will retain documentation of this authorization and documentation that the applicable criteria have been met. This includes but is not limited to, documentation of proper royalty assignment to the SDSU Foundation for self-authored required textbooks and course materials, consistency with course description, sale of required self-authored textbooks and course materials through the University Bookstore, and appropriate copyright permissions and markups.
- The Department Head/School Director may seek legal review by University Counsel or intellectual property rights review under SDBOR Policy 4.9.1 by the Office of Technology Transfer and Commercialization, or their designees, as needed, to support the Department Head/School Director’s authorization.
- Faculty should order textbooks and course materials on time (November 1 for spring term, March 15 for summer term, and March 30 for fall term), especially if they are teaching a course they have taught before and are using the same or nearly the same textbooks and course materials. Those faculty who are substantially revising a course they have taught before or who are teaching a course for the first time should, nonetheless, strive to meet the deadlines as closely as possible. When the University Bookstore receives orders on time, it has the information it needs to conduct the buyback effectively and efficiently.
- Faculty must submit adoptions containing Pearson Education’s MyLabPlus prior to the semester’s pre-registration process in order to alert students to the mandatory direct billing should they register for the course.
- For distance courses, faculty and their home institution are responsible for submitting orders for textbooks and course materials and making sure all materials are available.
- When selecting course materials, faculty should consider educational content and cost. If the price of a particular text is exorbitant, faculty should consider less expensive alternatives if they are comparable in quality.
- If requiring supplemental materials, faculty should assign and use a significant portion of those materials. In the case of bundled materials, faculty should assign and use all parts. If all parts will not be used, faculty should work with the University Bookstore to order only what students will need.
- If requiring the purchase of an access code for online materials, faculty should be aware that the codes are typically bundled with textbook or other educational materials. If bundled materials are sold with the access code, faculty should assign and use all parts. If all parts will not be used, faculty should work with the University Bookstore to order only what students will need.
- The use of textbooks for multiple rather than single semesters is highly encouraged to control costs.
- The use of the same textbook in all sections of a course is highly encouraged in an effort to control costs.
- Faculty should order new editions of textbooks only when prior editions do not contain comparable content or are no longer available.
- The use of electronic versions of textbooks and other online resources is encouraged when appropriate.
- Customizing a textbook limit where students can purchase the book and drives up cost. Faculty also should recognize that some forms of customizing (i.e., merely adding a University-specific cover or inserting the syllabus) are of little educational value. For more information about the potential financial impact of customizing textbooks, contact the University Bookstore.
- Via email, the University Bookstore will provide the designated department/school representative (i.e., department/school secretary or department head/school director) with the ISBN, author, title, publisher, and retail price of textbooks and course materials selected the prior spring, summer or fall term. The department/school representative then will forward to faculty this information and the order form by early October for the spring term and by early March for the summer and fall terms. After the order deadline has passed, the University Bookstore will send to department/school representatives on a weekly basis a list of those sections for which faculty have yet to order textbooks or course materials.
Responsible Administrator
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.
Approved by Faculty Senate on 01/14/2014. Approved by President on 01/29/2014. Revised, Approved by President on 03/06/2014. Revised, Approved by President on 06/02/2015. Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical).
Sources: Higher Education Opportunity Act Public Law, Section 112; https://jackrabbitcentral.com/site_agrmnt.asp