Ombuds Office
The Ombuds office is a private place to discuss your problems, concerns or complaints. The office is an independent problem-solving resource for all members of the university community.
Email to schedule an appointment with Ombudsperson.
When should I contact the Ombuds?
- When you want to discuss a sensitive issue in confidence.
- When you are unsure of where to go or what options are open to you.
- When you are involved in a situation that needs better communication.
- When you are trying to navigate problems or conflicts with supervisors or coworkers.
Code of Ethics
The Ombuds office follows the International Ombudsman Association’s standards of practice and Code of Ethics which require the Ombuds office to be confidential, neutral, informal and independent.
- The Ombudsperson maintains limited records and protects the privacy of visitors to the office. There are limited exceptions to the privacy afforded within the Ombuds Office. These would include imminent risk of serious harm to an individual or disclosures required by law, regulation or court order.
- The Ombudsperson is impartial and does not take sides in any conflict but rather strives for a fair process and equitable results.
- The Ombudsperson listens, offers information about policies, procedures and resources and presents a visitor with a range of options for resolving problems. Visiting the Ombuds Office neither begins any formal process. The Ombudsperson does not keep formal records regarding contacts with visitors to the office.
- The Ombuds Office functions independently of all other offices within the university and remains separate from the formal grievance process.
Services and Limitations
What does an Ombuds Office do?
- Listens to problems and concerns.
- Helps to analyze a problem.
- Reviews possible options.
- Identifies policies and procedures.
- Provides information regarding available resources.
- Makes referrals to campus resources.
- Communication coaching/strategies.
- Facilitates communication between people or groups.
- Identifies trends within the campus community.
- Offers workshops and presentations tailored to groups upon request.
Ombuds Office does NOT
- Take sides in a dispute.
- Determine guilt or innocence.
- Give legal advice.
- Offer psychological counseling.
- Participate in any formal grievance process.
- Represent or advocate for any individual or group.
- Maintain formal records of a problem or complaint.
- Provides confidential, impartial and informal dispute resolution options.
- Serves as an communication resource for campus.
- Fosters a supportive and healthy organizational culture.
- Compliments existing formal resources.
- Collaborates with other campus resources to support all individuals within the campus community.
- Identifies and communicates trends resonating across campus.
- Provides opportunities to resolve conflicts early, preventing escalation.
Contact us

Ombuds Office
Physical Address
1148 Medary Ave.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
SAG 134, Box 2207D
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.