Scholarships for COJO Students
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Rewarding Excellence
The School of Communication and Journalism awards more than $60,000 in scholarships to incoming and returning students. These scholarships are made possible by the generous gifts of alumni and friends of the school.
Incoming Student Scholarships
Incoming students should complete the SDSU Academic Scholarship Application Form the year prior to enrollment. SDSU accepts scholarship applications throughout the year, but you are strongly encouraged to have yours submitted by December 1 of your senior year to receive priority consideration for all awards.
Returning Student Scholarships
Returning students apply for scholarships by logging on to MyState. Once on MyState, select the “Dashboard” tab. Then, if you scroll down, along the right side, you will see the “Scholarship Application” section. Under that section, click “submit”. This will take you to the application website. Once there, click “Apply” button for the SDSU Scholarship Application and follow the “Important Information” Instructions, from there. All students, whether eligible for the Jackrabbit Guarantee Program or not, should submit this application in early February to be eligible for scholarships the following school year.
Unique Opportunities
Jeffrey B. Nelson Investigative Journalism Endowed Internship
*$3,600 Nelson Endowed Internship stipend + $2,000 Chuck Raasch and Sandy Johnson Scholarship
Through the generous support of the Nelson family and prominent SDSU journalism graduates, Chuck Raasch and Sandy Johnson, SDSU students may apply for an endowed internship with South Dakota News Watch. For more information please contact Jim Helland.
The Mobridge Tribune Scholarship and Internship
*$4,800 Internship Stipend + $2,000 Mobridge Tribune Scholarship for the next fall and spring semester
Through the generous support of The Mobridge Tribune, SDSU students may apply for this special internship opportunity. For more information contact Jim Helland.
Available Scholarships
Through the support of generous donors, the School of Communication and Journalism offers the following named scholarships.
Abel, Phillips, Evenson Scholarship
Mary Peterson Arnold Scholarship
James D. Ashley Memorial Scholarship
Nancy Buckmaster Scholarship
Fritz and Ida Clement Scholarship
D.J. Cline Memorial Scholarship
Sid and Imogene Davison Scholarship
Loren E. Donelson Scholarship
David and Doris McMath Evans Memorial Scholarship
Michael P. Freeman Scholarship
E.B. Harding Memorial Scholarship
Les Helgeland Memorial Scholarship
M.H. and Mary Jane Ingalls Scholarship
Sandy Johnson and Charles Raasch Scholarship
Ralph and Alice (Zantow) Kane Scholarship
Phyllis and Bob Karolevitz Scholarship
James Kimball Memorial Scholarship
Ruth Laird and Woody Wentzy Scholarship
Richard and MaryJo Benton Lee Scholarship
Wendell E. Long Memorial Scholarship
Jean E. Macksam Scholarship
Vera Way Marghab Scholarship
David C. Martin Sports Journalism Scholarship
George McCarty Memorial Scholarship in Speech Activities
William J. and Opal A. McDermott Scholarship
Mobridge Tribune Scholarship
Marc and Julie Mooney Family Scholarship
Chad Nelson Memorial Scholarship
Chad Nelson "Let's Do This" Advertising Scholarship
Newspaper Hall Of Fame Scholarship
Nibbelink Scholarship
Mary J. Perpich Scholarship
CDR James F. Roth Scholarship
Benjamin H. Schaphorst Memorial Scholarship
Victory Shorz Advertising Scholarship
Ron and Mary Sorensen Endowed Scholarship
South Dakota Newspaper Association Scholarships
Windsor A. and Pamela P. Straw Memorial Scholarship
Verl Thomson Scholarship
John and Genevieve Whalen Journalism Scholarship
Sandra A. Whalen Scholarship
Barbara Whitehead Memorial Scholarship
Anson and Ada May Yeager Scholarship
Patanna Zimmerman Scholarship