In-Service Conference Credit

Attending the In-Service Music Conference for Credit

To earn credit from SDSU:

  1. Apply for undergraduate or graduate admission
  2. Register
  3. Submit your application for reduced tuition
  4. Make payment

Questions about requirements for successfully completing the course can be directed by email to Kevin Kessler, or by phone at 605-688-5187.

Registration and Payment Process

MUS 492/592 - Topics - Music Education for 21st Century - one credit

Credit can be earned for the Graduate (MUS 592) or Undergraduate (MUS 492) level.

  1. Submit Application for Admission prior to Feb. 8.
    If you are currently seeking a degree from SDSU, you can register for this course at your degree level on Self Service without submitting an application.
    1. Submit the Online Application.
      1. Select either the undergraduate or the graduation application.
      2. Apply as a student not seeking a degree.
        1. Graduate: Select the option "Non-degree seeking" when prompted.
          1. To facilitate registration, list MUS 592_S01 if prompted for course information.
        2. Undergraduate: Select the educational goal: “I do not plan to pursue a degree…”
        3. The application fee is waived for non-degree seeking students.
  2. Register for MUS 492 or MUS 592 - Application must be submitted prior to registering.
    1. Register online via Self Service in advance (Contact the SDSU Support Desk for assistance logging into Self Service).
  3. Submit Reduced Tuition Form
    The Application for Reduced Tuition
    1. Complete the online Reduced Tuition form found on the SDBOR website.
    2. FAQ Document for Reduced Tuition form
    3. Form will be processed by the Registrar's (605-688-6195) and Cashier's (605-688-6116) offices.
  4. Make Payment
    1. Pay online via Self Service with credit card, debit card or eCheck (Contact the SDSU Support desk for assistance logging into Self Service).
    2. Or by phone at 605-688-6116 (eCheck payments only; checking account number and routing number required).
    3. Or In person Morrill Hall, Room 136 (cash or check payment only).
    4. Or By Mail (check only) to: Cashier’s Office/SDSU, SAD 136 Box 2201, Brookings, SD 57007.

Tuition and Fees

MUS 492 S01

*Undergraduate with Reduced Tuition Form: $129.55
Undergraduate South Dakota Resident: $259.10
Undergraduate Nonresident: $376.10

MUS 592 S01

*Graduate with Reduced Tuition Form: $170.10
Graduate South Dakota Resident: $340.15
Graduate Nonresident: $654.05

*To be eligible for Reduced Tuition, the following criteria must be met per state law (SDCL § 13-55-23 through § 13-55-28):

  • Current teacher certification granted by the South Dakota State Department of Education.
  • Present employment as a K-12 teacher or vocational instructor (validated by a signed teaching contract) within the state of South Dakota.
  • Continued employment or teaching certification contingent upon completion of collegiate course work
  • South Dakota residency.
  • GPA (grade point average) of 3.0 or higher for any/all courses completed through this particular tuition program.

Questions: Please call the Registrar's Office at 605-688-6195 or the School of Performing Arts office at 605-688-5187.

Contact us
School of Performing Arts
Physical Address
1601 University Blvd.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
SPAC 189, Box 2830
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.