Federal Direct Student Loan Repayment
Loan Counseling
Students who graduate or drop below half-time enrollment need to complete Exit Loan Counseling through their StudentAid.gov account. If you borrowed federal Perkins, Nursing or Pharmacy Loans, the SDSU Loan Collections Department will provide information on completing additional exit loan counseling.
Loan Holder Information
Students can access their federal student loan information—including loan and/or grant amounts, outstanding balances, loan statuses, disbursements and servicer information—by logging in to their StudentAid.gov account.
Students can also contact their loan servicer directly through this site, with questions regarding federal student loans. You will need your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID to access your loan information.
Alternative and private education loan information is not reported on studentaid.gov. Students would need to contact these loan servicers to determine alternative and private loan details.
Direct Loan Repayment
The Direct Loan Program offers several repayment plans. For information on repayment options or to calculate your monthly payment amount, visit the Federal Student Aid website. You may also contact your loan holder to discuss repayment options.
The Federal Student Loan Repayment Simulator is a tool that can help you estimate monthly student loan payments and help you choose a loan repayment option that works best for you.
Loan Consolidation allows borrowers to combine their federal loans into a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan.
Loan Disputes
The U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid Ombudsman is available to assist federal student loan borrowers who have disputes or issues that they have not been able to resolve with the loan holder. Students who have unresolved issues with private or alternative loans should contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.