Money Management
General Money Management
Visit SDSU Extension's site for resources to help manage family and personal finances.
The U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission offers a range of financial tips and tools at Topics include saving and investing, earning and protecting your money.
Student Loan Information
Students can access their federal student loan information—including loan and/or grant amounts, outstanding balances, loan statuses, disbursements, and servicer information—by logging in to their account. Students can contact their loan servicer directly through this site, with questions regarding federal student loans.
Alternative and private education loan information is not reported on Students would need to contact these loan servicers to determine alternative and private loan details.
Mapping Your Future's student loan repayment calculator can help you determine how much your monthly loan payment will be and what salary you will need to cover those payments.
The U.S Department of Education's Federal Student Aid Ombudsman is available to assist federal student loan borrowers who have disputes or issues that they have not been able to resolve with the loan holder. Students who have unresolved issues with private or alternative loans should contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Student Loan Debt/Salary Wizard
The Debt/Salary Wizard is an interactive calculator designed to help students and parents determine how much salary will be needed to make the payments of the loan debt. The Debt/Salary Wizard will also help calculate how much should be borrowed based on the expected salary.
Creating a budget is important at every stage of life. provides a free budgeting worksheet and budgeting tips specifically designed for college students. Visit the Mapping Your Future website for additional budgeting information and a budget calculator.
Credit Reports
Your credit reports provide potential creditors with information about your debt history including how much you owe and how regularly you make payments. You can request a free copy of your credit reports at Review your credit reports annually to ensure that the information is accurate.
Consumer Protection
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides in-depth information to help consumers make informed choices about their money. Visit the FTC website for information on protecting your identity, knowing your rights as a consumer and filing a consumer complaint. Contact the SDSU Financial Aid Office at 605-688-6895 if you have additional questions about managing your money.