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These decks of discussion cards were created to get you to consider your perspectives on a variety of topics. Our seven decks explore the themes of:
- Addiction
- Adolescence
- Life, Love and Money
- Ethics for Mental Health Providers
- Supervision for Mental Health Providers
- Digital Risk Behaviors (Adolescent Edition)
- Health Risk Behaviors (Adolescent Edition)
There's No One Way to Use the Perspectives Cards.
We believe that these cards will help unpack attitudes, feelings and beliefs on these critical areas of wellness.
Feel free to use them for solo reflection where you can either write your thoughts down or process them aloud. Maybe use them with groups or individuals in your life that you think may benefit from this conversation (we think they’d be great for mental health professionals, veterans and newbies alike). Whether one-on-one or discussing with others, we encourage you to challenge yourself and consider your perspective.