Report It
South Dakota State University strives to provide a safe environment for students, employees, program participants and visitors. Please use the information on this page to help you report a university-related concern or complaint.
Report a General Concern
If your concern requires immediate assistance, please dial 911 or contact the University Police Department at 605-688-5117 (111 from any campus phone).
You may make an online report, or you may call the university's toll-free hotline at 844-880-0004. The online report and hotline are provided by Lighthouse Syntrio, and you may choose to remain anonymous when providing information. Reports may be made for the following categories:
- Harassment, Discrimination, Hostile Work Environment
- First Amendment and Intellectual Diversity
- Accounting, Auditing, Fraud and Financial Controls
- Compliance and Regulation Violations
- Conflict of Interest
- Research Misconduct
- Willful Misconduct
- Workplace Retaliation or Retribution
- Other Concern
In addition to the Lighthouse Syntrio reporting, you may make specific reports as set forth below.
Report an Academic Concern
Where minor concerns arise, we ask students to raise these concerns with the instructor or appropriate staff member with the goal of resolving the issue at this level. If the concern is not resolved at this level, we recommend visiting with the appropriate department head and dean as needed. If a complaint cannot be handled through these channels, the student may address the concern/complaint formally through the Office of Academic Affairs.
Office of Academic Affairs
Morrill Hall, room 230
Phone: 605-688-4173
Email: Office of Academic Affairs
Report a Title IX/Equal Opportunity Concern
South Dakota State University strives to provide a safe environment free from the effects of harassment, discrimination and sexual harassment, which includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. To report a concern, please contact the Office of Title IX/EO.
Office of Title IX/EO
Morrill Hall, room 100
Phone: 605-688-4128
Email: Office of Title IX/EO
You may also make a report by using the information above under Report a General Concern.
Report a Research Concern
To report allegations of research misconduct, please contact the Research Integrity and Compliance Officer:
Division of Research and Economic Development
Morrill Hall, room 200C
Phone: 605-688-5642
Email: Research Integrity and Compliance Officer
You may also make a report by using the information above under Report a General Concern.
Report a Fraud Concern
Reports of suspected fraud, as defined in University Policy 5:7, may be made to the University Controller's Office:
University Controller
Morrill Hall, room 300
Phone: 605-688-4650
Email: University Controller
You may also make a report by using the information above under Report a General Concern.
Report an Accident, Incident or Unsafe Condition
To make a report of university-related illness or injury, individuals should complete the Report of Accident, Incident or Unsafe Condition form and submit it to University Risk Management for processing in accordance with the instructions on the form. Questions may be directed to:
University Risk Management
Morrill Hall, room 142
Phone: 605-688-4508
Email: University Risk Management
Report Concerning or Threatening Behavior
Individuals who are concerned about someone in the campus community or feel they may pose a threat to themselves or others may use this form to send the information to a member of the university’s Behavioral Intervention Team. Additionally, the Red Folder contains guidelines for SDSU faculty and staff to recognize, respond to and refer a troubled student.
Report an IT/Security Concern
Investigations of potential information security violations are managed by the Office of Information Security:
Office of Information Security
Pugsley, room 214
Phone: 605-688-5941
Email: Office of Information Security
Report a Copyright Infringement Concern
Reports of potential digital copyright infringement may be made to the Office of Information Security in accordance with University Policy 7:3:
Office of Information Security
Pugsley, room 214
Phone: 605-688-5941
Email: Office of Information Security
Notification of Complaint Process for Program Integrity
Any person may file a complaint with the Executive Director of the South Dakota Board of Regents to obtain a review and appropriate action on allegations that an institution governed by the Board:
- Violated South Dakota consumer protection laws.
- Engaged in fraud or false advertising.
- Violated South Dakota laws relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions or programs.
- Failed to provide an educational program meeting contemporary standards for content and rigor.
- Failed to assign qualified instructors.
- Violated one or more accreditation requirements.
Where the institution has not already considered and acted upon the complaint, the Executive Director will refer the matter to the institutional president for review and action. If the complainant challenges an institutional disposition of the complaint, the Executive Director will provide for an independent review and disposition of the allegations. The Executive Director may be contacted at:
The Office of the Executive Director of the South Dakota Board of Regents
306 E. Capitol Ave., Ste. 200
Pierre, SD 57501-2545
Phone: 605-773-3455
Information Email
Complaint Process for Consumer Protection Violations
Allegations involving violation of consumer protection laws may also be filed with:
Office of Attorney General
Division of Consumer Protection
1302 E Hwy 14 Ste 3
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605-773-4400, 1-800-300-1986 (in-state only)
Fax: 605-773-7163
Email: consumer-help
Web: online complaint form
Complaint Procedures for Out-of-State Distance Education Students
Pursuant to the United States Department of Education’s Program Integrity Rule, South Dakota State University is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information of the state agency or agencies that handle complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering distance learning or correspondence education within that state.
For students residing in a SARA state, the complaint must be brought to the institution’s home state SARA portal entity. Students may submit complaints to the SD-SARA Portal Entity.
For students in California, please contact the appropriate entity listed below.
- California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education - Filing a Complaint
SDState's Accreditor Complaint Procedure
SDState is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an independent corporation that was founded in 1895 as one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. SDState’s institutional accreditation information is available along with program specific accreditation.
Information regarding filing a complaint with the Higher Learning Commission.
Complaint Process for SD Division of Human Rights
The SD Division of Human Rights promotes equal opportunity by administering the South Dakota Human Relations Act of 1972. The Division investigates formal complaints filed by people who believe they have been discriminated against. Complaint forms and information are available online.
Complaint Process for Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Anyone who believes that an educational institution receiving federal financial assistance has discriminated against someone based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age may file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The person or organization filing the complaint does not need to be a victim of the alleged discrimination but may complain on behalf of another person or group.
Complaint Process for Department of Education, Student Privacy Policy Office
Individuals who believe their rights have been violated under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) may visit this page to learn how to file a complaint with the Department of Education's Student Privacy Policy Office.