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College of Nursing Handbook, Section 2: College policies, procedure and guidelines

Section 2: Table of Contents

  1. Academic Integrity and Appeals
  2. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
  3. Air/Ground Transport of Patients
  4. Billing Procedure for an Unexcused Off or On-Campus Clinical
  5. Curricular Framework
  6. Clinical Facilities
    1. Health/Community Agency Agreement Request Form
  7. College Handbook, Policy Format, Review and Revision
  8. Communicable Disease Guidelines
  9. Continuing Nursing Education
  10. Exposure Determination Guideline and Reporting Procedure
  11. Guest Speakers in Classroom
  12. Harassment
  13. Impaired Students
  14. Laboratory Safety
  15. Violence in the Workplace and Educational Settings
  16. NFE and ACES Evaluation
  17. Ownership of College Materials and Books
  18. Petition Process
  19. Poster Template, Guideline
  20. Records, Retention and Destruction
  21. References, Releases of Information, Recommendations
  22. Regulatory Compliance Assurance
  23. Reimbursement for Additional State Licenses
  24. Social Media
  25. Student Complaint Process for Graduate and Undergraduate Programs, Guideline
  26. Students as Research Participants
  27. Student Participation in Conducting Research
  28. Syllabus
    1. Graduate Syllabus Template
    2. RN to B.S.N. Course Syllabus Template
    3. Undergraduate Theory Course Syllabus Template
    4. Undergraduate Clinical Course Syllabus Template
  29. Travel - Student
  30. Use of Mobile Devices in a Clinical Setting
  31. Work-Study Assistance

2-1. Academic Integrity and Appeals

See South Dakota State University Policy and Procedure Manual Student Academic Misconduct and Academic Appeals Policy Manual 2:4.

2-2. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Description: Policies, procedures and resources related to Disability Services available at SDSU to provide for an inclusive learning environment. All course syllabi are required to include the ADA syllabus statement as outlined in the SDSU course syllabus policy (see link below). In order for accommodations to be made, students who have a documented disability or who suspect that they may have a disability must coordinate with the Office of Disability Services to ensure that documentation is on file and that appropriate accommodations are made in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section

504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy #C1100
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 12/2015, 11/2021; University links updated 1/2016; 1/2023

2-3. Air/Ground Transport of Patients

Description: The College of Nursing does not approve of students participating in any clinical experience involving air/ground transportation of patients.

It is the College of Nursing’s policy that students are not allowed to participate in air/ground transportation of patients during any clinical assignments. The reasons for this decision are students’ safety, university’s liability and the fact that there are no contractual agreements between the College of Nursing and any ground/air transport agencies. Students who do not adhere to the policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee: 11/2012, 4/2017, 4/2020, 2/2023

2-4. Billing Procedure for an Unexcused Off or On-Campus Clinical

Guidelines for clinical absences

For absences that do not meet the university approved absences criteria, notification of an absence is requested to the semester coordinator at least 1 month prior to the semester start date. However, it does not guarantee approval or accommodations to avoid an unexcused absence.

Any absence will require that the student make up the missed hours and assignments. The make-up for unexcused absence may be required to occur outside of any pre-scheduled dates. The student is responsible for initiating the process of scheduling makeup within 24 hours (M-F) after the absence to the faculty of record via jacks e-mail.

Billing Procedure

For an unexcused absence, the student will be billed by the College of Nursing for the number of hours missed:

On and Off Campus

Includes skills lab, face to face simulation, virtual simulation and orientation.

  • < 2 hours = $66.00
  • > 2 - 4 hours = $132.00
  • > 4 - 6 hours = $198.00
  • > 6 - 8 hours = $264.00
  • > 8 - 10 hours = $330.00
  • > 10 - 12 hours = $396.00

Community Clinical

Based on the diversity of community clinical experiences, unexcused absences will be handled on an individual basis.

An I (Incomplete) grade will be recorded for all courses for which payment has not been received before the final date grades are due for the semester.

Procedural Steps

  1. The temporary clinical teaching assistant/instructor and student notify semester coordinator/faculty of record of absence within 24 hours.
  2. The assigned faculty of record contacts the dean’s office program assistant I with the following information within 72 hours of absence:
    1. Student Name
    2. Program site (Brookings/Rapid City/Sioux Falls/online)
    3. Program name (undergraduate: standard or accelerated)
    4. Student email
    5. Student phone number
    6. Course number
    7. On-campus clinical or off-campus clinical (orientation, lab or simulation)
    8. Date of missed clinical
    9. Number of hours missed (simulation hours = actual simulation hours on campus)
  3. Semester coordinator will update the on-campus and off-campus clinical absence spreadsheet.
  4. Dean’s office program assistant I will:
    1. Send invoice to student via email with delivery receipt.
    2. Send reminders until the balance is paid.
    3. Track payment and notify student and faculty of record.
  1. Instructor and student notify faculty of record of absence within 24 hours.
  2. Assigned faculty of record contacts dean’s office program assistant I with the following information within 72 hours of absence:
    1. Student name
    2. Program site (Brookings/Rapid City/Sioux Falls/online)
    3. Program name
    4. Student email
    5. Student phone number
    6. Course number
    7. On-campus clinical (orientation, lab or simulation)
    8. Date of missed clinical
    9. Number of hours missed (simulation hours = actual simulation hours on campus).
  3. Faculty of record arranges make-up.
  4. Dean’s office program assistant I to:
    1. Send invoice to student via email with delivery receipt.
    2. Send reminders until the balance is paid.
    3. Track payment and notify student and faculty of record.

Associated Link(s):

Developed 07/2017, Rev 12/17, Rev 1/18, Rev 12/18; 5/2022; 8/2022; 11/2022; 1/2024

2-5. Curricular Framework

Description: Curricular framework information can be found on InsideState*.

*Requires InsideState password
Formerly Policy #C1260
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 3/2016, 2/2019, 3/2022; 1/2023; University links updated 4/2016; Revised 5/2022

2-6. Affiliation Agreements

Description: The purpose of this policy is to clarify service institution or agency requirements for practicum/clinical experiences.

Clinical facilities retain ultimate responsibility for care given to clients. An affiliation agreement between the facility and SDSU College of Nursing is required for all clinical or community experiences. Faculty may not place students in an agency or institution prior to a fully signed affiliation agreement. These affiliation agreements are maintained in the Dean’s Office. These documents also include assurance from the educational institution that the students are academically and clinically competent to provide professional nursing care. The philosophy of the facility should be consistent with that of SDSU College of Nursing. Furthermore, the administration and nursing staff should be supportive of baccalaureate education. Students and faculty must comply with policies of the clinical agency and affiliation agreement requirements.

Nursing faculty have the responsibility to recommend clinical facilities that will provide learning experiences appropriate for the course objectives and to evaluate these experiences.

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 11/2016, 1/2020, 3/2023; University links updated 12/2015

2-6a. Health/Community Agency Agreement Request Form

See health/community agency agreement request form.

2-7. College Handbook, Policy Format, Review and Revision

Purpose: Describes the procedures for development, review, and revision of policies, procedures and guidelines. Policies, procedures and guidelines are the rules and procedures that support the College of Nursing. The website provides all organizational information. Resources are specific to the overall College of Nursing faculty, staff and students.

The subcommittee for bylaws and College of Nursing handbook will develop and maintain the online handbook which contains the current bylaws, policies, procedures and guidelines of the College of Nursing.

The undergraduate nursing student handbook and graduate nursing handbook are maintained by Nursing Student Services.

Procedures for revisions

  1. Faculty, Staff and Students’ Responsibility Regarding the College of Nursing Handbook
    1. Faculty, staff, and students are responsible for reading and implementing approved policies, procedures and guidelines of the College of Nursing. The bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee will review and revise current College of Nursing handbook policies, procedures and guidelines to ensure they are reflective of best practices on a regular, rolling basis. If an individual identifies an area needs urgent attention, they need to notify the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee chair. The development of evidence-based policies, procedures and guidelines for the College of Nursing Handbook will occur through collaboration with committees and subcommittees. After discussion within the committee, a recommendation is made to the committee on faculty, steering committee and faculty assembly for approval.
  2. Procedure for Creating New Policies
    1. Members of the College of Nursing may submit new policy, procedure or guideline drafts to the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee chair. References used in formulating the policy, procedure, or guideline should be attached. If there is no draft, the work of writing a draft policy, procedure, or guideline is assigned to a task force comprised of committee members and other appointees as needed.
    2. The bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee reviews the draft of the new policy, procedure or guideline.
    3. Once approved by the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee, the drafted policy, procedure or guideline is submitted to the steering committee for review. If the steering committee has recommendations for changes, they will work with the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee until the policy, procedure or guideline is ready for review by the faculty assembly.
    4. Newly proposed policies, procedures and guidelines will be made available to members of the faculty assembly thirty (30) calendar days before the faculty vote for approval/disapproval.
    5. The committee then brings the final draft to the members of the faculty assembly for final approval and adoption.
    6. The steering committee member assigned to the policy, procedure or guideline makes the changes that are included during the final approval at the faculty assembly meeting.
    7. The bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee chair will send approved policies, procedures, and guidelines to a Dean’s office assistant for online publication.
    8. New policies, procedures and guidelines must be posted on the web page within thirty (30) calendar days after they are approved.
  3. Procedure for Revising Policies
    1. Members of the College of Nursing submit, in writing, to the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee chair any policy, procedure, or guideline proposed for revision. References used to substantiate the proposed revision will be attached.
    2. The subcommittee reviews the revised policy, procedure or guideline.
    3. If the recommended changes are minor, they will be approved and submitted for online publication.
    4. If the recommended changes are substantive, the revised policy, procedure, or guideline is submitted to the steering committee.
    5. The steering committee reviews and sends recommended changes to the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee. The committee and subcommittee continue to work together until the policy, procedure, or guideline is ready for review by the faculty assembly.
    6. The steering committee must make revised policies, procedures, and guidelines available to faculty thirty (30) calendar days before the faculty vote of approval/disapproval.
    7. The committee then distributes the final revision to the members of the faculty assembly for approval and adoption.
    8. The bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee chair will send approved policies, procedures, and guidelines to a dean’s office assistant for online publication.
    9. Policy, procedure and guideline revisions must be posted on the web page within thirty (30) calendar days after they are approved.
  4. Procedure for Reviewing College of Nursing Handbook Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
    1. Bylaws Section 3.4.d.ii

Associated link(s):

*Link requires InsideState password

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 12/2016, 3/2023; Approved by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2017; University links updated 10/2023

2-8. Communicable Disease Guidelines

Purpose: To provide guidance for faculty, clinical teaching assistants, and students who are diagnosed with communicable diseases.

Description: Individuals with communicable diseases representing SDSU in clinical settings should refer to the policy put forth by SDBOR and any applicable policies in place at the clinical site(s).

Associated link(s):

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 04/2021, 3/2023; University links updated 04/2021

2-9. Continuing Nursing Education

Description: The College of Nursing Continuing Professional Development Office provides re-licensure education for previously licensed RNs and LPNs.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# C13
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 2/2018, 3/2021; University links updated 1/2016, 8/2016, 3/2023

2-10. Exposure Determination Guideline and Reporting Procedure

Purpose of Guideline and Procedure

  1. Define significant body substance exposure to potentially infectious materials.
  2. Define the responsibility of faculty members to students regarding validation of Universal Precautions information.
  3. Describe the procedure for follow-up investigation, management, and prophylaxis of persons with body substance exposures who are enrolled in or employed by the College of Nursing (CON).
  4. Describe the responsibilities of the individual to report incidents and to act as instructed if an exposure occurs.

Control Methods

All faculty and students are educated on Standard Precautions. Standard Precautions combine the major features of Universal Precautions (UP) and Body Substance Isolation (BSI) and are based on the principle that all blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions except sweat, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes may contain transmissible infectious agents. Standard Precautions include a group of infection prevention practices that apply to all patients, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status, in any setting in which healthcare is delivered. These include: hand hygiene; use of gloves, gown, mask, eye protection, or face shield, depending on the anticipated exposure; and safe injection practices. Also, equipment or items in the patient environment likely to have been contaminated with infectious body fluids must be handled in a manner to prevent transmission of infectious agents (e.g., wear gloves for direct contact, contain heavily soiled equipment, properly clean and disinfect or sterilize reusable equipment before use on another patient). See full Standard Precautions details.

All persons within the CON will adhere to Standard Precautions and Universal Precautions, including the appropriate use of hand washing, personal protective equipment and care in use and disposal of needles and other sharp instruments. Individuals who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct patient care and from handling patient-care equipment and devices used in performing invasive procedures until the condition resolves per agency guidelines.

Students will demonstrate knowledge of standard precautions on an annual basis prior to clinical experiences. Information used to validate knowledge should meet the clinical agency expectations and therefore, the faculty member and the Semester Coordinator should consult with the clinical agency infection control department to obtain validation materials related to standard precautions.

Occupational exposure

Occupational exposure is defined as contact with blood, visibly bloody fluids, and other body fluids (i.e., semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, and amniotic fluid, tissues, and laboratory specimens that contain concentrated virus) to which Standard Precautions apply and during the performance of … [student or faculty’s] duties. Modes of exposure include percutaneous injuries, mucous membrane exposures, non-intact skin exposures, and bites. Exposures to body fluids (e.g., feces, nasal secretions, saliva, sputum, sweat, tears, urine and vomitus), do not carry a risk of blood borne pathogen transmission unless these are visibly contaminated with blood. (The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Manual Healthcare Personnel Safety Component Protocol (last reviewed March 2020). See full manual housed at CDC training.

Exposure Determination & Reporting Procedures

Individuals will report all needle sticks or suspected body fluid exposures by reporting such incidents immediately to their clinical/lab instructor or supervisor and to the proper authorities within the clinical agency, which will initiate an exposure investigation per the given facility’s policy. Students enrolled in Nurs 495 or any practicum setting will notify their preceptor and the nursing supervisor immediately, if exposure occurs in the clinical setting. The preceptor and/or nursing supervisor will assist individual to determine if incident is an exposure or not and follow appropriate steps below (Clean Needle Stick- No Exposure OR Exposure Incident).

Injury (No Exposure)

If an individual suffers an injury with no potential contamination exposure in the clinical setting or laboratory, the following steps shall be followed:

  1. Immediately wash the injured area.
  2. Immediately report the incident to the clinical/ lab instructor or supervisor.
  3. If in clinical, follow the clinical facility’s procedure in addition to continuing to follow this CON procedure.
  4. Individual affected will complete the Report of Accident, Incident or Unsafe Condition form within 24 hours.

Exposure Incident

An exposure incident includes any of the following: a percutaneous injury with contaminated sharp/instrument, or exposures to eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, or non-intact skin with blood, bloody fluid, or tissue, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial or amniotic fluid; respiratory resuscitation with a resuscitation device, bites resulting in blood exposure to either person involved. Depending on the clinical location, the faculty member, Occupational Health Nurse (OHN), Infection Control Nurse, clinical agency Health Care Provider (HCP), or a HCP from Student Health Service will initiate and investigate the possibility of blood-borne disease exposure; recommend diagnostic testing, counseling and education; and recommend prophylaxis according to the CDC guidelines. If an exposure has occurred, the following procedure shall be followed, with additional steps as outlined by setting of incident:

For All Exposures:

  1. Immediately wash the exposed area as instructed.
  2. Identify the client (source of exposure) by name and location.
  3. Request the client (source of exposure) to stay if they are an outpatient of the facility and request another nurse or student to stay with the client (source of exposure) if possible.
  4. Immediately report the exposure to the clinical instructor or practicum preceptor and facility supervisor.
  5. A student in practicum will seek the assistance of their preceptor to complete the process; student will notify the faculty member responsible for coordinating the course or clinical experience of the exposure within 24 hours. 6.
  6. Individual affected will complete the Report of Accident, Incident or Unsafe Condition form within 24 hours.
  7. Faculty member is to:
    1. assist student with following steps of this procedure.
    2. provide emotional support as needed.
    3. notify appropriate Semester Coordinator and Assistant Dean (and APRN Program Director if applicable) of situation within 24 hours.
  8. ONLY if facility/ clinical setting does not have an exposure policy/ procedure in place, student and instructor shall complete the Exposure to Body Fluids Report form, in consultation with faculty member responsible for coordinating the course or clinical experience, within 24 hours. If facility/ clinical setting has a policy/ procedure in place, that process will supersede this form.

If Exposure Occurs at Hospital or Clinical Facility, also complete the following steps in Addition to Above Steps for All Exposures:

  1. Immediately contact the Occupational Health Nurse or facility’s designee, who may choose to initiate an exposure investigation per facility policy.
  2. Follow facility’s Occupational Exposure, or other applicable, policy.

If Exposure Occurs at Non-Hospital Clinical Facility, also complete the following steps in Addition to Above Steps for All Exposures:

  1. Follow that facility’s exposure policy.
  2. If no assistance or guidance is available at the facility, report to SDSU Student Health Services or seek assistance at the closest emergency room.

If Exposure Occurs in Community Setting, also complete the following steps in Addition to Above Steps for All Exposures:

  1. If an exposure occurs in a rural area, the client (source of exposure) should be directed or taken to the nearest health care facility to have their blood drawn.
  2. Inform the client (source of exposure) that the CON will pay for the testing. Have the agency send the bill to: College of Nursing, Dean's Office, Wagner Hall 255, College of Nursing, Box 2275, University Station, Brookings, SD 57007.
  3. If the client (source of exposure) does not want a local health care provider to have access to the information then the testing may be completed through the local emergency department. Supply the client with telephone number.
  4. Inform the receiving agency of the need for testing (HBsAg Antigen, Hepatitis C and HIV Antibody).
  5. If the client (source of exposure) refuses to be tested, then the faculty member indicates this on the Exposure to Body Fluids report so that Occupational Health Nurse or the student’s Health Care Provider is aware.
  6. The client (source of exposure) should be supplied with the respective Health Services phone number and name of the health provider who receives the report of the exposure.
  7. Inform client (source of exposure) of confidentiality and need to contact physician for results in several days.

Follow-up Care and Coordination

The Assistant Dean will coordinate follow-up care, depending on the level of exposure, with the following responsibilities.

  1. Receives notice of needle stick or incident, with and without exposure.
  2. Verifies that the student received immediate care as determined by type of exposure per the current Recommended Guidelines for Blood/ Body Fluid Post-Exposure Testing as set forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), as linked in Part C. Care should be given at the most expedient site available. Prophylaxis will take place within the nearest clinical facility or agency of individual’s choice. The individual is responsible to pay for all procedures, including but not limited to emergency room visit, procedures, follow-up treatments and medications ordered for prophylaxis. If the individual chooses a private health care provider, the health care provider will need to provide the necessary documentation to the CON. Individual must remain in contact with the Assistant Dean and inform her/him of current contact information within the timeline of follow-up care. Individuals may be referred for campus counseling services post-exposure as needed.
  3. Acts as a resource for student and faculty member, ensuring that appropriate forms as linked within procedures above are completed within 24 hours of the incident.
  4. Maintains record of said forms and informs the semester coordinator or others as indicated.

Confidentiality of Records

The designated Assistant Dean will maintain a copy of the Exposure Determination Report and inform the Semester Coordinator or others as needed. The designated health care provider will complete the Exposure to Body Fluids Report and be asked to provide a copy to the designated Assistant Dean. The medical staff will be asked to provide a copy of records once all follow-up has been completed. When individuals are found to be positive for infectious disease the Assistant Dean should refer to the Communicable Disease guideline.

Formerly Policy # C1431

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 4/2019; Updated by the bylaws and handbook committee 12/2021

2-11. Guest Speakers in Classroom, Policy #C1440

Description: This policy outlines the procedure for reporting a guest speaker.

Any guest speaker invited to present to nursing students is required to be reported by the university. College of Nursing faculty are to complete the guest speaker report form* and email it to program assistant II, Mary Davenport, at least 30 days prior to the presentation date.

*Requires InsideState password
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 2/2015, 3/2020, 3/2021, 3/2023; University links updated 11/2015, 8/2016, 3/2023

2-12. Harassment Policy

Description: The College of Nursing follows the South Dakota Board of Regents policy 1:17: Harassment including Sexual Harassment.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# F5360
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 2/15/2015; University links updated 3/2016, 8/2016, 9/2018

2-13. Impaired Student in the Clinical Environment, Policy #C3305

Description: To provide instructors with guidelines to assess a nursing student for impairment in the clinical environment (this includes on-campus and off-campus clinical experiences). Please note: Impairment in the classroom or academic setting on SDSU property would be a direct violation of the College of Nursing's professional standards and may be in violation of the following university policies:

  1. South Dakota State University Policy 3.1 Student Conduct Code
  2. South Dakota State University Policy 4.7 Drug Free Environment
  3. South Dakota State University Policy 4.14 Drug and Alcohol Testing

Note: In this document, the term “instructor” will be used to describe the faculty member, temporary clinical teaching assistants/instructors, and/or clinical preceptors.

Definition: Impairment is defined as a condition in which a student is unable to function, or in which their level of functioning is compromised, due to an alteration in their mental or physical condition. Examples of a mental or physical condition may include acute medical conditions such as an insulin reaction; ingestion of illicit drugs; use of prescription medications in an inappropriate manner; or symptoms of mental status changes. Instructors may observe changes in behavior or appearance including, but not limited to: disorientation, rapid or slurred speech, breath/body odor, staggering gait, pupillary changes, bloodshot eyes, tremors, verbal/physical outbursts, suicidal/homicidal threats, or erratic behavior. If a student’s behavioral change suggests an acute health condition, emergency measures should be taken.

The following steps should be taken when an instructor suspects impairment in the clinical environment:

Step 1: Identify Impairment

When an instructor suspects impairment, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Contact another faculty member, management, or agency personnel and attempt to validate if the student’s behavior or appearance potentially meets the above definition of impairment.
  2. Remove the student from the clinical environment.
  3. Discuss with the student concerns regarding the student's behavior in a private environment and in the presence of a witness (another faculty member if possible).
  4. Allow the student to provide an explanation.
  5. Determine whether the full available evidence and observations constitute the definition of impairment. If determined to not be impaired, allow the student to return to the clinical environment.

Note: If chemical impairment is suspected, contact the clinical agency’s nursing administration, and follow the agency’s internal procedure. The clinical agency’s policy supersedes the College of Nursing policy. The College of Nursing is responsible for the costs of screening for “reasonable suspicion.” In the case of a confirmed test result, the student may be referred for further assessment and/or counseling. Students will be expected to incur any associated costs for additional assessments and/or counseling.

Step 2: Notify Supervisor

The instructor will notify the appropriate supervisor within 24 hours of incident:

  • For standard or accelerated B.S.N. students: Notify the site-specific assistant dean
  • For APRN students: Notify the APRN director
  • For all other students (such as RN to B.S.N.): Notify the associate dean for academic programs

Step 3: Document Incident

  1. The instructor will document the incident and provide a copy to the appropriate supervisor and the director of nursing student services (or support staff) to store in the student’s permanent file.
  2. The assistant dean or APRN Director will notify the associate dean for academic programs of the incident and provide the written documentation for review.

Step 4: Student Meeting

  1. The director of nursing student services will convene a meeting with the involved instructor, the College of Nursing assistant dean or APRN director, the student's advisor from Nursing Student Services and the student.
  2. The director of nursing student services and the College of Nursing assistant dean or APRN director will follow-up with the associate dean for academic programs regarding the meeting.

Step 5: Student Follow-Up

For impairment caused by a verified health condition:

  1. The student's health care provider must directly send the director of Nursing Student Services a letter stating they are cleared to attend clinical activities and when cleared to attend. The statement should include any limitation required based on the health condition, but which will not prevent the student from full participation.

For impairment cause by verified chemical impairment:

  1. The director of nursing student services will refer the student to a health care provider for counseling and possible referral to the health professional assistance program. The health care provider must directly send the director of student services a letter stating the student is participating in counseling sessions.
  2. The student will be required to sign an agreement to undergo appropriate treatment. If the student refuses treatment and/or professional counseling, they will be removed from the nursing major and will not be reconsidered for readmission.
  3. If the student refuses to sign the agreement, they will be subject to dismissal from the program. Within five working days, the student will receive written notice of the dismissal from the director of nursing student services.
  4. During treatment, the student will receive an "incomplete" or "withdrawal" depending on the amount of clinical time completed. While in treatment, the student will be given adequate leave of absence from the college. The student will be asked to sign a release of information so that the College of Nursing can receive updates ensuring compliance with treatment and readiness for re-entry into the program.

Step 6: Referral to the Office of the Dean of Students

  1. The director of nursing student services will refer the information from the above steps to the office of the dean of students for evaluation of any violation of the student conduct code, and the student will be notified of such referral.

Step 7: Readmission (If Applicable)

  1. Prior to readmission into the College of Nursing, the student will complete the prescribed treatment, and if appropriate, submit to random drug screenings at the student's expense. Any positive results or treatment refusal/failure may lead to dismissal from the CON.

Step 8: Report to the Board of Nursing

  1. For licensed RNs, the College of Nursing may have a duty to report confirmed impairment to the Board of Nursing.

Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 11/17/2015; 3/2018; 11/2021; 5/2023
University links updated 1/06/2016

2-14. Laboratory Safety, Policy #C1500

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to describe the safety and health hazards associated with the chemicals and equipment in the College of Nursing On-Campus Laboratory as well as describe general practice and safety guidelines.

  1. General Information
    1. Laboratory location
      1. The College of Nursing main office at each site will maintain a list of rooms used for laboratory classes for that site.
    2. Laboratory Coordinator/Simulation Technician
      1. Brookings office phone number: 605-688-6153
      2. Rapid City office phone number: 605-490-7378
      3. Sioux Falls office phone number: 605-782-3086
    3. Emergency contact personnel
      1. Brookings - Campus Security phone number 111 or 911
      2. Rapid City – Monument Health, Rapid City Hospital Environmental Services - 605-755-8408, Plant Ops – 605-755-8888 and Monument Health Rapid City security - 605-755-1000 or 911
      3. Sioux Falls - University Center Security 605-929-2823, 605-334-9357 or 911
    4. SDSU Environmental Health and Safety Office contact information
      1. SDSU office: Avera Health and Science, room 143, 605-688-4264
      2. After hours emergency: 605-688-5117 or 111
  2. Basic Rules and Procedures
    1. Sharps
      1. All sharps are to remain in lab in secured storage area.
    2. Medications
      1. All medications (including IV fluids) are to remain in the lab/simulation setting in a secured storage area and labeled "Not for patient use."
    3. Chemical use and storage
      1. The most common chemicals used in the nursing on-campus lab areas are for skin prep or cleaning, such as the following:
        1. Isopropyl alcohol wipes, Germ Ex
        2. Povidone-iodine
        3. Aceton nail polish remover pads
        4. Sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
        5. Cleaning and disinfectants such as Clorox Wipes
        6. Cleaning solvents such as Goo Gone, WD-40, Simple Green
        7. Chloraprep, 70% isopropyl alcohol, QTTB
      2. Hard copies or electronic copies of SDS (safety data sheets) are available in the lab
      3. All chemicals are checked annually for deterioration of the chemical and/or container at the end of the academic year in May
      4. Amounts stored are as small as possible
  3. Housekeeping
    1. Lab doorways must be accessible at all times. Personnel must always have access to:
      1. Exits to outside hallways
      2. Exits to other rooms if the room is so equipped
    2. Floors should be cleaned regularly or when any substance (dry or liquid) is spilled on them.
      1. In Brookings, if assistance is needed, contact the SDSU physical plant
      2. In Rapid City, if assistance is needed, contact the Monument Health Rapid City Hospital environmental services
      3. In Sioux Falls, if assistance is needed, contact the custodian at 605-940-6004
  4. Emergency Assistance Procedure
    1. Emergency numbers are readily available such as poison control center, 911, security, campus police, etc.
    2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
      1. Students must follow "Shoes for All Clinical Settings" section of Policy U3166: Appearance and Nursing Student Uniform
      2. Gloves are essential when working with hazardous materials and sharps
  5. Documentation
    1. Accidents (personnel, what, where, when, follow-up)
    2. Needle sticks (see clean needle stick policy)
  6. Signs and labels
    1. Emergency number posted in laboratory
    2. Labels must be placed on all chemical containers (including waste) with hazards
  7. What to do in case of a spill or accident
    1. Notify appropriate personnel
    2. Refer to needle stick policy and blood exposure policy
  8. Training of lab personnel and work-study students
    1. Chemical and sharps hazards
    2. Informed of possible risks
    3. PPE training
    4. Safety Data Sheets
  9. Waste disposal
    1. Lab Coordinator/Simulation Technician monitors, collects, and disposes of waste per Environmental Health and Safety Principles at SDSU.
  10. Other information
    1. Lab Coordinator/Simulation Technician will document any training received.

Associated link(s):

*Requires InsideState password
Approved and revised by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2005, 4/2001, 4/2014, 1/2018, 4/2021, 4/2023

2-15. Violence in the Workplace and Educational Settings

Description: These web links describe resources for dealing with individuals with acute traumatic stress response. The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is available 24-hours per day to respond to individuals who may be experiencing behavioral and emotional difficulties. The BIT will respond to situations referred to them and direct individuals to available resources. The BIT will direct situations to the title IX team if needed.

The South Dakota Board of Regents policy, Violence in the Workplace and Educational Settings, is also linked below.

In an emergency, utilize building specific Emergency Action Guide.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# C1550
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 12/2015, 2/2022, 3/2023; University links updated 1/2016, 8/2016

2-16. NFE and ACES Evaluation Process

This process can be found on InsideState.

Associated link(s):

*Requires InsideState password

2-17. Ownership of College Materials and Books

Description: This guides the management of intellectual property and materials used to carry our instruction of a course and to determine ownership of those books and products acquired while employed with the College of Nursing.

Textbooks and Desk Copies

  1. Books purchased by the College of Nursing for course use are the property of the College of Nursing.
  2. Books purchased by the College of Nursing will be given to the departmental secretary and stamped on three edges to indicate "College of Nursing Property".
  3. When an employee leaves the College of Nursing or no longer teaches a course, the desk copy is given to the appropriate supervisor's office and will remain with the College of Nursing. The employee will retain ownership of any unsolicited books.
  4. If an employee would like a desk copy of a course text, requests can be made directly through the book company's representative and will be property of the College of Nursing.
  5. Books for the Briggs Library nursing collection are requested through the CON’s designated library liaison. The library liaison will provide faculty with information on new books that can be acquired and coordinate requests.
  6. All employees have access to all electronic books, applications and digital materials used for CON courses. If no electronic book or desk copy of the textbook is provided at no cost to the employee, the CON will purchase one version.
  7. For further assistance, contact the designated site support staff.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# C1760
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 4/2016, 11/2019, 9/2022; University links updated 4/2016, 9/2022

2-18. Petition Process

Description: Petitions may be used to request an exemption from an academic or financial policy. Petitions must include documentation of the unique circumstances that have prompted the submission of the petition; required documentation varies by type of appeal. There are four categories of appeals that are identified by SDSU that includes Drop/Add Appeals, Academic Appeals, Graduation Related Appeal, and Financial Appeals. If a student feels they might be in a situation where a petition may be appropriate, they should contact their academic advisor. If a petition is the correct course of action, the academic advisor will assist the student with needed documentation and/or direct the student to the appropriate point of contact. Academic Appeals will follow the SDSU Student Academic Integrity and Academic Appeals policy.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy #C1780
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee: 12/2015, 3/2021, 11/2022, 3/2023; University links updated 1/2016; 11/202

2-19. Poster Template, Guideline

Description: The University Marketing and Communications Department provides poster and presentation templates that meet SDSU graphic identity standards. Faculty, students and staff are to use these templates when disseminating research finding and scholarly works.

Associated link:

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee: 11/2018, 11/2021, 3/2023

2-20. Records Retention and Destruction

Description: The South Dakota Board of Regents policy on retention and destruction of student records and other documents shall be followed. The faculty on record for a course should keep a record of scores/points used to earn summative grades and the list of grades derived from these. An explanation of how grades were calculated should also be kept by the faculty on record.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# C1840
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 12/2015, 10/2019, 3/2023; University links updated 1/2017, 08/2019

2-21. References, Releases of Information and Recommendations, Guideline

Purpose: To inform faculty regarding references, release of information and recommendation

Description: Faculty should refer to this guideline when a current or former student is requesting a reference or recommendation. Upon admission to all nursing programs, students sign a multi-release document indicating permission to provide reference or recommendation. No other documentation is required.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# U3380
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 11/2015, 1/2020, 12/8/2020, 3/2023
University links updated 12/03/2015 mtd

2-22. Regulatory Compliance Assurance, Guideline

Purpose: To inform nursing students of regulatory requirements.

Description: Information given in the web link describes regulatory requirements all nursing students must meet in order to participate in clinical experiences. These requirements have been established by nursing accreditation agencies, clinical agencies, SDSU College of Nursing, the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR), Federal agencies, and professional organizations. The guidelines and criteria included pertain to background checks, drug screenings, immunizations, health status, health insurance requirements, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification (CPR). Graduate students and licensed RN students have additional requirements.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy# U3240, U3250, U3265, U3300
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 4/2018, 4/2021, 3/2023; University links updated 4/2018

2-23. Reimbursement for Additional State Licenses

Purpose: To support faculty who are required to obtain additional state licenses in order to have students at clinical sites in states other than South Dakota. The following university-level policy and form applies to this situation.

Associated link(s):

*Requires InsideState password

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee: 3/2021, 3/2023

2-24. Social Media and Electronic Communication, Policy #C1960

Description: To describe appropriate use of electronic communication (such as email) and define inappropriate use of social media and associated reporting requirements. Consequences for misuse of social media are provided.

  1. Legal Guidelines
    1. Nursing students have ethical and legal obligations to maintain privacy and confidentiality at all times. Students must not post any identifiable student, faculty, or patient information. Removing the individual’s name does not necessarily protect the person or patient’s identity, and sharing information, even with names removed, may be enough to constitute a violation of one or both of the laws listed below and may have academic, employment, and legal consequences (American Nurses Association, 2011).
      1. FERPA - the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
      2. HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  2. Course materials including presentations, assignments, and associated images or recordings are the intellectual property of South Dakota State University and protected under copyright law. It is unlawful and unethical for nursing students to share class materials or recordings/images of class materials.
  3. Use of Electronic Communication
    1. Electronic communication guidelines include the use of email, discussion boards, and other type-written communication related to College of Nursing activities.
    2. When using electronic communication, students should follow netiquette guidelines.
    3. When communicating with College of Nursing instructors and staff, students should follow email etiquette guidelines.
    4. Students should refer to the course syllabus for preferred methods of communication with faculty. Text messaging is not appropriate for official communication between faculty and students.
  4. Use of Social Media
    1. Social media is defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
    2. Nursing students must not refer to patients, faculty, peers, or clinical agencies in a disparaging manner, even if they are not identified.
    3. Nursing students must uphold the legal guidelines (FERPA, HIPAA, and Intellectual Property) in all social media content.
    4. When using social media, students should only post content that reflects positively on them, the College of Nursing, and SDSU.
    5. If students post content regarding the College of Nursing or SDSU, it should be clear that it does not represent the College of Nursing or SDSU and that the content posted represents only the views of the student.
    6. Students representing the University on social media in an official capacity must adhere to South Dakota State University Social Networking Guidelines.
    7. Inappropriate online postings may negatively impact future career opportunities and the nursing profession. Employers and educational institutions may conduct web searches on prospective employees, including online information and postings, and may use that information to make hiring decisions.
    8. Communication with and about Patients
      1. Communicating with patients or family members via social media is prohibited. “Online contact with patients or former patients blurs the distinction between a professional and personal relationship. The fact that a patient may initiate contact with the nurse does not permit the nurse to engage in a personal relationship with the patient” (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2011, p. 3).
      2. Students must not post any personal or health related information associated with patients or others such as name, diagnoses, age, room numbers, photographs or other images, injuries or treatments of patients, or other information in regard to: procedures, surgeries, births, deaths, or any incidents on any social media.
      3. Nursing students must not transmit, by way of any electronic communication or social media, any patient-related information or image that is reasonably anticipated to violate patient rights to confidentiality or privacy or to otherwise degrade or embarrass the patient.
  5. Reporting of Inappropriate Use of Social Media
    1. Nursing students must promptly report any identified breach of confidentiality or privacy by SDSU nursing students, other SDSU students, other nurses, or other health care professionals to a faculty member, advisor, or supervisor.
    2. Nursing students who view content that violates ethical or legal standards should first bring the content in question to the attention of the individual who posted it so that this individual can take appropriate action. Just as nurses are required to report posts that could threaten patient privacy regarding health information or patients’ health or welfare (American Nurses Association, 2011), nursing students are obligated to report posting violations.
  6. Consequences
    1. Any student failing to adhere to the standards set forth in this policy is subject to administrative action, including any and all of the following: written reprimand, course failure, administrative withdrawal from the nursing major, and administrative withdrawal from the university.
    2. Any post that could be harmful or reflect negatively on other students, the College of Nursing, SDSU, or any other persons, may result in liability for the individual sending the message.
    3. Posting photographs/recordings without permission from the individuals in the photographs/recordings may also result in legal consequences.

Associated link(s):

Policy #C1960
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee12/16, 5/21, 4/23; University links updated 5/21, 4/23

2-25. Student Complaint Process for Graduate and Undergraduate Programs, Guideline

Definition of Student Complaint: A student complaint is a program-related problem or condition that a student believes to be unfair, inequitable, discriminatory, or a hindrance to the educational process. The student complaint guideline is not designed to address changes in policy and does not apply to grading practices or student misconduct. Students should follow the Chain of Communication outlined below to resolve academic or financial complaints or appeals

Students should refer to University policies for student misconduct, academic appeals, and Title IX/Equal Opportunity complaints (Policies 2:4 and 4:3). Students also have the option to submit complaints through the University reporting system Lighthouse.

The following steps are followed when a student has course or program related concerns or issues needing input from the designated communication level. This process is also followed when support or approval for a program change or new idea is advanced to the next level of communication. If a student attempts to start at a higher level on the chain or skips a step, he/she/they will be referred to the appropriate individual. Advisors in Nursing Student Services can assist the student with this process

A visual depiction of the College of Nursing Chain of Communication as follows:

  • Faculty Member > Semester or Specialty Coordinator > Assistant Dean > Associate Dean for Academic Programs > Dean of the College of Nursing

Students who have an academic appeal must follow the process outlined in the SDSU Policy 2:4.

Students who have a course-related or other academic complaint must adhere to the following: A student who has a course-related concern should make an appointment with the course faculty member to discuss the concern and seek resolution. The faculty member will document the concern and the response within 10 calendar days of the meeting.

A student who is dissatisfied with the faculty member’s decision may contact the semester or specialty coordinator within 10 calendar days after the faculty member’s response. The coordinator may invite the faculty member to the meeting or arrange a separate time to meet with the faculty member before a response to the student is prepared. The coordinator will document the concern and the response within 10 calendar days of the meeting. A student who is dissatisfied with the coordinator’s decision may schedule an appointment to meet with the Assistant Dean for the site within 10 calendar days after the coordinator’s response.

The Assistant Dean will listen to the student’s concern. The Assistant Dean may meet with the faculty member to learn more about the issue. A response to the student’s concern is made by the Assistant Dean within 10 calendar days after the student meeting. A student who remains dissatisfied with the decision of the Assistant Dean shall contact the Associate Dean for Academic Programs with 10 calendar days after the coordinator’s response. A concern that is not resolved at the faculty, semester coordinator or Assistant Dean level will be considered a formal complaint.

The Associate Dean will meet with the student to hear the complaint. If the complaint appears to have no reasonable grounds, the Associate Dean shall inform the student. If, on the other hand, it appears to the Associate Dean that there may be some reasonable grounds for the student complaint, the

Associate Dean shall invite the faculty member to discuss the complaint. A written response to the student’s complaint is prepared within 10 calendar days after the student meeting. All such complaints are filed with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.

If a student is dissatisfied with the decision at any stage, he/she/they may contact the next individual in the Chain of Communication to set up an appointment to discuss the concern. Any individuals on the chain that the student has previously visited with will be consulted prior to the appointment and/or invited to participate in the conversation about the issue.

Students who have a financial complaint or appeal must adhere to the following:

  1. Financial appeals must be brought within 30 calendar days from the date that the student received official notification of the action or if this action occurs within 30 calendar days before the end of the term, the student must bring the appeal prior to the final date of the course to prevent grade delays.
  2. The appeal is initiated by the student who will request (in writing) a meeting with the course instructor (or person responsible for the decision). The instructor (or person responsible for the decision) will meet with the student and respond to the student’s request in writing and document the contact date, decision, and rationale for the decision within 10 calendar days of the student’s contact.
  3. The instructor or person responsible for the decision will send the relevant information to the semester coordinator, Assistant Dean and Associate Dean for Academic Programs. The instructor (or person responsible for the decision) will also notify the dean's office program assistant I that an appeal has been initiated
  4. If after discussion with the instructor (or person responsible for the decision), the student’s concerns remain unresolved, the student may appeal the matter to the semester coordinator. The student will request (in writing) a meeting with the semester coordinator to discuss the financial appeal within 10 calendar days following the instructor response. The semester coordinator will meet with the student and respond to the student’s appeal in writing and document the contact date, decision, and rationale for the decision within 10 days of the student’s contact
  5. The semester coordinator will send the relevant information to the Assistant Dean and Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
  6. If after discussion with the semester coordinator, the student’s concerns remain unresolved, the student may appeal the matter to the Assistant Dean. The student will request (in writing) a meeting with the Assistant Dean to discuss the financial appeal within 10 calendar days following the coordinator response. The Assistant Dean will meet with the student and respond to the student’s appeal in writing and document the contact date, decision and rationale for the decision within 10 days of the student’s contact.
  7. The Assistant Dean will send the relevant information to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
  8. If after discussion with the Assistant Dean, the student’s concerns remain unresolved, the student may appeal the matter to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. The student will request (in writing) a meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs to discuss the financial appeal within 10 calendar days following the Assistant Dean response. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs will meet with the student and respond to the student’s appeal in writing and document the contact date, decision and rationale for the decision within 10 days of the student’s contact.
  9. After discussion with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, the student will adhere to the final decision regarding the appeal.
  10. The dean's office program assistant I will be notified when the appeal has been completed along with the outcome of the appeal.

Associated link(s):

Formerly Policy #U3410
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee and executive committee 10/2020; 11/2022

2-26. Students as Research Participants, Policy #C1970

Purpose: To inform researchers of investigator responsibilities when students are recruited to participate in studies as research participants.

All research projects that include recruiting students as study participants shall be approved by the College of Nursing research and scholarship committee and the University Institutional Review Board (IRB). Project proposals that include students as study participants must be submitted to the College of Nursing associate dean of research who will distribute the request to the research and scholarship subcommittee for review. Researchers can anticipate a response from the subcommittee approximately 1 month after submission to the associate dean of research.

  1. The principal investigator (PI) will submit the research proposal to the College of Nursing associate dean of research. The proposal must include background, methods (sample, design, statistical analysis, and timeline), instruments, recruitment materials, and informed consent documents.
  2. The research and scholarship subcommittee will review the proposal for student research activity burden for approval. Student participation in research is voluntary, and no course credit or waiving on any course assignments in exchange for study participation is permitted.
  3. The research and scholarship subcommittee chair will provide written notice of approval, decline to approve with rationale, or pending approval with request for additional information, within 1 week after the scheduled committee meeting in which the proposal was discussed.
  4. After approval of the proposal:
    1. The PI must submit the proposal to the SDSU IRB. 
      1. Information about conducting research with human participants including the IRB application site can be found at Human Subjects.
    2. The PI must inform the faculty of record for the course(s) before conducting the study.

Formerly Policy# U3240, U3250, U3265, U3300
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 4/2018, 4/2021, 3/2023, 5/2024; Links updated 4/2018, 4/2024

2-27. Student Participation in Conducting Research, Policy #C1980

Purpose: To provide guidance to faculty when involving students in research as part of the research team or when supervising student research projects.

In addition to assisting students in research projects required for credit in a course, faculty members are encouraged to make learning opportunities in research or projects available to students outside of class within the CON or with other SDSU college(s) or department(s).

Students may work with faculty members conducting research and must observe the following:

  1. Employed research assistants or other personnel on a grant. Contact the Human Resources office and complete the required documents.
  2. Enrolled students in graduate research practicum, undergraduate Fishback Honors College research, undergraduate research & evidence-based practice course, graduate thesis, graduate dissertation, graduate project, special topics, or independent study credits. When students are involved in research, and are enrolled for academic credit, a contract or syllabus between the student and the faculty member needs to be negotiated. The negotiated contract must be forwarded to the department or college awarding the credits.
  3. Volunteers working in a faculty-initiated research project. Faculty members may not award course credit or waive any course assignments in exchange for students serving to advance any part of the faculty member’s research which is unrelated to the course objectives.

Written and Approved by the research Committee 4/2017; Approved by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2017; Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 4/2017, 3/2020, 1/2022

2-28. Syllabus, Policy #C3440

Description: Specify the College of Nursing (CON) required and optional components to be included in the course syllabus.

  1. All CON syllabi will utilize the appropriate CON syllabus template located in the CON handbook (Graduate, Undergraduate Theory, or Undergraduate Clinical).
    1. Graduate courses
      1. Practicum courses will include a statement regarding required clinical hours.
      2. Graduate grading guidelines - #G4230
      3. Courses that must meet online review criteria will utilize links and statements as referenced in syllabi template.
  2. Syllabus format is required to follow the SDSU Course Syllabus Policy 2.3
  3. The course instructor will forward an electronic copy of the current syllabus to the appropriate graduate or undergraduate nursing office. In addition, the syllabus for each course will be permanently maintained in the Dean’s office.

Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2017 12/2016, 3/2020; University links updated 11/2016

2-28a. Graduate Syllabus Template

See graduate syllabus template.

2-28b. RN to B.S.N. Course Syllabus Template

See RN to B.S.N. course syllabus template.

2-28c. Undergraduate Theory Course Syllabus Template

See undergraduate theory course syllabus template.

2-28d. Undergraduate Clinical Course Syllabus Template

See undergraduate clinical course syllabus template.

2-29. Travel - Student, Policy #C4340

Description: This policy states that students are responsible for their own travel.

Students are responsible for their own transportation to class, clinical and practicum. Travel time does not count as clinical or practicum time.

Revised and approved by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2017, 11/2018

2-30. Use of Mobile Devices in a Clinical Setting, Policy #C2230

Purpose: To provide guidance to students and faculty regarding the use of mobile devices during clinical. Clinical includes all on campus and off campus clinical experiences.

  1. The use of mobile devices is prohibited when facility communication devices are provided. This includes but is not limited to: hospital telephones (land lines) and computers that have access to education needs (electronic health information, internet_.
  2. If mobile devices are deemed necessary by the clinical instructor, mobile devices may only be used during clinical for educational purposes.
  3. Additional restrictions may be imposed by the individual clinical facility policy regarding the use of mobile devices. Clinical facility policy supersedes the College of Nursing policy.
  4. HIPAA
    1. All students have been advised of and are expected to comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. All patient related information is confidential. Patient related information is defined as all information related to the health, business, or personal matters of the patient or patient’s family. This includes but is not limited to Protected Health Information (PHI) that is based on a patient’s diagnosis, examination, treatment, observation, or conversation, and information maintained in medical records that contain diagnostic or treatment related information.
    2. PHI may not be entered into personal mobile devices.
    3. Still photos, audio and video recording are prohibited.
  5. Cleaning of mobile devices must comply with the infection control policy and procedure at the clinical site. If the device becomes contaminated, it should be cleaned with the recommended disinfectant. If a patient is on isolation, the mobile device may not be taken into the patient’s room unless it is approved within the infection control policy and procedure.

Reviewed and approved by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2017, 3/2017, 1/2018, 4/2021, 4/2023

2-31. Work-Study Assistance

Description: The College of Nursing employs work-study students each year at each site as available. Work-study is a federally funded program and is part of the financial aid awarded to students. Students’ hours will vary. Nursing majors may be placed in the Nursing Skills Lab and Nursing Continuing Professional Development office, or in departmental offices where their duties do not involve undergraduate instructional materials or student files. Non-nursing majors may be placed in the Undergraduate, RN to B.S.N. and Nursing Student Services offices.

Faculty may request student assistance through administrative support staff.

Formerly Policy# C2240
Reviewed by the bylaws and handbook committee 5/2017, 12/2015, 12/2021; 4/2023