Student Organizations
Pre-pharmacy and professional program students have the opportunity to participate in several student organizations. Involvement in these organizations assists students in developing their leadership, communication, teamwork and patient care skills. Our student organizations are very active in the community and have been nationally recognized for excellence.
Student Collaboration for the Advancement and Promotion of Pharmacy (SCAPP)

SCAPP is a professional organization designed to give students opportunities in leadership, patient care, community service, education, professionalism, policy and advocacy. The organization encourages the advancement of pharmacy as a science and as a profession. It especially fosters education in matters involving pharmacy in all of its branches and applications. Public health and welfare are promoted through various educational and patient care committees; during the 2017-2018 academic year, members conducted over 1,600 health screenings and immunizations. Membership is open to all students who are in good standing with the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, including pre-pharmacy students. The chapter has formal affiliations with the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, National Community Pharmacists Association, Pediatric Pharmacy Association, South Dakota Pharmacists Association and South Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
AAPS is a professional organization representing scientists working in the discovery, development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products and therapies. The objectives of the SDSU chapter of AAPS are to increase student awareness of career opportunities in the pharmaceutical sciences, provide opportunities for professional advancement and leadership development, provide information on the latest advances and discoveries in the pharmaceutical sciences and encourage interaction among students. The organization focuses on the development of research opportunities for pre-pharmacy and professional program students and the promotion of pharmaceutical sciences research activities at SDSU. Membership is open to undergraduate students, professional program students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at SDSU with an interest in pharmaceutical sciences and the activities of AAPS.
Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
KE is a professional pharmacy fraternity with goals to unite students of pharmacy, stimulate a desire for high scholarship, foster a professional consciousness and provide a bond of lasting loyalty, interest and friendship. Membership consists of collegiate, alumni, professional, associate and honorary members. Collegiate members and pre-pharmacy affiliate members must be students in good standing with the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions.
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
KΨ is a fraternal organization whose objectives are to advance the profession of pharmacy, educationally, fraternally and socially; to instill industry, sobriety, fellowship and high ideals in its members; and to foster scholarship and pharmaceutical research. Membership is open to students of the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions who meet Kappa Psi academic qualifications.
Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS)
PLS, the National Pharmacy Leadership Society, promotes the development of leadership qualities in pharmacy, especially among pharmacy students. The society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities, realizing that today’s student leaders are tomorrow’s pharmacy leaders. Membership is determined based on a nomination process on the basis of the student’s demonstration of dedication, service and leadership in the advancement of pharmacy.
Rho Chi
Rho Chi is an honor society that recognizes and promotes academic excellence and postgraduate education. Student pharmacists ranking in the top 20% of the class and having completed seven semesters of scholastic work toward a professional degree in pharmacy are eligible for election into Rho Chi.