College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions Alumni

Darrel Bjornson, left, receives the Distinguished Alumni plaque from Dean Dan Hansen at the college’s Sept. 11 scholarship luncheon. Bjornson, class of 1967, split his career between the U.S. Army and Drake University.
Icon of a pencil over a piece of paper, symbolizing editing
Distinguished Alumnus Award Nomination Form

The College's Advisory Council selects the Distinguished Alumnus annually. The award recognizes a graduate of the SDSU College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions with outstanding professional achievements and involvement in community activities.

Four students in graduation cap and gown
Icon of a pencil over a piece of paper, symbolizing editing
Alumni Update Form

One of the missions of the college is to develop and maintain a strong relationship with the alumni. You can use this form to share new contact information as well as personal and professional updates with the college.