Additional Loan Options

The amount of aid awarded to the student might not cover the entire cost of attendance. If the student or family does not have the resources to cover the unmet costs, the family may consider obtaining a Direct PLUS Loan or an Alternative/Private Loan.

Students may also set up monthly payment plans with the cashiers office through their SDePay account.

College Cost Transparency

South Dakota State University complies with the standards established by the College Cost Transparency (CCT) Initiative.

Complete Entrance Loan Counseling and Master promissory Note (MPN)

If your student has accepted federal direct loans, they will need to complete a Master Promissory Note and Entrance Loan Counseling before your loans will pay to your student billing account.

The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is the students agreement to the terms of the loan and a promise to repay the loan.

Entrance Loan Counseling is a simulated activity that gets students familiar with the terms of the loan, and lets them know what to expect during repayment.

Both of these can be completed at The student needs to log in with their account to complete these two items.

Federal Student Aid

To be considered for federal student aid, students must complete the FAFSA. The Seven Easy Steps to the FAFSA provides an online tutorial to completing the FAFSA. The SDSU Financial Aid Office is available to answer your FAFSA questions.

See Types of Aid for an overview of what you may see on your students financial aid offer.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Students seeking federal financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Dependent students will need to include parental information and have a parent electronically sign the FAFSA. The priority deadline for submitting the FAFSA is March 1.

Federal student aid is awarded based on income from two years prior. Consequently, if your income in the current year will be significantly less than it was in that year, please visit the Financial Aid Office to speak with a counselor about your circumstance.

Review Your Student's Financial Aid Offer

Once SDSU receives the FAFSA results, an electronic award letter notification will be sent to the student's Jacks email account. The award letter will contain the types and amounts of aid available. The student will need to accept/reject the award letter through their Self-Service portal before any aid will be disbursed.

Occasionally, additional information may be needed before we can make a financial aid offer to your student. Requests for additional information will also be made via the student's Jacks email account.

Student Privacy Information (FERPA)

SDSU complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If a student is enrolled and a parent wants to be able to discuss the student's financial aid with our office we must have a Right to Privacy Release Form on file that is signed by the student.

Contact us
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Physical Address
1175 Medary Ave.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
Enrollment Services Center, Box 511A
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.