Policy 1:1 - General Authority and University Policy and Procedure Manual Overview
Policy Contact: Office of General Counsel
- General Authority
- South Dakota State University is designated by the South Dakota Legislature as the State Land-grant University and is empowered and governed by state and federal laws and subject to the control and management of the South Dakota Board of Regents. (SDCL 13- 58-1).
- South Dakota State University is designated by the South Dakota Legislature as the State Land-grant University and is empowered and governed by state and federal laws and subject to the control and management of the South Dakota Board of Regents. (SDCL 13- 58-1).
- University Policy and Procedure Manual
- The South Dakota State University Policy and Procedure Manual (UPPM) coordinates the official university-wide policies and procedures as required and authorized by these provisions. All policies and procedures contained in the UPPM are official and supersede policies or procedures located elsewhere at the University, unless there is a conflict with South Dakota Board of Regents policy or controlling law.
- Rather than restating and maintaining UPPM contents in multiple locations, other documents and sites should provide links or references to the UPPM site and document. Statements of University Policy and Procedure published elsewhere are not official and may not reflect recent current provisions.
- University Policies
- Are intended to:
- Assist the University in accomplishing its mission and clarifying institutional expectations;
- Support compliance with state and federal laws and regulations;
- Enhance productivity and efficiency in the University's operations;
- Maintain adequate internal controls to safeguard the University's assets;
- Mitigate institutional risk.
- Will be:
- Presented in a common format;
- Formally approved;
- Maintained centrally and easily accessible;
- Kept current by the individuals engaged in developing and maintaining the University policies.
- A Policy in this manual is the statement of general principles which guide University actions and have been sanctioned by the South Dakota Board of Regents or the President of the University and has University-wide application. A Policy is:
- A governing principle that mandates or constrains actions;
- Has broad application throughout the University;
- Changes infrequently and sets a course for the foreseeable future;
- Is tied to procedures for compliance to reduce risk;
- It is approved through appropriate process and at senior levels of the University.
- Are intended to:
- University Procedures:
- Set forth the specific action to be taken implementing a Policy. Procedures are:
- Provisions that prescribe actions to be taken to comply with established Policies;
- Identify and link to the applicable University Policy;
- Written in a format that is easy to follow;
- To be reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure agreement with the most recent revision to the policy.
- Set forth the specific action to be taken implementing a Policy. Procedures are:
- Guidelines are documents and provisions that aim to streamline particular processes according to a set routine.
- College, department, or unit policies and procedures may not meet these criteria, and therefore are not typically published in the UPPM, but may be referenced. Such policies and procedures shall not conflict, or have a potential to conflict with South Dakota Board of Regents or South Dakota State University policies and procedures. Conflicts will be resolved in favor of controlling provision. Such policies and procedures will be reviewed by the Vice President or President overseeing the college, department, or unit and shall be maintained in the area of responsibility and made available publicly.
- The South Dakota State University Policy and Procedure Manual (UPPM) coordinates the official university-wide policies and procedures as required and authorized by these provisions. All policies and procedures contained in the UPPM are official and supersede policies or procedures located elsewhere at the University, unless there is a conflict with South Dakota Board of Regents policy or controlling law.
Responsible Administrator
The Office of General Counsel or General Counsel’s designee is responsible for maintenance of the University Policy and Procedure Manual and ad hoc review of this policy and its related procedures. While the Office of General Counsel is responsible for maintaining policy integrity and guiding the development, policies and procedures identify positions and units which are ultimately responsible for the contents thereof. The Policy Manual Editor is designated by General Counsel and is responsible for organization, historical policy and procedure records, dissemination of the current version of the University Policy and Procedure Manual, and updates thereto. The University President is responsible for approval of this and other University-wide Policies, unless otherwise delegated.
Approved by President 05/07/2013. Revised 01/25/2024 (clerical). Revised 02/02/2025 (clerical).
Sources: SDBOR Policy 1.2.5